

After confirming with the other balloons, Mikael drifted beside his partner.

"Kid, they're alive." He told Deon, "Barely, but still very much alive. I think that orange liquid is some sort of preservation chemical that keeps them sedated."

Deon relayed this to the group.

Although Finn and Dame Nora wondered how he gathered such information when he did nothing but stare in space, they believed his report. Deon had proven his extraordinary scouting skills countless times. Whenever he said something, be it the number of enemies or the type of ant monster, it was always spot on— As if he has eyes that could see past the walls of the ant tunnels.

"Does that mean I was also in one of those things before the soldier ant took me?!" Dame Nora asked with disbelieving eyes.

She could not imagine herself suspended helplessly, completely unaware and vulnerable, in this cave's ceiling.

Just the thought of it sent shivers down her spine.

Yet all the evidence points to that possibility and she could no longer deny the fact that if not for these two young men before her, she would've already met her demise, fed to the queen without knowing how she died.

"Come to think of it… I never thanked you for saving me." Dame Nora respectfully bowed, "Sir Deon and Sir Finn, thank you. I owe both of you my life! If there's anything that I can do to repay your favor in the future, please do let me know!"

Deon bashfully smiled.

He was not used to being treated with such gratitude although they just coincidentally saved the dame. "No, Dame Nora. Anyone would've done the same. We just did what we should."

On the other hand, Finn focused his attention on the balloon closest to his position.

He brought out his brush and began drawing a simple white mana circle over his head like a painter doing a mural on the ceiling.

'Ugh! I really hate that spells can only go in a default direction!' Thought Finn as he struggled to draw the symbols vertically, 'maybe I should research how to configure them to change directions.'

As he was making plans for his future study, Finn finished the Tier- 1 wind spell.

"Wind Slash!" He said with such clarity.

The circle shone, enlarged, and ejected a single blade of wind before shrinking to nothingness.

Like a water wave moving out from its point of origin, the crescent wind blade elongated as it traveled fifteen meters up the air, losing power as it did, to strike that one balloon.

However, the distance was too large. The attack power dissipated too much that the blade only managed to lightly scratch the balloon.

'Hmm… I need a stronger spell." Finn held his chin in contemplation.

As the only long-range attacker in their team (he believed), Finn was the only one capable of bringing down one of those massive orbs,

'I wonder how I can bring them down…'

But he didn't need to do anything more as the massive orange orb dropped on its own!


Like a ripe fruit falling from the tree, the tear-shaped balloon fell to the ground with a loud thud!

Startled, everyone in their group flinched in surprise.

They stared at the orb, unmoving and acutely waiting for it to crack open and release its prisoner.

But it didn't!

Instead, the orb rocked, and a thought was sent to Mikael.

'Do you ….wa..nt.food?'

Mikael turned around, trying to locate the monster who sent him the thoughts.


Several more orbs dropped like bombs from the ceiling!

The ground cracked, sending a thick cloud of dirt into the air.

Cough! Cough!

Deon and his companions waved their hands in front of their faces to disperse the dust.

Their eyes teared up as the particles floated in their direction while five orbs trembled like hatching eggs, surrounding Deon's group in a pentagon.

"Wha?! What's happening, Sir Finn?!" Deon frantically asked.

"I don't know! Get into position!" Finn shouted back.

Then, the orbs rolled like golems and a chorus of thoughts bombarded Mikael!

"Do yo..u..want…foo…d?"

"D…o you..w..ant.food?"



Finally, the rest of the repletes'** body rolled into view, forming an asterisk with Deon's group at their center. Their antennae hypnotically swayed as if sniffing the air!

"No… You do..n't wan…t food… YO..U ARE..F..OOD!!"

"FOO..D! MU..ST..EAT…FO..OD!!"

The repletes' mouths stretched open!

Wider and WIDER!!

And like vacuum cleaners, they sucked air with a terrifying force!

"HOLD YOUR GROUND!! DON'T ENGAGE!!" Finn bellowed through the raging winds.

But he could not, for the life of him, think of a better way out of their predicament.

At this rate, the repletes will suck them into their gaping mouths and they will be stuck, sedated, inside those massive stomachs.

With his platinum blonde hair lashing in the air like angry whips, Finn tried his best to hold his ground.

He figured that the only thing that they could do now was to wait until the monsters stopped inhaling. He had noticed that their already large bellies kept expanding as they sucked more air.

Thus, he could only hope that their group would be able to withstand the suction until those bellies reached their limit.

"UGHHHH!!" Finn grunted.

A little more! He just has to endure a little more!

But combat Almagi were known for their weak constitutions.

Soon, his legs gave out. He dug his heels into the ground but they gradually slipped and he was sucked leg-first into the mouth of a monster!

"SIR FIIIINNNN!!!" Deon cried.

--Chapter end--


**Repletes are ants who work as food storage, they are literally stuffed with food until they almost burst. When ants are hungry, they simply touch the replete who regurgitates the food for their consumption. Like living refrigerators!

Hi dear readers!~~ to give you an idea of how repletes look like, please check the chapter comments. (Ah! I thoroughly enjoyed writing this arc. I learned so much about ant colonies. Waaaah! Ants are awesoooome!)

Tiene_Lasscreators' thoughts