
Forbidden Knowledge

For maybe half an hour, everything was calm and peaceful for Max and two members of his team as they were walking through a not very dense forest until May requested some answers.

{So master, will you tell me how special are those kisses?}


[What is she talking about?]

"May saw me and Bonny shared a… lovely kiss and want to know more about it."

{Well May, kisses are displays of…}

{I already know that master told me and I already saw both of you doing it plenty of time.} Interrupted May.

{Oh. What do you want to know then?}

{I asked master why he never did it to me.}

{… Oh.} Said Scarlet while looking at Max.


{Well May, the only thing I can say is… that master will gladly answer that for you.}

Max then gave Scarlet an 'Oh no you didn't do that' face.

[Good luck.] She said with a mischievous grin.

(I hate you.)

[Of course, you do.]


"Yeah well… It's a bit hard to explain and…"

{That's not a hard question.}

"No, it's a hard answer."

{Does that mean you don't love me like the others?} She said a bit sadly.

"Of course not May. It's just… things that two lovers do together."

{Is 'lovers' mean like when one loves the other?}

"Hmm, pretty much."

{Then we are if you love me as much as I love you.}

"Well, yes and no."

{What does that mean?}

Max then sighted.

"I mean… there are different types of lovers."

{What's the difference?}

Max then looked at Scarlet for help, only to see her playing with her hair while looking away.

"Well… there's the type like us that love each other, take care, and have fun with them."

{And the other types?}

(Damn she's curious and smarter than expected.)

[Never underestimate a pokemon, my lovely master, never forget that.]

"The other types are…"

{Like you and Scarlet?}

"…Yes. Exactly." Said Max, thinking she was done with questions.

{… So that means that Scarlet and Bonny have the right to kisses and not me?}

(Fuck.) Thought Max, making Scarlet almost laugh.

"No I mean… me, Bonny, and Scarlet do certain types of activities that… hmmm…"

Max then had realized too late that he said too much.

{What kind of activities?}

Max then rubbed his face in desperation.

{… Some kind of activities that you will learn about when a bit older.} Said Scarlet, deciding that her master had suffered enough and it was time to save him.

{Why when older? I want to know now.} Pouted May.

{Don't act like a spoiled brat little May. It's a nice thing that it's worth waiting for when you will experience it, trust me.}

{Now I want to learn about it more.}

"Everything will come in time May."

After a growl of frustration, May was done with her questions, knowing that they won't tell her.

(Thanks a lot for your precious help.) Thought Max, a bit upset.

[No problem. It's always refreshing to see you having hard times.]

"Talk about a supportive girlfriend."

[Girlfriend huh?] Said Scarlet while getting closer to him.

"Huh, I mean…"

[So you do consider me like that.]

"Well… we always do those things so…"

{Things that I can't know about.} Angrily said May.

[… I think you deserved permission to reduce the intensity of your next punishment.]

"Wow, Scarlet being nice? That's something new."

[Permission now revoked.] She said with a grin.

(Fuuuck.) Thought Max, cursing himself.

After a couple of steps, Max was still feeling that May was a bit mad because of him refusing to tell her what those 'activities' were.

"Why are you that mad May?"

{I'm not mad.} She angrily lied.

"I can tell that you are."

{Why do you care? I'm not as special as Scarlet anyway.}

Max then heavily sighed while looking at Scarlet, which was rolling her eyes.

"Okay May, if I kiss you, will you give up on the 'activity' thing?"

{… Maybe.} She said while playing with her master's hairs with one finger.

{But only if you really do it.}

"I will."

{For real?} She said while cheering up a bit.

"Yea. But no more mad May after okay?"

{Okay master.}

Max raised his arms toward her so he could grab her. When she was in his arms, Max then kissed her head.

{… That's not what you did with Bonny and Scarlet.} She said, disappointed.

"Hmm, yes it was."

{No. You kissed them on the lips.}

Max then made a desperate face with Scarlet trying her best not to burst into laughter.

{I want the same as them.} Ordered May.

Max then heavily sighed again.

"… Okay May. But it's an adult thing and maybe you won't even like it."

{There is only one way to know master.} She said while closing her eyes and stretching her lips toward her master.

Max was pretty reluctant to kiss May. Not because he didn't want to, but mainly because he didn't want to stain that sweet innocence of hers. But since she won't rest in peace until she experienced it, Max had no other option. Still being hesitant, Max then felt his body moving on his own, like if he was being controlled. His head then leaned toward May by itself until his lips meet May's ones. After a second, Max wanted to withdraw himself, thinking it was enough for her, but unable to since he was forced to keep doing the passionate kiss. After a few seconds, Max regained control of his body and break the kiss, with May opening her eyes shortly after with her face red like a scizor. Max then glared at Scarlet, which had a fake innocent face.


[What? It was taking forever.]


{That was…} Started May while having her fingers on her lips.

{Wet and a bit weird but… also very pleasant, I don't know why.}

"Now that you experienced it, no more questions about adults things?"

{… Yes master but, can we do it again?}


{Okay master.} Complied May a bit despite herself.

"I did as promised, now your turn."


"Good girl." Said Max while kissing her forehead for good measure before putting her back on her usual spot.

[You handled it pretty well.]

"Thanks to you again." Said Max a bit upset.

[Don't be like that. Just see how happy you made her.]

Max was indeed feeling her being more jovial with her holding his head a bit tighter and humming happily very lowly.

