
Save 60 ─ Encounter with the Fiancées

This happened before the summer vacations.

A great commotion occurred in Aster Aristocratic Kingdom. During that time there was a period when the people of the Altfode Kingdom did not understand the situation there because of the great distance between the two countries.

Panic covered the royal palace of Altfode.

Rudel's two fiancées were worried about him and others about the group that studied abroad where they were.

Rudel's future wife, a duke's daughter, Alisa─ Alicelotte von Bismarck was a strong-willed girl.

She requested permission to go to see her fiancé during the summer vacation.

But there were problems because of Derrick's case.

The palace denied her that permission.

But Alisa was a girl who would not be intimidated by others.

She told them by a letter.

"We will go to the Aristocratic Kingdom whether you want to or not."

The whole palace was startled when the duke's daughter threatened them.

That letter clearly rejected the order to stay at home.

Therefore, the royal palace had no choice but to grant them permission to go under the post of ambassadors.

A fleet of escorts, for them and the sent diplomats were approaching Aster.

The flagship of those aircraft was Aurora─ the Schwert second-class battleship.

Inside one of the rooms, attended by servants from Bismarck Household, was Alisa.

She was a beautiful girl with long golden blonde hair as golden as the sun. It was pulled back in a ponytail which until recently had been small, but was beginning to grow, now reaching her shoulders. Behind her ears she had a braid in the shape of a bow that reached the other end.

Her eyes were red like a rabbit.

She was sitting and sulking as she drank her cup of tea.

Next to her was Rudel's other fiancée, a girl who is both her best friend and her sister in name.

Irisdina─ Airi, a light blonde haired commoner girl with a bob cut style that went down to her neck.

Her beautiful crystal blue eyes reflected her sweet and pleasant personality.

But right now that sweetness was bitter.

Airi as well as Alisa, were making a face of discomfort.

They used their vacation to come see their fiancé, Rudel, who had not contacted them for several weeks.

Alisa and Airi were characters in the game, their roles were different. Alisa was the cruel villainess who annoyed the innocent commoner. While Airi was the future saint, an important existence for the religion of the Kingdom.

Alisa spoke to Airi.

Her arms were crossed under her large breasts. The index finger of her right hand kept tapping her own arm in irritation.

"When will the blissful inspection of them begin? They've kept us waiting for over an hour, don't you think it's irritating that we can't even move even though Aster is right before our eyes like this?"

Airi nodded and looked out the window.

"They're just getting closer, but it doesn't look like they were going to take any other action. Really, what could they be thinking?"

Aurora was the same type of airship as Schwert.

It had a distinctive horn on its bow.

The only difference it had with Schwert was only the color of the ship.

Its beautiful white deck looked dazzling due to the illumination of the sunlight.

Ixion was the one who created the design, but Bellion─ Bell, was the one who built the second ship without permission.

Like Ixion, its body was round and spherical about the size of a softball. Her color unlike her superior was white in color like Aurora and her one eye was bright green.

It was not only that, her personality was also really different from Ixion.

The electronic voice she used to speak also sounded feminine.

"I wonder if it's like that, maybe they are admiring Aurora's beauty?"

Alisa stood up from her chair at Bell's assumption. She was looking out the window with a cold stare.

"They're really relaxing if that's the case. Bell, connect me with the guards immediately. Tell them we'll force our way forward if they make us wait any longer than this."

"Oh, how extreme. Aren't you in too much of a hurry just because you want to meet with the Master quickly?"

Alisa smiled coldly.

"It's because I'm so bothered by Rudel's situation in Aster that I can't help it. That thing you picked up, 'message log', right? If there's something like 'Now you're cheating on them', then even I won't be able to keep my cool."

The two of them came to Aster on this summer vacation because they suspected that Rudel was cheating on them.

But these two had a different thought regarding this.

Although Alisa was angry, she could forgive Rudel.

"Good heavens, there's a chain order even if he wants to flirt around. What is he thinking doing as he pleases while leaving us behind?"

Alisa was born in a house of nobles─ a house of a duke. She knew perfectly well what the behavior of an upper-class lady was like when her partner was looking for mistresses.

