
Chapter 2

(Yin pov)

It has been a few hours since my mother died, and I'm classified as an orphan. I also realized that everyone is speaking in English, probably because I was reincarnated. I've been listening to what they were saying about me, and I learned that no one wants to adopt me because I am cursed or something stupid like that.

'Well, it's not like I care or anything, but I am a baby, I won't last long without a parental figure in my life." I thought uncaringly.

Well, that was until 'he' came. The most powerful ninshu user while also its creator, and the creator of law, order, and peace. The Sage of Six Paths himself, Hagoromo Otsutsuki, walks in and talking to the medics.

I was so shocked to see him here, that I didn't catch all of what they were saying, but I caught a few words. Adopt, baby, and child.

'Wait...adopt, baby, child. AM I GETTING ADOPTED BY THE SAGE OF SIX PATHS?!' I mentally yelled in my head.

I then see him walking towards me. And what he did next shocked me.

"Hello, young one, how are you? Don't be scared, I'm not going to harm you." He said caringly like a father.

I couldn't help but feel safe and warm in his hold. He has this kind of aura that can be fatherly but is also of a hard-working man. It just calms me down. It was so calming, that I fell asleep in his arms, but not before I tried to touch his face, you know to keep up the act like a baby. _______________________________________

It has been around a year or so, and not much happened, just Hagoromo and his wife taking care of, mostly Hagoromo because his wife has been acting weird. She's been craving weird things, serious mood swings, and she has been vomiting a lot too.

'Oh my god, she is pregnant. I'm going to meet baby Indra. YEEEEEESSSSS.' I yelled in my head.

Well from what I remember about Indra, he shouldn't be born until January 7th I think. So I have to wait until then. Wait...isn't today January 7th...oh god I'm not prepared!

Don't freak, just calm down and wait until she gives birth to him.


It has been a few hours since Indra was born, and I got to say, he was adorable. He even grabbed my hand when I reached out towards him. He already sees me as family, I'm so happy.


It has been another year until Ashura's birth. During that time, I've been playing with Indra, the little cutie. I could already tell as he was a baby that he would grow up a handsome man, must be my girl instincts combined with my past life's parental instinct. No wait I'm into girls, what am I thinking. Like an older sister...oooooh oooooh.

Anyways, little Indra was playing with me like if we were family, which we are even if it isn't by blood.

Also Hagoromo, or dad I guess, has been teaching me how to read, how to understand ninshu, the stuff he did for Ashura and Indra in the show. I kind of like how he is teaching me at a young age.

I keep getting sidetracked from what I was going to say originally. It has been a day since Ashura's birth, and I already love my new little brother, I can also tell the same thing from Indra when he first looked at him. It was adorable.

I just hope I can help the two out with their soon-to-be family issues in the future.