"… I guess. Just as long that it won't go further…"

[She never saw any of us doing that fun mating thing so, I'm pretty sure it won't.]

"We just need to be careful then."

After a little while, maybe in the middle of the afternoon, May was starting to get sleepy on Max's packsack, making him put her back in her pokeball to prevent her from falling off. Besides some wild animal encounters, everything went smoothly until the first sunset after they left the city arrived.

"Okay, Scarlet now's the time to try our new camping materials." Said Max while pointing at a safe spot a bit further.


When they arrived, Max unpacked the tent from the sack. Immediately after, Scarlet lifted it with her power and unfolded it. Unfortunately for both of them, Scarlet didn't know how to assemble it, since it wasn't like the old one, and she couldn't look inside her master's head either since he also never pitched it.

"You know what you're doing?" Said Max, mocking her a bit.

[Not yet but, just give me a moment to figure it out.]


While Scarlet was staring at the unpitched tent on every angle, Max used that moment to release his team.

{Hi, master.} Said Bonny.

The other however responded with stretches and yawns.

"Wow, you look tired girls." Said Max to May and Dusk.

{Yea, I just can't wait to go to sleep with you.} Said May.

"You will be able to in a second."

But the most tired one was Dusk.

"You okay Dusk? You've been very tired lately."

{It's nothing master. I'm sure that I only need a good rest.}

"You sure?"

Max goes to Dusk and went to take her temperature. Blushing under her fur because of her master touching her, Dusk tried her best to avoid his gaze.

"You do feel a bit hot. Maybe it's because you're a fire type but I won't take any chance. I want you to go rest as soon as Scarlet is finished with the tent. If you don't feel better tomorrow, I'll get you to the pokemon center."

{But, I'm sure that it's nothing master…}

"No buts Dusk." Softly Said Max while petted her head.

"If you're sick, I don't want it to get worse or anything. You understand?"

{…Yes, master.}

"Maybe it's nothing but I don't want any of my precious companions being sick." He said while hugging her.

{I-I understand m-master.} Shyly said Dusk.

{Done!} Called out Scarlet.

Turning around, Max was quite impressed to see that the new tent was almost 50% bigger than the last one.

"Wow. I'm sure there is plenty of space in there and that we will sleep well. That means you Dusk."

{Okay master.}

Dusk didn't know if she should be upset or happy that her master was almost forcing her to rest because he was worried about her. Since that a good night's sleep will probably do well, she didn't argue and did as told.

"Wait Dusk." Intercepted Max before she entered the tent.

"We have an inflatable mattress now that you can use."

{No need master. After all, I'm a quadruped.} She said while getting inside.

"…Did I do something wrong?" Asked Max to the others.

[It wouldn't be a first.] Said Scarlet while the others shrouded their shoulders.

Max then gave a glare to Scarlet, telling her that he wasn't the one to joke when it comes to his companion's well-being.

[Sorry.] She said when she realized that.

[But I'm sure a good night's rest will do just fine.]

"Hope so."

{Master?} Asked Bonny.


{Now that I got my mega stone, can we try the mega evolution?}

"It's a bit late now sweety. We'll go for it tomorrow."

{Alright.} Said Bonny a bit disappointed, wanting badly to mega evolve.

"A good sleep will make us all better."

{I guess being full of energy will increase our chance to succeed.}

"Yup. Let's set our sleeping room then."

Max then goes to his packsack and withdrawn four inflatable mattresses.

"It will take a while for all of them to be ready. Can you do something for that Scarlet?"

[I'm a psychic master, not an elemental bender. I can't control the air needed to inflate them.]

Shocked, astonished, lose at words, Max dropped the mattress in surprise.

"What? Scarlet that can't do something with her powers? Am I dreaming?"

[Yeah yeah congrats master, you finally found a thing that I can't do, happy?]

"… Hell yeah I am. I finally found out that my great and powerful Scarlet isn't that great and powerful after all." Mocked Max.

[Don't push your luck master.]

"What are you gonna do? Inflate my lungs until they burst? Oh, that's right, you can't, haha." Mocked more Max.

Getting quite upset, Scarlet narrowed her eyes a moment before changing totally to a normal and smiling expression.

[You're right master. You totally outclassed me this time.] She simply said with a warm smile.

"… Really? That's it? Not a single call back or insult?"

[No master, you're just right.] She said, still smiling.

"… Okay then. Ah, feels good to be on top for once." He said while picking up the mattress and started to blow in it.

{I have a bad feeling about this.} Muttered Bonny to May.

{What do you mean?} Asked May.

{Scarlet is not the kind of staying that calm, especially when master teased her that much. Look at her smile.}

May then looked at her.

{What's wrong with it?}

{It's not a sincere one.} Explained Bonny.

"Can you help me a bit girls? It will be faster if you do." Said max.

{Sure master.} Said Bonny before she and May joined him and started to blow in one mattress each.

"What about you Scarlet?" Asked Max.

[Look at me master. I don't have the lung power to blow those things.]

(But you're good at blowing other things.)

[Yes I am.] She said, still smiling.

At this point, Scarlet started to creep out Max a bit. Trying to ignore her, Max silently inflated his mattress. When he was only halfway done, Bonny had already finished with hers.

{Done master.} Said Bonny while handing him the now-ready mattress.

"Wow, great lung power you have there. Put it the tent, we still have one more to do."

{Not necessary master. You're my bed.} Said May.

"Alright. We have the pillow to do."

{On it master.}

When Max was almost done with his mattress, Bonny was done inflating three pillows.