To make her mental and physical state worse, she knew that Rudel was a man who liked to show off. He would always look for an opportunity to show off in front of women.

She didn't mind if he wanted to show off in front of them, but this desire to show off his hero accomplishments to other women irritated her a little.

Women would come like flies after him. After his fame and his technology; after the lost item in his possession.

She, as his future wife, wanted to avoid those dangers.

But with Airi it was different.

"I can't believe Rudel-san would do something like deceive us. I mean, he didn't even touch us! I knew he'd be after women even engaged, but isn't this too fast?"

Alisa looked at Airi with a worried expression.

"We know him better than anyone, we know how he feels about the Queen even if he tries to deny it, we didn't check that letter he sent her because it was an urgent matter, but if it wasn't, I would have snooped just to find out what kind of obscenities he was saying to Lecia-sama."

"B-But! It's really terrible of him to do that when he only groped us in our week together! I was ready for it every day, but he was just playing with us! I would be really offended that he just wanted to fiddle around."

They were born and raised in two different environments, their thinking differed as well.

Bell interrupted the two's conversation.

"Oh? The border guard is escaping."

Alisa and Airi tilted their heads when they heard that.

"What happened to the inspection?"

"It looks like it's okay for us to pass. It's really strange..."


In the sky above Aster, an airship was turning around, the soldiers were confused.

"D-Don't fuck with me! Why is there another airship just like that one!"

"Captain, please calm down!"

The captain of the guard, who was in a hurry on the bridge, was confused when he noticed that the aircraft he planned to inspect was the same type as Schwert.

He used to be an admiral, but was demoted for allowing the Herring Household's territory to be razed on his watch.

Schwert─ a nightmare airship that ravaged part of Aster territory and defeated them in the impenetrable defense.

"I hadn't heard that there was another airship of the same archetype."

"It's simply similar in form! It's unthinkable that there are many such airships."

The captain is angered by the words of his subordinates.

"... If you have one, it wouldn't be strange to have a second! Is it simply similar? There are many similar aircraft on the side! And they ... what if they mass-produced it?"

The same type as Schwert, which crushed the pride of the Aristocratic Kingdom.

And, there are many aircraft with similar shapes.

The captain felt like he was living a nightmare.

"... Inspection is cancelled."

"Captain, then the Kingdom will underestimate us!"

"Then you do it! I absolutely won't do it!! I absolutely refuse!"

The captain's fear of Schwert's new model frightened him, he didn't want to get involved with that ship again.

There was no point in resisting.

Pride as a sailor in a presumptuous kingdom was sunk. But pride as a man was not. The captain would rather bite his lips than fight once more against that horned monster.

He was a coward.

His subordinates were ashore at the time, so they do not know Schwert's strength.

They have heard the explanation, but have not seen it with their own eyes.

Then, one of the subordinates looking at Aurora with binoculars shouted.

"Captain! They, they, have started to move!"

The captain was blue in the face, blew bubbles and fainted.


The girls watched out the window as Aster's airships surrounded them and avoided contact with them.

"Now we can get into Aster without any trouble and find out once and for all if he really is being unfaithful to us."

Bell became concerned as he saw Airi's angry face.

"Are you really sure you didn't notify the Master that you were coming? I'm sure, if you had notified him earlier, it would be less of a problem for Ixion."

Alisa replied to Bell without changing her furtive look.

"Ixion will detect us regardless of whether or not we approach Aster, right? If we inform them of our arrival beforehand, it will give them more time to erase the evidence. It will be better if we have Rudel be the one to contact us, so we won't have to march to his home either."

Alisa's concern wasn't just about her boyfriend's possible deception. It also bothered her whether Rudel was just flirting or was seriously cheating on them, but more than that, she wanted to know who he was cheating with.

It would be unsafe if the woman was someone problematic.

She couldn't allow it if it was an evil woman who was manipulating him.

If that were really the case, she intended to cut off their relationship at any cost.

But, the worst case scenario would be if the woman was someone in authority.

It would be extremely problematic for the kingdom if Rudel had a relationship with an Aster noblewoman.

