
The Not So Amusing Amusement Park


I look at Judy who is trying to hide those thin tears behind a chuckle. 

I hardly know this girl but her story still makes me angry. I was an asshole in highschool as well but accusing someone of prostitution and outing them to their parents? What kind of psychopath do you have to be to do something like that just because your friend is dating someone you like?

"Thank you for sharing." Clemens smiles in her direction and together we watch as Judy nods and lets Walter put his arm around her shoulders. 

I quickly glance over to Isabella to see her reaction but to my surprise, she is looking at me instead. 

I mouth a 'what'.

"Maybe you'd like to share a funny story after all this depressing talk."

"Funny? I don't think we share the same humor."

But she looks at me with pleading eyes and the others seem to agree. 