"Only three?"

{I'm guessing you will be May's pillow too.}


When Max was done, he put all the stuff inside the spacious tent, ready for them to have a good night.

"Okay girls, everything is set." Called out Max.

{Master, can I speak to you?} Oddly said Scarlet in her pokespeech while looking at the woods.


Now Max is almost feeling scared.

"Can… Bonny come?"

Scarlet was feeling her master's fear, which was amusing and pleasing her at the moment.

{Sure master. Actually, I think it will be a good idea to bring her.}


Scarlet then went slowly off the woods, getting somewhere more private.

{Geez, master, what did you get us into?}

"What do you mean? She only wants to talk… I think."

{Sure master.}

"…Okay May, you can go to sleep. Me, Scarlet, and Bonny shouldn't belong.

{Doing adult stuff again?}

"You promised May."


"Anyway, Scarlet wasn't looking very 'affectionate'." Said Max while following Scarlet after May goes inside the tent.

{I think now it will be better for you to shut it a bit.}


{Because every word from now on could only make things worse.}

"What do you mean exactly?"

When they were far enough, Max felt his body being suddenly constrained and paralyzed.

{I meant this.}

Max then started floating in the air with all of his clothes being teleported away by psychic power before being pushed gently to a tree with his clothes between him and the tree and the ground so he wouldn't get hurt.

{So, you think you're better than me and that you can outsmart me in front of the other? Tsk tsk tsk, bad move master, bad move.} Said Scarlet with her eyes and one hand glowing in blue.

"Come on Scarlet, it was just a little tease."

{A little tease? Do you agree with that Bonny?}

{I think it was a little disrespectful.} Said Bonny while crossing her arms

Knowing that no one was really in danger here, she decided to play along. She knew that she would never hurt him and had a pretty good idea of what she planned for him. Pretty much wanting to be part of it, Bonny didn't oppose Scarlet, which would have resulted in her telling her to leave.

{Hear that master? I think a certain human here have done bad behavior toward their pokemon and needs some, manners teaching.}

"Whoa calm down Scarlet, there is no need to lose our temper here."

Max was pretty sure that she would never hurt him but was now starting to get a bit nervous.

{Is that what they called 'pokemon abuse'?} Asked Bonny.

{I think it is Bonny. And a bad trainer that is mean and disrespectful toward their pokemon needs to be severely punished and put back to their place.}

"Alright Scarlet, I'm sor…"

Max was cut off by Scarlet, forcing him to shut up.

{What was that master? Were you about to say something?"

"Hmmhmhm." Inaudibly said, Max.

{Can you believe that Bonny? He doesn't even apologize.}

{What did you expect Scarlet, he's a ruthless and undisciplined human.}

{Couldn't have said better.} Said Scarlet while looking at her master with a very mischievous grin.

{What should we do to him?} Asked Bonny, getting a bit eager to jump on her master from seeing him all naked.

{Oh, I know exactly what.}

Scarlet then used her power to make the human glow intensely in blue light before the light faded.

{Go ahead Bonny, touch him.}

Not needed to be told twice, Bonny walked toward her master and kneeled before extending her hands toward his manhood.

{You should start with a less sensitive spot, just to give him a taste.}

Not really following, Bonny, despite herself, goes for somewhere else and touched his chest.

"HMHMMHM!" Heavily moaned Max in intense pleasure, making him hard almost instantly.

{Woah, what did you do Scarlet?}

{I increased his sensitivity exponentially.}

{Oh. That could be fun.}


Scarlet then also kneeled in front of him.

[Don't worry master, I won't do anything that could kill you, but maybe just on the verge of it.] She said with a devilish grin.

Max then looked at her almost in fear.

[Hihi, just kidding master. A dead master is a no-fun master.] She said while booping his nose, which oddly brings pleasure to him as well with only that touch.

{Be careful not to go onto his penis yet Bonny, he might cum instantly.}


{Okay, my turn now.}

Scarlet then goes a small lick on his neck.

"HMMHM!" Heavily moaned Max again.

With the intense pleasure, precum was leaking from his tip like never before. Scarlet then traced her finger gently all across one arm, making the human unable to contain his pleasuring moans.

{Do you think Bonny's fluff would feel good on you master?}

Max tried to say no but could only do inaudible noises.

{I think it's a yes Bonny. Go ahead and see how he will react.}

{Sure thing.}

Bonny then used the fluff on her wrist and gently rubbed it on his other arms, making him moans as loud as Scarlet make him.

{Let's do it together now.}

Scarlet then gently rubbed her three-fingered hand on one arm while Bonny gently rubbed both of her fluffy wrists on the other one. Feeling pleasure like he never felt before Max felt an orgasm already being close. When he was about to, Scarlet stopped it with her power.

{No no master, you don't deserve to cum yet.} Said Scarlet.

(What do I have to do for you to let me?) Thought Max.

Scarlet then made her master able to speak again.

{What do you have to say for us to let you cum? What do you say, Bonny?}

{Hmm, being sorry for a beginning.}

{Good start.}

"Alright, I'm sorry okay."

{I don't believe him, Scarlet.} Said Bonny.

{Me neither.}

Then both of them go to rub his chest and belly after Scarlet muffled him to keep him quiet. After a few seconds of torturous rubs with Max unable to cum, Scarlet and Bonny stopped with the gardevoir letting her master talk again for an answer.

{Ready to apologize now?}

"Yes! I'm sorry, I won't disrespect you anymore. It won't happen again."

