
What to do now!

'Well I figured she was a noble but she is older than she looks. Now that the introductions are done it is time to ask what are some recent events that happened so I know where we are on the timeline in Land of Avalon.'

"My master wants to know some recent if you would be willing to share." [Skipped the mind talking that Jake would do because it would just be too repetitive.]

"Well, the reason that I was on the move was that there has been a few infiltrating demi-humans in our city. But about a year ago there was a big fight against the monsters for a city called Troy"

'That was around the time I died so I basically left off where I would be if I didn't die.'

"My master gives his thanks for keeping him up to date. But also asks if you will report him to the humans."

'I hope she does not say yes, if she does I will be forced to leave her here and see if fate lets her live or die.'

"Well of course because your a monster so I naturally got to take care of the nasty creatures you are. SIKE, do I look like the type of person that would turn on my savior."

"My master says yes, yes you do look like one since that's how all humans act."

"Well not all humans are bad but I do admit that most are bad. But lucky for you, I'm a good one."

"My master now gives you his thanks for not telling the others in advance and would like some compensation for saving you."

'She better give me something good or I am going to feel let down.'

"Well I don't have much but I can give you a cloak and some gold."

"My master says there is no need for the gold since he can't buy anything even if hidden because someone will sense he is a skeleton. Also, he would take the cloak."

'Even though she is a noble she is not giving me very much.'

"Then it is a deal and I will also throw one extra thing and that is a spellbook for summoners since I don't need it cause I'm not one."

'Now that is better, I was about to feel cheated. Hopefully, it is a useful one though.'

"My master will now get you back to the city safely then part ways after that."

"I understand."

The four of them then walked back to the carriages. Jake wouldn't have know where they were if not for Sally leading the way back to the carriages. Alice apparently had a storage ring so she took all the important stuff and put it in the ring and they then started to track the trail back to the city. Since they could not be on the trail for obvious reasons. They could not take the horses since they would need to be on the trail to ride them.

After about two hours roughly they arrived at about a mile distance from the city. They had to part ways since the high-level mages would detect Jake as a monster. If he were detected they would kill him in a matter of seconds since the average level of "high"-level mages is around 7. This means they went through some life or death situations or killed a ton of monsters or anything else to get to where they are. Jake defiantly did not want to test to see if he would get detected. [You will understand why I put "high"-level later on.]

"Well, I guess this is where we part ways. Good luck and don't kill humans please or I might be sent to hunt you down later on in life."

"My master is not heartless so if he does kill a human it is for a reason like when he killed the bandits."

"I understand and will now take my leave, good luck."

"My master said good luck."

Alice then went on to head back into the big city gates in the distance. Now that Jake was alone he now had to come up with a plan on what to do next. Let's get this question out of the way first before I do anything else.

'JJ is a sentient being or do you only do what I tell you.'

"I only serve and am only loyal to you if that is what you mean."

'Well, I guess that means you have sentience since I didn't tell you to say that.'

'Now would you like to go out and find some strong creatures to level up by killing?'

"You are the master and I follow your orders so you decide."

'Alright, we will first try to enter monster or elven territory as they are both close. Monster is closer so we will try to reach there. But since there is a war going on at the border we might have to detour to the elven territory.'


'I guess we will start to head northeast since that is where it is.'

Jake used the sun to find the sun. And yes the sun and moon are the same ones as in the 'real world' because the game developers did not care to spend effort on it. But the thing is since he is a gamer he does not exactly know which way northeast is. He knows the sun sets in the west and rises in the east. So now he just has to figure out the general direction of the northeast. He finally figured it out after about 30 mins of studying the sun. He then headed off in the direction he thinks northeast is.

After 5 hours they finally ran into another trail and it seemed more ragged. Not really a trail as there were a lot of weeds and grass growing on it. Like it had not been used in a while.

'Let's try following the trail to see where it leads.'

The trail goes the way they were going so they follow that side of the path.

When they finally saw some buildings it turned out to be a village of sorts. It had like thatch huts and other ones like it. It had no wall for some reason considering how big the village was.

'This is what the border towns look like. It looks to be a monster village though because there are no walls. This means either they are not wary of enemies or they don't have the manpower but looking at the size of the village it shows they have a lot of manpower or monsterpower in this case.'

As they approached they noticed there was not a sound coming from the village.

'This is sus, either they are dead or they are hiding or they are stealthing around me to wait to expose my weakness and kill me.'


Then they all of a sudden heard a baby scream. They then rushed over to see if a baby needed their help. Sure enough, it did as there was no one in sight.

'Where is the parent for this baby.'

But after he asked this question he then squinted at the baby.

[Cliff hanger hahaha!!!]

Don't expect constant releases as I have school and this is just for the fun of my creativity and imagination. ;)

Blake_Snydercreators' thoughts