Still, it would be better if the woman was a noblewoman with low rank.

But it would be a big problem if the woman had a high status.

"Rudel, don't you dare to deceive us."

Cheating was unforgivable.

He was also the Hero of the Kingdom... even if he was deceiving them, with his status he had to be careful who he was doing it with.

Alisa was also concerned with a more dangerous possibility.

"I hope he's not cheating on us with Erselica."

The woman who trapped many young nobles, including Crown Prince Liam─ Erselica, the woman who pretended to be a saint and caused chaos in the Kingdom during the war.

Such an existence was right next to Rudel.

Alisa's mind was really frightened by that possibility. That her boyfriend would also enter the clutches of a woman who almost destroyed her family and Rudel himself.

Airi watched Alisa angrily.

She stepped outside to get some air.

Her hands rested on the railing, then she raised her head at a shadow passing over her.

It was the main body of Ixion, Schwartz. A gigantic black airship which was deflecting the light to go unnoticed.

Looking up at the sky, Airi's angry eyes changed to melancholic ones.

She muttered as she saw that airship that brought back memories of Brunhilde. An airship in which they spent joyful as well as sad moments and which went down in the war.

"Rudel-san... please don't betray us."

I came to the port of Aster after buying some bouquets of flowers. Red and blue roses like their eyes.

I watched as the merchants and port staff gazed in amazement at the airships that anchored from the Kingdom.

All contradictory to the military and Aster officials who were nervous.

Everyone's eyes were focused on a single airship. The others were escorts and Kingdom staff descended from them.

That airship was similar to Schwert, which was red in color and gray in hull. It had a silver horn on the bow.

While this ship was totally pure white, a beautiful color that forged it into something celestial.

It also possessed a horn, but the difference between Schwert and this ship was the horn. Schwert looked like a narwhal with his, while the beautiful white battleship with its horn made it look like a unicorn.

It was very beautiful and feminine.

"Will there be any difference besides the color? What do you say Ixion─"

I looked at Ixion who was hovering on my right shoulder. He was analyzing this ship, he spat his name with revulsion as I watched him shiver.

Apparently it's called Aurora, a very pretty name as it represents its own pure color.

"Why are you doing whatever the hell you want without my permission, Bell!"

Is he angry, why?

"Huh, didn't you do it?"

"No and it's not just that! She did things she shouldn't have with the spare parts I had for Schwert!"

He really was angry about that, but was it really such a big deal that she touched his stuff without permission?

But, looking at the beautiful white aircraft, I didn't care.

"Does it really matter? I mean, as long as it's useful and can protect them, I don't care if they use it."

"It's not just that, she did things she shouldn't have. She modified her structure, the blueprints and took without my permission 'it'... if you'll excuse me, I'll go and lecture that girl very severely."

Ixion said that and flew away. But I'm surprised he treats Bell as a girl despite saying they have no gender.

I waved goodbye like a child waving his hand to a lion at the zoo.

A ramp descended from Aurora and the door opened to the outside.

I immediately ran to greet them.

It's been a long time since I've seen my girlfriends.

How are they doing?

Will they be happy to see me?

Will their breasts have grown bigger in my absence?

Which one of them will jump on me for a reunion kiss? Airi is the most likely, but Alisa is no slouch for the proud one she is.

A maid bringing down Alisa's things showed me where they were.

I went straight to that room and opened it.

"Girls, I'm so happy to see you again!"

I was greeted by my lovely girlfriends and their smiling smiles?


They were certainly smiling.

But how to explain it?

For some reason their smiles... are scary.

Their faces show that they are happy to see me, but a strange shadow is reflected in them.

... Are they upset? Did I do something wrong?

Don't tell me!

Airi approached the point where our faces could feel each other's breath.

She smelled very nice, I could tell they used expensive perfume for when I saw them again, but her expression didn't reflect that charm.

"It's good to see you again, Rudel-san."

Airi greeted me with a smile, but then her expression immediately faded.

"Do you have something to tell us?"

"Something to tell you?"

"You know, a secret or something you're hiding."