{Good boy. Even though I don't believe you, I'll make an exception this time.}

"Can I… now?"

{Not yet. You still have to say that I'm superior to you and that you're my little trainer sex slave.}

"What? Hell no…"

{Hm, it was to be expected. Stubborn pets are hard to break. I think we have to go up a notch dear friend.}

{What's next?}

{Follow me.}

After muffling Max again, Scarlet lowered her head so that it was only a few inches from his throbbing and precum drooling shaft, followed by Bonny.

{Now we can enjoy it?} Asked Bonny.

{Yes, but go very gently. It is his most sensitive part and you saw what a shoulder can make him feel.}


Scarlet then grabbed the base of his shaft, which could have made cum right on the spot if it wasn't from Scarlet. Scarlet then stretched out her tongue and gave a very soft and gentle lick on his tip, wanting to taste his now juicy flesh rod. The pleasure was unbearable for Max, wanting to cum so badly. Bonny then copied Scarlet and gave a lick on the other side of her master's tip, tasting his salty precum as well. They then did it at the same time, each one licking a side of his tip a couple of times, sending almost painful waves of pleasure through their master's body. After a few hits, they stop with Scarlet wanting to hear him.

{Ready to give up?} Asked Scarlet.

"I do. Please Scarlet… just let me…"

{You know what you have to say.} She said while giving a single stroke, making him moans loudly.

"You're… better than me in every possible way. You're so too high for me that I don't even deserve being your pet."

{Good start. Continue.}

"You're my mistress and I'm your sex slave. I now know that I'm below you."

{What do you say, Bonny?}

{A bit harsh but…}

Scarlet then leaned toward her to whisper to her hear.

{Come on Bonny, it's just for fun. A little humiliation sometimes can't hurt.}

{... Okay.} Whispered Back Bonny.

{Well Scarlet, I think it was pretty convincing.}

{You think too. Alright, little human, you do deserve a little reward.}

Scarlet then reduced her orgasm controlling power a bit so he could finally cum, but just after a bit more stimulation. Bonny and Scarlet then resumed their licking a bit more eagerly, sending too much intense pleasure in the human. After only a few licks, Max exploded, sending a powerful jet of cum on their faces.

{Wow master, I only reduced your incapacity to orgasm a little. You must really have wanted to stain our faces.} Said Scarlet while she and Bonny were cleaning their fur and skin by swallowing everything.

"F-finally." Sighed Max in relief.

{What now Scarlet?} Asked Bonny when they were done.

{I think it's enough for now.}

{What? But I want to mate with him right now.} Complained Bonny.

{I know Bonny, I'm also soaking wet down here but we still can do it later. For now, we should give the chance to the others.}

{What do you mean?} Asked Bonny, puzzled.

{I'll explain later. For now, we should let master rest a bit.}

{… Alright.}

"Wait! You're not gonna left me here?" Said Max while Bonny and Scarlet were leaving toward the tent with him unable to stand from the intense pleasure he just felt.

[Don't worry master, we'll be back in a moment.]

"What? Wait…"

Not listening, Scarlet and Bonny left him there, naked and exhausted on the ground.

"That Scarlet… always wanting to have the upper hand." Said Max while resting his head on the tree behind him and closed his eyes.

But then, after a moment…

{So master, was it the 'adult' stuff you told me?} Said a too much familiar voice.

Quickly putting his head in place, Max saw May coming from behind a large tree in the opposite direction of where Scarlet and Bonny went.

"M-May?" Almost yelled Max, quickly hiding his manhood with his hands.

"What are you doing here? You should be sleeping."

{When you left with Scarlet and Bonny to do you know what, I wanted to know about the 'adult' stuff.}

(Scarlet. I'm sure she knew about her.) Thought Max.

"You shouldn't have come May, I told you that I would have explained it to you when you get older."

{But I don't want to wait that long. I want to know about it now. And I'm not that young you know.}

"… You're such an impatient little mawile, you know that?"

{I don't care.}

May then get close to him, a bit too much for Max's comfort, only a few inches away from his covered junk.

{… Can I… see it?}

"May you…"

{I already saw it, master. I just want to see it more closely.}

"May… I…"

{Master, please. Don't do this to me. I don't want to be the left-out one. You promised that you will always be with me and will always be willing to make me happy.}

Max then rethought what he and Bonny talked about in that park before the gym battle.

"… If I knew that someday my kindness would have backfired at me…"

Then May looked at him with almost sad eyes.

"…'sigh' Alright May. I think now there is now no point in hiding it from you anyway."

Max then slowly and reluctantly moved his hands away, making May able to see his flaccid member in all of its glory.

{It's… different than imagined.} Said May while getting closer to it.

May then touched it with her small hand.

"H-hey, we agreed to only look."

{I don't remember saying that.}

She was right, they never said that there was no touching, which made Max a bit frustrated.

{Why it's not like when you were with the others?} She said while touching it some more while staring at it.

"Well… because he's not in the mood."

{The… mood?}

"Yeah, the mood."

{How do we get… the mood?}

"Do you think it's enough for now?"

{No. I want to know to see it like earlier.}

Max was not really into showing that kind of stuff to her, but she was not about to give up any time soon and won't stop until she had what she wants.

"You sure you want to go that far May? There is no turning back after."

{Yes.} Said May without hesitation.

{I want to be able to please and make my master happy like the others.}

(I can't believe it. Such devotion… it's hard to go against that.) Thought Max.

