

"He came here willingly with his lawyer."

Zack said using his telecommunications equipment, informing everyone who was now getting ready to rush to Bennet's residence to carry out their mission in that night. To find that secret ledger! 

"Where is he now?" Victor asked wanting certainty.

Zack started walking in fast, out of the prosecutor's building to join the others there.

"He has just been brought into the interrogation room. He will be here for 48 hours, but if he is able to get away with the help of his inside rat, he will probably be here less than 12 hours. I already put that hacker thing in his phone when they collected all his belonging before he went inside. "

"Noted. We're going to move in 15 minutes." Victor reminded there.

"I'll keep going from here now." Zack said as he looked at his watch. Because his area was quite far away compared to the others, he just decide to keep moving from here only.