There are so many things I have to tell them yet, that I haven't done, like that I am a reincarnated and that I still dream of seeing them in their yuri end.

Looking for help, I turned my gaze to Alisa.

She was smiling at me.

"I'm relieved to see you so cheerful. No, maybe you're too cheerful? Now, Rudel... I'm going to make you tell us everything."

Dangerous times like this is where I would need my trusty partner, but he went in to get Bell so I don't think he'll be back for a while.

I was asking him for help inside my heart.

Come on.

Get over here right now!

When are you going to help me if not now?

I'm begging you, save me Ixion!

I was trying to use the power of our hearts, but we were a lousy combination of master and servant.

I was a loving master and he was a despicable bastard who refused to follow my orders.

A master and servant whose hearts could not sense when the other was in danger was irrefutable evidence that something was wrong. Evidently it was not my fault but it was his.

Come back, you floating scrap.

The voice from my heart did not reach his.

Airi grabbed my arm.

Even though I would be able to shake her hands off if I wanted to, I felt as if my arm was gripped by a very strong mental power.

Also, her breasts were buried in my arm and I wouldn't want to pull it out.

"Rudel-san, let's go this instant to your house."

Alisa walked over and grabbed my other arm. Her breasts were also burying my arm.

She whispered in my ear. "We have postponed our duties at the academy because we wished to see our boyfriend. Don't think we'll let you go just like that."

What the hell did I do to make them so mad at me?!

Wait a minute...

Is it because I had fun humiliating the great nobles?

Mr. Randolf said he would take care of the problems so the Kingdom shouldn't be scared of anything.

Or. Why did I force Liam to wash the toilets and sometimes beat him up?

I'm so sorry, but he's an idiot!

No... don't tell me...

Did you find out that the letter I wrote to Leonis and the Queen contained personal stuff!

Like, "Miserable trash King" or, "Hahaha, your time has come for you to work something other than your lower half."

While to Queen Lecia I wrote a love letter containing all my worldly desires for her and her heavenly breasts.

But... it's not my fault!

A woman like her deserves to be idolized as a goddess. I could spend hours waxing poetic about how beautiful and perfect she is from head to toe.

Is it a crime to tell a married woman that she's more beautiful when she's married?

No. I don't think they found out, if they did, I'd be covered in blood on the floor.

And if... did they find out about Ellen?

I don't think she told them about how we went shopping in different stores and how I bought several dresses for her.

It wasn't my fault!

She used her breasts and pressed them against my back. A healthy young virgin can't fight against that flesh.

No, she swore she wouldn't tell... so, that must be it.

Yes, that must be it.

They must have found out somehow that I was giving Erselica an allowance.

But, Erselica is a very pitiful woman.

She's like a puppy in the rain, only this puppy is an idiot who brought it on herself. I can't leave a stupid, innocent animal like that.

Alisa and Airi hated her since she humiliated them last year, it's impossible for them to feel pity or any non-hostile feelings against Erselica.

Damn, there are so many things that could be the cause of her discomfort, but I don't know what exactly it is?

"Rudel-san, get ready to receive your punishment as a bad boy."

"That's right, even I, who am sympathetic to the way you act. I'll get really angry if our suspicions are true. You won't get away with this."

They both dragged me outside to go home.

Seriously, what was it that upset them so much?


There was a problem at Erselica's mansion.

Summer vacation came and she had to take care of her boyfriends.

She looked like a young single mother.

Allen and Cana were in the laundry so Erselica was preparing the food.

She was going to do everything alone since Rudel left early in the morning to pick up his girlfriends.

Erselica was afraid of them, she didn't want to see them, she would just clean the house a bit and leave lunch ready for them.

She was going to do it so Rudel would praise her and give her money.

The five boys who live here, eat like starving cattle.

"Because there's no food at all!"

She would check the shelves, refrigerator and even the bags from the market she brought in the morning.

Everything was gone.

Then, she found a note stuck in a cookie jar that couldn't be saved.

As she read it, her skin color changed to a pale one.


A few hours before Rudel and Erselica left.