"…Okay May. You're now about to do 'adult' stuff."

{Yay!} Said May, all cheered up.

"Let's start with the mood then."

{Okay master.}

"First, since you have small hands, you can put both of them on it."

{…Like this?} She said after she put her two small hands on his member.

"Yes. Now you start to move your hands up and down."

May then started to pump him a bit clumsily, but it was enough to make him slowly getting hard again.

{Woah, it's getting bigger.} Said May, impressed by the sudden change of form while pumping him.

"It's called an erection."

{E..rection?} Repeated May.

"Yes. When it will be fully hard, the mood will be all set."


After a few more pumps, Max's shaft was at its maximum hardness.

{The smell… is weird.} Commented May.

"It's the musk lewd things. You don't like it?"

{I don't know. It's something new for me. I don't know if I like it or not, but a small part of me wants me to continue.}

"It's what we called 'desire'."

{Is that what Scarlet and Bonny feel?} Asked May.

"Yeah. Pretty often I must say."

{I don't know why, but when I look at your thing, it makes me feel weird.}


{Yeah, especially down… there.}

"I'm sure it's what we called 'excitation'."

{I also don't know if I like it or not, but it slowly grows stronger.}

"It's normal May."

{It makes me feel like, I want to try what Scarlet and Bonny did earlier.}

"You mean… the thing with the tongue?"


"Well… if you really want to go there…"

{I do.}

"… It's a thing called oral sex."

{Oral sex? There is a lot to learn.}

"For a beginner, yeah, quite a bit."

{How do I… do it?}

"Well… like what you saw with Scarlet and Bonny, you stretched out your tongue and… give licks on it." Said Max, a bit embarrassed at giving those kinds of commands.

{I'll… try.}

May then started to give a few tongue hits on his shaft's skin.

"Give me your hands May."

Stopping, she did as told.

"You should focus more on this part."

Max used May's hand to pulled his foreskin all the down, revealing more of his tip.

{Woa, I didn't know it could go that far.}

"This is the most sensitive part of a male, be careful with that May."

May then put one of her small hands on it and gently rubbed it, making Max moaned a bit.

{Sorry! Did I hurt you master?} Said May while retreating her hand.

"No, it was just pleasant."

{Oh. It sure does look sensitive.}

"Yeah. So imagine how good it will feel with a tongue."

{So I have… to lick the pinkish part here?} She said while putting back her hand on it.



"If I make sounds, don't worry, it's because it feels good, so don't stop. If it's hurt, I'll tell you."

Nodding, May then get her head closer to his shaft again and pressed her tongue against his tip, making him moans softly. Being warned, May didn't stop and continues licking it while holding his base with her two small hands. A moment after she started licking every part of his tip, precum started to leak from it, which May accidentally tasted.

{What… is that taste?} Said May while wincing a bit.

"It's precum. It leaks from the tip when males get excited. It means you're doing a good job."

{I'm happy to hear that master, but I don't really like the taste.}

"Sorry. You don't have to continue if you don't like it."

{I don't know why master, but I do like doing this. I just don't like a lot the taste of that 'precum' you said.}

"Well… I can wipe it off every time it leaks so you don't have to taste it."

{No master. If it's something the others can do, I can too. I have to think about a way to please you without tasting it.}

Thinking a moment, May came up with an idea.

{I know.}

May then coiled her lips around his shaft and put the tip far in her mouth, close to her throat. Having a small mouth, May was barely able to contain the width of his shaft and couldn't put the entire length inside, making her slightly coughed.

"Careful May, don't overdo it." Said Max, despite the pleasure.

After contracting her throat muscles in a swallowing motion a few times, May let go of the member that was coated in saliva.

{I made it. I can now continue pleasuring you without tasting it.}

"Actually, what you just did was very pleasurable."

{You mean when I put it all the way inside my mouth?}

"Yeah. It's called 'blowjob' and it's very pleasant."

{Oh. Thanks for telling me.}

"But you don't have to put it close your throat all the time. It is very pleasant but hard on you. You can do it from time to time, or as much as you can, but for the rest, you can just suck on it."


"Yes. When you put it in your mouth and go as far as possible without reaching your throat and going back to only the tip without leaving it and repeat with a slight suction. You can also add some tongue play while inside."

{Sounds complicated.}

"Do as your best then."


Trying to do as instructed, May wrapped her lips around his tip again before shoving it close to her throat with only a bit further than the half of his length inside before going back to his tip.

"That's it. You can also put more pressure on it with your tongue while doing it."

May then repeated her last action while adding the asked pressure, making him moans softly, meaning that she was doing well. Happy to make her master feel good, she got more confidence and speeded up a bit her actions.

"You're doing great May. You can also sometimes stop with only the tip inside and try to break it with your tongue."

{…Break it? No.}

"Trust me, you won't really break it. Just vary your pressure and everything will be alright."

After nodding, May resumed her previous action. Doing as told, after a few up and down, May stopped at his tip and assaulted it with her tongue, trying to strangle it or crush it.

"That's good May. Just a bit less pressure and it will be perfect."

Reducing her pressure a bit, she then goes for a few more up and down motions. After a little while, Max's moans were getting slightly louder, which boosted May's confidence. She then wanted to surprise him with a deepthroat, going as far as possible.

"Hmpff. Geez May, you're a fast learner."

{…Thanks, master. I don't know why but, I really like doing this.} She said after freeing his flesh rod.

