

"Where are you going actually?"

Victor asked Anne, who had arrived at his house early in the morning to pick up Irene.  For their 'girls day out' whatever that is meant, not that Victor understand and nor he want to understand.

"And why he is here?"  Asked him again when he saw Ken that already make his house like his own there.  Lying on the couch while watching television.  So comfortably.

"Shopping mall, of course.  Don't you worry.  I will bring Irene back here before late afternoon.  Not until nightfall.  And Ken is here to accompany you of course.  Irene said to me that she is worried if you are left alone so, Ken is here to the rescue then. "

Listening that Irene 'worried' about his well being making him, let his discomfort pass.  It's not like he didn't like Ken company.  Just... If only he is quite a little...

"That's too late.  Come back before lunch."  Victor said after remembering Anne's schedule with Irene today.