Liam summoned the other members of Erselica's reverse harem to an important meeting in the living room.

Allen and Cana were still in the mansion, reluctantly attending them.

"For what reason did you summon us, Your Highness?"

Frey asked very curious as to why they were all present.

He was seated near him, his hair was pulled back in a ponytail and well dressed as always.

Chlust was in sportswear stretching his legs.

Warren had a book in his hands and Clovis was devouring cookies from a jar.

Liam looked at them all.

It was the first time in his life where he was so serious about something.

"Guys, we've got problems. Serious ones."

"Trouble? Is it about the Kingdom?"

"It's worse than that. Not even a war alert or an island sinking compares to it."

The other four became serious on hearing such news, swallowed saliva, and it was Warren who asked the vital question.

"What's that problem then?"

Liam opened his mouth, and from it...

"It's about Bradford."

Words only an idiot like him would say.

"We must do something about how close he is to Erselica!"

The others opened their mouths in panic at what they heard.

"C-Certainly, the count has grown very close to her. They almost always go shopping together at the market..."

Frey was sweating as he remembered several things.

He wasn't the only one, the other three were also sweating cold.

"The other time he brought her a very expensive dessert and they ate it together."

"I remember a few days ago they went out to buy furniture and didn't come back until late at night."

"She hugged him when he gave her a brown envelope once!"

Fear flashed across their faces.

Liam nodded and told them.

"Guys, you have to remember that, since what happened at home, Bradford and Erselica have become close, and after the Derrick incident, it got worse because we all live together now."

"I have no problem with him being here. Unlike in the past, I don't dislike him that much anymore."

Frey replied to Liam, followed by Chlust.

"The count himself unlike his past self is different. Now we can have a chat with him without him being aggressive."

"It's true. Bradford really grows on you when you don't try to hate him."

Warren and Clovis didn't know Rudel well enough to understand him, but they recognized that Rudel is someone different than when they first met him.

They could have conversations with him without coming to blows or insults.

Liam stood up and clenched his fist tightly.

"For that reason I have a proposition for everyone! It's at the same time a bet."


The four of them watched him with interest, Liam said.

"Since his girlfriends will come today, it means that they will be together all this time and Erselica will be alone with us. I propose to have a contest."

"Contest? What exactly?"

Liam smiled at Warren and the others.

"Bradford is the one who was giving us money, but we don't possess wealth after denying our families. I propose we get a job and at the end of the month, let's show Erselica the best gift of all."

Everyone opened their mouths in surprise and amazement.

"Sounds good to me. I wish to buy Erselica something unique too. Besides, using our vacation to tease her about our love is a good way to make our relationship stronger. But, Your Highness, what's the bet?"

"Simple, Frey..."

"Whoever gets the best gift for Erselica will be the one to occupy everyone's time for a month."

The eyes of the four of them were alight with flames.

They were all friends and allies, they loved the same woman. Because of that, they were rivals and didn't want to lose to each other.

They all laughed in a sinister way and stood up.

They raised their hand and in unison said.

"The one who will win Erselica's heart, it will be me!"

And so the five decided to leave the mansion to show their resolve. They shouldn't have to do it, nor did they need to. They thought it was a very cool thing to show their resolve.

They looted the fridge and the money in the house for their daily expenses until the end of the month.


Erselica was in a cold sweat.

After finishing reading the letter left by the five, she ran to her room straight to the secret drawer where she kept the money.

After opening it, she screamed.

There was nothing in it.

It was empty, even a butterfly came out of the drawer as Erselica collapsed on the floor crying.

Her tears were coming down like waterfalls.

"Stupid idiooooooooooooooots! They took all the food and money! They're such... big, big idiooooooooooooots!"

Erselica fell to her knees making a huge thump. Footsteps were rapidly approaching.

"Erselica-chan, did something happen!!!?"

It was Lucy.

Quickly Erselica looked up and screamed inwardly.

(Uuwaaah! What's Lucy still doing here? She said she was going home early today to visit Diana!)

Erselica didn't want Lucy to be present today. Since, Rudel went to the port to pick up Alisa and Airi, his girlfriends.