Having a pretty good idea of what she must do now, she resumed her blowjob more eagerly. Since she was a beginner, she was a bit clumsy and since she had a small mouth, it was hard not to feel a bit her teeth, even though she tried not to, but it wasn't preventing Max's pleasure to get stronger after a little while. After a little while, Max finally felt his climax coming.

"Okay May, I'm about to cum so, I don't know if you want to continue."

{… Cum? You mean shooting the white stuff like on Scarlet and Bonny?}


{I saw them eat it so, I also want to taste it.}

"You sure? I mean, are you sure your little mouth can contain it? It's not like I'll shoot a lot but I don't want to choke you."

{Don't worry master, I'm a big girl.}

"… Eh, if you say so."

May then resumed her blowjob until Max was about to burst again.

"Okay May, this is it." Said Max, a few hits away from cumming.

A little nervously of the unexpected, May's heart started to beat a bit faster while going a bit faster. Then, she got surprised by a hot and sticky substance inside her mouth. She tried to hold on as long as possible but a few jets of it hit her throat, making her choke a bit.

{'Koff' 'koff'} Coughed May after leaving Max's shaft, spitting out a bit of the white goo.

"Sorry May, you okay?"

{'koff' yeah 'koff' 'koff' just didn't expect it to 'koff' to go that far.}

After the leftover leaked from her mouth on the ground, she swallowed what she could after she was done coughing.

{It… also taste weird but… a lot better than the other thing.}

"Maybe it was a bit too much for you."

{That's okay. As I said, I'm a big girl.}

"You sure are." Said Max while petting her head.

{But… there is this twitching down there that is getting really strong. When I look at your thing, it just getting stronger and… I don't know why but, I want to feel it inside me. It is what is called 'mating'?} Asked May while pressing her legs together.

"…Yes it is May." Said Max, not really wanting to say it.

"But unfortunately, we won't be able to do it."

{Why? I'm sure you're doing it with the others and it's unbearable.}

Max then was about to do something that he wished would never have to.

"Because…" Almost sadly started Max.

"We… physically can't." He finished.

{I don't… understand.}

"You're too small May. It could really hurt you or worse, injure you."

{What? N-no…}

"… I'm sorry May, but we can't go any further."

{Maybe if we go slowly and carefully…}

"No May."

{… That's… not fair.} She said, getting a bit sadder.

"I'm sorry." Said again, Max.

Both then went silent for a moment.

{But what will I do with the twitching? I really want to mate right now.} She sadly said.

"… Mating is definitely out of question, but maybe there is a way to ease your pain."

{… How?}

"Maybe I can do something similar to you like what you did to me."

{What do you mean? I don't have… a thing like you.}

"I know. But maybe showing will be faster for you to understand."

With May standing in front of him, Max puts a hand on her belly and slowly goes down.

{Do you really need to go there?} She said while covering herself, embarrassed.

"If you want me to help you, then yes. What wrong? You went on me a moment ago."

{It's not the same. It's really embarrassing.}

"I know. But you have to trust me, it will be worth it."

Looking away in embarrassment while blushing madly, she pulled her hands away. Being very small herself, May's privates were hardly visible, but Max knew where to go. When down, Max felt a very small wet entrance under his fingers.

{Hnng!} Moaned May in embarrassment.

He then began to slowly rub it, trying to focus more on her tiny clit.

{M-master! It… feels… weird but… also… very good.}

"Glad to hear."

After a few more rubs, May grabbed his arm with her hands, having difficulty standing from the pleasure.

{Master! Something is coming.} Said May after a moment.

"You're about experience your first orgasm May."

{Aah! It feels good master!} Moaned May.

After Max increased his pressure a bit, May's body shook a bit with a small and cute ecstatic loud moan, slightly squirting on her master's fingers. When her orgasm had passed, she fell on her knees.

{Aah. It felt really good. The twitching is almost gone.}


{I still want to feel something inside me.}

"Well…" Started Max, knowing they can't do the mating.

"There may be an alternative."

{What is it?}

"I can use my finger again."

{You just did.}

"I mean, getting one inside you. It won't be my thing but it should probably be more than enough with your size."

{… Okay.}

May was again down that she couldn't do like the others, but for now, she was glad about what her master was doing for her.

"But I have to warn you May. I don't know if Mawiles have a hymen, but if you do, it may hurt at first but it will slowly get better afterward."

{What? Really?} Asked May, a bit afraid.

"If you have a hymen, it's possible."

{I… don't know.}

May now wasn't so sure about continuing anymore.

"We can stop here."

May went silent and thought a bit.

{Will it really feels good after?}


{… Okay, master. You have my total trust for this. I believe in you.}

"Thanks, May. If you really want to continue, I don't know how hard it will hurt, but if you can't handle it anymore, just say it okay?"

{Yes, master. But I'll hold on as long as possible since you said it will feel good after. My twitching is starting to get stronger again.}

"Okay then."

Max then pressed his fingers on her slit again to make it wet again, making her moan cutely. Since she was still like that a bit, it didn't take long for May to be soaking wet again. When she was wet enough, Max then slid the tip of his finger past her outer labia until he felt a flesh wall.

"This is it May, are you ready?"

May then took a deep breath.

{Y-Yes master. You can go.}

Max then pushed until the wall break, making his finger slid all the way inside her tiny vagina.

{Ghyaa!} Painfully said May, clenched her hands on Max's arm.

"You okay May? Can you bear it?"

{…Y-yes master.} She said while wincing in pain.

{It hurts, but a bit less than I thought.}

"You're a tough girl May." Praised Max, making May ease her pain a bit.

