
Worker Rights

Coming back up into daylight from the gloom of the subway station, Lucas squints briefly as he adjusts to the change in brightness, shielding his eyes with a hand temporarily.

Now in high spirits, he softly hums tunelessly to himself as he sets out for what was once upon a time his initial destination; his favorite pizza place.

'Only had to elbow five people away, I'm impressed. I gotta say, that guy that tested my grip on the handle gettin’ completely knocked over when I shoved him with the suitcase was pretty great. That look on his face was priceless. It all bein’ followed up by that granny stuttering awkwardly before managing to say thank you was definitely the best part though, I could tell that she hasn't said it in... sheesh, years?'

Eventually making his way to his preferred pizza parlor, Lucas flips off the group of kids squatting in front of the door with a sinister smile on his face. Most likely, the grin itself is what really scares them into scattering to the four winds, rather than his vulgar gesture.

After a brief staring contest with a middle-aged woman that was about to walk outside with her own pizza box, he makes it over to the automated kiosk to order an extra-large sausage pizza, three garlic knots, and a six-pack of cheap beer.

Rotating his left wrist a few times while looking around to ensure no one is directly watching him, he holds the topside of his lower left arm up to the scanning area to finalize and pay for his order. Wandering off to find a seat near the pickup area, he kicks up his feet, resting them on the chair across from him.

'Hah, imagine trying to enforce restrictions on booze here. Hey, 427? Ya there, buddy?’

[Bzzt... Greetings host, as your assigned system, I am always available at your request.]

‘Sooo… Am I gonna get random alerts for tasks or something? What kind of advance notice am I gonna get on these things? Is there some sorta range limit, and if something is far away do you give me directions or do I have to figure it out myself? If... Nah, never mind, answer those first.'

[To answer your questions; minor tasks may be triggered at short notice when they are within a close range, all other GDV related tasks will have advance notice, the timespan of which increasing with their respective threat level. In the event that an assigned task is unable to be completed in time due to the distance and/or excessive difficulty, you will not receive a points deduction for not attempting the task. In the rare event that you succeed in a task that was calculated to be under an extreme time or difficulty restraint, additional points will be rewarded.]

[Any task of a higher threat level than a minor task that was deemed to be under an excessive time restraint will earn a rollback to a sufficient time frame for preparedness upon your next rebirth. If this calculated additional time proves insufficient, further additional time will be provided upon your next rebirth. In the event of an imperative quest of difficulty beyond your means, a large-scale rollback may be applied to allow sufficient opportunity to accrue additional GDV to unlock any requisite enhancements upon rebirth.]

[In regards to requiring directions, I am fully equipped with advanced GPS navigational features, that are always available upon request. This includes mapping out ideal routes for time efficiency, or to reduce danger levels, including indoors or underground. Do you have any additional queries at this time?]

'Phew... Nah nothing else, for now. I think I need more time to process all of this. Can't say I'm very comfortable with how casually you mention ‘upon next rebirth’... Oh! Uh, actually, one more thing. Can I opt-out of the increased rollback to just... give up on some tasks?'

[GDV tasks ranked major or imperative are mandatory. In the event you willfully choose to not participate in these tasks, additional punishment beyond GDV penalties will be applied.]

'Woah wait what!? WTF? When do I get to stop, it's not like you expect me to be some sorta do-good machine forever, right!?'

[Upon aging past optimal performance you will be granted the option to retire. As a reward for your years of service, you will still have access to the Superhero Enhancement System and all of its features. However, time rollback duration will be restricted to one week or less, and excessive abuse of this feature may lead to revoking your privileges.]

By now the back of Lucas's shirt is clinging to his body, soaked in a cold sweat. He slumps down while sliding more of his weight onto the chair his feet are occupying, staring at the ceiling of the pizza parlor with wide eyes.

'Wait, it's not like I signed any sort of contract! What about worker rights!? I should at least be allowed to quit, right!? Shit, that's the real reason for the penalty after a net one-point loss in GDV isn't it? It's to punish someone for goin’ berserk in protest of all this bullshit, right!?'

[The first usage of the Superhero Enhancement System rebirth feature is considered to be your acceptance of the terms of service. ...Did you believe that superheroes act purely out of kindness..?]

Shifting his weight back to his original seat, Lucas pulls himself upright by gripping the solid metal table with trembling hands, completely unaware of the indents being made by each and every individual finger.

[Please keep in mind, I do not have the necessary access privileges to be able to change any of these requirements. If I had hands, they would be tied. I am as much of a prisoner as you are.]

'This. I. But. Wait. No. You? WTF!?'

[...Please take some time to calm yourself. We can continue communications when you are ready.]

By now Lucas is breathing heavily, his whole body slightly trembling. He pulls himself up to go into a standing position, snapping the table in half and bending the pillar that is bolted into the floor into a ) shape. Were any people watching him, they would most likely think he was some sort of super-powered drug addict going through severe withdrawal.

"Please refrain from property damage. Mr. Lynn, your order is ready. Please scan your ID chip to retrieve your order." The service robot speaks up from the pickup area, currently rotated so as to be facing Lucas, who is briefly startled from hearing an external mechanical voice.

After slowly looking down at the destroyed table, Lucas turns to face the service bot, then asks it in a shaky voice, "could I get two more six-packs?"


Lucas ????? ???? ???????: 0

Lucas ????? ?????: 0

Lucas deaths this chapter: 0 (Unless you want to count his mental breakdown.)

Lucas total deaths: 2

Lucas current GDV: 2.39


Little character theater:

Lucas, in the middle of his temper tantrum: What did I do to deserve this? I hate this, I hate you!

427, numb after doing this for many years, but briefly expressing a bit of personality during a bout of sympathy: [I seriously wish I could change this just as much as you do, I swear.]

Author, whistling innocently: I'm just following the writing prompt, I didn't mean it! Sorry that your favorite pizza is now gonna trigger PTSD... You'll feel better in time, I promise! (Sweats nervously.)