"I'll now start to move inside so the pleasure can replace the pain."


Max then started fingering the mawile with one finger. He could already tell that she was way tighter than Scarlet with his finger stretching her inside a bit and only able to insert slightly more than half of it, making them indeed unable to mate the usual way. Slowly but surely, May's pain moans started to sound a bit more like pleasured ones. After a few fingers hits, May's pain was mostly gone.

{Aaah! Master! I was right to trust you, it does feel better after a while.}

"Told you."

Being reassured that everything went alright, Max increases the speed and power of his fingering, making the mawile moan in pleasure a bit louder.

{Master! It feels so good.} She said after a moment, grinding her womanhood on his finger.

As they were continuing, May's moans were getting louder and louder. She had her tongue stuck out and her eyes were almost turned inside her skull, too lost in pleasure.

{M-Ma… master! I-I'm… close… a-again.} Hardly said while panting and moaning madly.

With May grasping strongly his arm, Max increased his power a bit again. Max then felt her inside contracting and crushing his finger while she shouted out a loud ecstatic scream with her body shaking a bit. After almost twenty seconds, May fell on her knees again with her master's finger still inside her.

"How was this May?" Said Max while withdrawing his finger.

{That… was… too much good.} She hardly said while falling on her side, panting.

"Hehe, a bit too much for my little May I see." He said while petting her head.

{Can you… carry me back… to the tent please… master?}

"Sure thing sweety."

After a quiet cleaning up, Max dressed took May in his arms, and headed toward the tent. When he arrived, May had fallen asleep. Now nighttime, everyone was already in the tent, probably sleeping. So Max did the same and entered inside to see Dusk in a corner of the tent and Bonny and Scarlet on a mattress each between an empty one, on which Max lied on his back with May on his chest.

{So? How was it?} Asked lowly Scarlet, not opening her eyes.

"How was what?"

{Come on master, don't play dumb.} Said Bonny, also not asleep.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Lied Max.

{You know that I can force you to tell us the truth. We're talking about the little fun you and May had.} Said Scarlet.

"How… you spied on me?"

{Spied is a big word. I sensed that May was not far from us and looking at us when we started giving you your punishment.}

"What? Why you didn't say anything?"

Scarlet then stared at him.

"Because you didn't want to, obviously."

{May wanted to know about the 'adult' stuff and the opportunity showed to her. I just thought that it was another occasion for you to get closer to your team and let another one give her the chance to please you.}

"… So you saw us doing it?"

{The entire scene.} Added Bonny.

{I had to restrain Bonny not to jump out and rape you.}

{It was really hard to just watch.} Added again Bonny.

"Glad you enjoyed the show because it was mainly because of you Bonny."

{Why?} Asked Bonny.

"If it wasn't from that kiss in the mall in front of her…"

{She would have found out sooner or later master, she just moved forward the inevitable.} Said Scarlet.

"… Still."

{Come on now, you did enjoy it.} Said Bonny.

"Well, yes and no. She sure had fun but, I feel bad for her that we can't 'mate' like with you. It hurt her quite a bit."

{For now, there is nothing we can do master. Either she takes whatever she can or give up on that.} Said Scarlet.

{Come on Scarlet, it's a bit harsh.}

{I don't really want to but, what else master can do? He would probably kill her if he ever tries it.}

{… I guess…}

Bonny was also feeling bad for her, but Scarlet was right.

{Well, at least she can experience pleasure. I suppose it's better than nothing.} Said Bonny.

{Speaking of pleasure…}

Slowly getting off of her mattress, Scarlet gently placed May on it before teleporting Bonny, Max, and herself outside, a bit further from the tent.

{We still have a go-to have.} Finished Scarlet.

"You sex ogres." Said Max to both of them.

{I think your punishment wasn't strong enough Scarlet.} Said Bonny with a lewd expression.

{I think too. But I'll leave it the count of him being tired, not knowing what he's saying. Am I right Master?} She said a predatory face.

"Yeah. Sorry mistress Scarlet, I'm quite a bit tired indeed."

{I'll forgive you then. Last time I started, so you go first Bonny.}


Not losing any time, Bonny goes to take down his pants and immediately grabbed his shaft, and goes for some licking while Scarlet started with kisses. When Bonny put the entire length in her mouth, Scarlet was already making out with her master, doubling his pleasure.

{Alright Master…} Said Scarlet while getting on her knee right above his head with Bonny eagerly sucking him.

{You know what to do.} She said while pressing her lower lips on his mouth.

Not needed to be told twice, Max immediately began to press and twirl his tongue on her pleasure button, making her lowly moan. She wasn't exceptionally wet at first, but it quickly changed after the first couple of licks, slowly staining his chin.

{Yes, master! You're doing well.}

After a moment of eager sucking, Bonny decided that when it was hard enough, she put her hip above his shaft and impaled herself with it a bit roughly through her very slippery and wet entrance, eager to start, making Max moaning a bit on Scarlet womanhood, sending pleasuring vibrations. Due to her increasing pleasure, Scarlet grabbed his master's head with her hands and started to grind her hips a bit on it, wanting him to go harder. Getting what she wanted, Max doubled his effort to please her, which seems to work when he did with her moans getting a bit louder.

{Master… feels so good… as usual.} Moaned Bonny, going quite quickly on him.

Shortly after, he felt Bonny's first orgasm coming with her soft inside getting a bit tighter. Due to the previous fun time he had, he was more sensitive than usual and was also getting close to his climax. With Scarlet drooling on his face, Max then felt Bonny's internal muscles crushing his shaft while loudly moaning, making him cum at the same time. When she was done, Bonny moved away to let Scarlet have her way.

{The seat is available now Scarlet.} Said Bonny, slightly panting.


Leaving his head alone, Scarlet levitated and goes for his hard member. When on the right place, Scarlet lowered herself slowly on it, crushing him with her too-tight love tunnel. As soon as it was at the bottom, she quickly started to go up and down, raising both pleasures. Not wanting to just stay there and watch, Bonny goes behind Scarlet, coiled her arms around her, and started to play with her crest.

{GYhaa!} Loudly moaned Scarlet.

{Bonny… s-stop… that.} She hardly said.

{What is it Scarlet? Can't handle the heat?} Said Bonny with a mischievous grin.

With her crest being softly touched while riding her master, her pleasure increased exponentially.

{No… it's gonna… be… a strong one.} Loudly moaned the gardevoir.

Forced to orgasm sooner than expected, Scarlet crushing her master so horribly that it makes him orgasmed once again, filling her with little that he had left. After a strong and long ecstatic bliss, Scarlet's hands fall on Max's torso, a bit awakened bit her orgasm.

{That was so… uncalled for Bonny.}

{Sorry Scarlet, but I wanted to feel him again as soon as possible.}

Scarlet then took a moment to regain her composure.

{Alright, he's all ours then. But don't kill him okay?}

{Don't worry, a few more times and I'll be satisfied.}

{Alright. Just make sure to bring him in the tent when you're done. I can hardly sleep without my plush.}

{Same for me so, sure thing.}

After Scarlet nodded, she teleported back to the tent, leaving Bonny and Max alone.

{Alright master, hope you're up for a bit more rounds with me.}

"You sure really into it tonight."

{Well…} She started while looking at her mega stone.

{You do deserve a nice and juicy reward.}

"Is milking me dry is a good way too?"

{Hmmm… yes.}

Max rolled his eyes with a smile.

{Beside, remember what that human said. If you want a strong mega pokemon, you have to be strong yourself.}

"I'm sure he didn't mean that way."

{Doesn't matter. This is a good workout for both of us and we both feel good. It's a win-win solution.}

"Alright, even though it's not like running or bodybuilding, I'll concede."

{Yay. Enough with the talk now. Time to move.}

Bonny then goes back where she was before Scarlet and again wildly impaled herself with her master's shaft.

{Why… does it feel that good?} Said Bonny, not really caring about the answer.

"I'm asking myself the same question." Said Max, suppressing moans.

After only a few thrusts, Bonny speeded her pace already, like she wanted to cum as soon as possible. While Max's heat was rising after a moment, Bonny's second climax was already close. Just before she reached it, she leaned toward her master and goes for a passionate and wild kiss. Shortly after, she had to break it to moans loudly with her orgasm hitting her, arching her back a bit. Even though he was being more sensitive, Max was close to his own climax without reached it yet, even if she crushed him with her tight flesh walls.

{That's the problem when you cum too fast, you can't feel the orgasm of the other one.}

Max then frowned at her.

{Guess another round is necessary.}

Before starting again, Bonny wanted to try another position. She then turned around with her master still inside so that her back was facing him. After she put her hands behind her on Max's chest, she started to ride him once again.

{Aaooh. That's different… but still feels good.} Moaned Bonny.

Having now a good position, an idea struck Max. He stretched one of his hands around her and goes on her lopunny clit and began to rub it while she mating with him.

{LHHyyaa! No master… I'll come… too fast… again.} Hardly said Bonny between moans.

"Really? I'm sorry to hear that." He said while rubbing harder.

{LHYAA! No…}

Shortly after, Max could feel that she was already to cum again.

(Boy, she sure does orgasm easily.) Thought Max.

Luckily for him, he felt that his own was on its way too. Having cum more than usual, his shaft was starting to get numb for all of the friction, with him wanting to end it soon. When her flesh walls finally crushed him one last time, Max was able to explore one more time, filling her with his hot seeds.

{Yes!} Moaned loudly Bonny.

When they were done, Bonny fell on her back on her master's chest.

{I think… I'll be good… for a moment.}

"Me too. I still wonder how I can cum than many times and still keep going on."

{Hmmm, I have a pretty… good idea for that.}

"What is it?"

{I'm sure Scarlet has something to do with this.}

"How can you be sure?"

{Well, she's a psychic for starter, and she can control everything about your sex drive so…}

"Make sense. I'll ask her tomorrow."

{Why master?} She said turning her head to the side and stretched one hand to rub on his cheek.

{You don't like passing time with us?}

"Not at all, it's just strange. Mating and cuming that much usual happen in stories or porn comics."

{Well, on my part, I won't complain.}

"Sure you won't."

{Hihi.} Giggled Bonny.

"Well, don't know about you, but dropping myself on the bed would be nice."

{Good idea. I wouldn't mind sleeping like this, but I'm sure you wouldn't like sleeping in the dirt.}

"You guessed right."

After Bonny giggled again, both of them stood up and headed toward the tent that was in sight a bit further after Max put back his underwear and grabbing his pants. After entering it, Max dropped his pants close by and goes to the empty mattress in the middle beside Scarlet that was lying on hers with May in her arms. When Max laid his back on his bed, Scarlet gently put back May on his chest before she and Bonny go for the teddy bear hug on each side of him.