She knew about Lucy's feelings for Rudel. But Rudel himself didn't know.

That was because it was so dense.

He was so dense, they had to forcibly engage him.

Lucy held out her hand to Erselica. She took it.

As she stood up, she asked her.

"W-Why haven't you returned home yet?"

"Err... that's because of... this child."

"Yes! I wanted to give this little guy some sunshine!"

Lucy had under her arm a clear jar. In that jar was the sacred tree sapling.

It was an important item at this stage of the game.

It was what marked the birth of the future priestess and her mate, the guardian.

Lucy looked at the sapling with a loving gaze. She looked like a mother looking at her child.

Erselica knew that look spelled trouble.

Rudel gave Lucy the sapling because he didn't want to keep it, it was a very selfless act on his part. Time passed and Lucy, she considered that sapling in the jar to be very important to her.

She loved Rudel, therefore, the sapling in her care represented a token of her "love".

For that reason, Erselica did not want to see Lucy sad when she learned Rudel's sentimental truth.

"I-I understand. But you know, wouldn't it be troublesome for your sister if you didn't come back already? She must be wanting to spend time with you."

Lucy looked at Erselica and her eyes became a little sad as she averted her gaze.

"I know, but... I just wanted to be here a little longer."

Erselica was thinking of what to say to quickly get Lucy out of the mansion.

"Lucy, what if─!"

Being about to say something, Erselica was silenced due to a mysterious green glow.

Both of them, turned their gaze quickly to that greenish glow.

Their eyes widened in surprise.

On the back of Lucy's right hand, a light manifested, it was the same light that emanated from the sapling.

The light took shape and formed an emblem.

The Emblem of the Priestess.

Upon seeing it, Erselica screamed in panic inside.

(Uwaah! Why is the Priestess Emblem appearing on Lucy right now!!!? Wait, Lucy doesn't know that my brother has the Guardian's Emblem in his hand! That means that─!))

Her gaze focused on Lucy.

She had her eyes wide with surprise, but within seconds the glare was gone. An affectionate look showed, her cheeks blushed as well.

Lucy looked at the back of her hand fondly, as if she had been given the best news in the world.

She didn't realize she mumbled in front of Erselica unintentionally.

"So, this is the emblem. If he, if Rudel had the Guardian's Emblem, our love can be true."

Hearing that just made Erselica tremble like a hamster.

(Uwaah! This is bad! Really bad! If Lucy became the priestess, but my brother is the guardian... she doesn't know about those two either. Stupid brother, you're causing big trouble because of your cosmic density!)

She was thinking of what to say to hide it.

"Everyone, I'm back~"

But that died quickly.

Rudel had arrived.

Hearing his voice, Lucy quickly turned around to leave.

Erselica desperately grabbed the sleeve of her sweater.

"Lucy, wait, there's something I need─!"

But Lucy paid her no heed.

She abruptly ran out of the room.

Erselica fell to the floor, hitting her chin on the carpet.

She was crying.

"Guuh! I don't care what happens now, you, stupid dense brotheeeeeeeeeeer!"


Lucy was running from Erselica's room into the long hallway.

A cheek-to-cheek smile was running across her face.

For the first time in her life, her heart was full of flowers and butterflies.

It was love.

True love.

In the old Vermillion Household, there was a tale, that tale spread throughout Aster.

The tale said that, one day, the hearts of the chosen lovers, will make them the priestess and the guardian.

For, as long as there is love, they will be able to conquer all.

Lucy always thought it was a children's story.

But, she also thought it would be nice if something like that was real.

She was always a girl who believed that "despite living in a world where there was magical power," it made no sense for something as fictional as love to be real.

Society functioned on political marriages.

Something like love was unreal.

She still remembered her grandmother telling her that she forced herself to love her husband, quite the opposite of her mother.

She fell in love with a commoner. But that happiness came at a cost.

Randolf, the current head of Rosenberg Household, was her mother's fiancé.

She left him and for that she took her revenge.

That's what Lucy remembers from the day they were taken from their home while their other relatives and parents lay in the mansion burning.

That thought of living in tranquility and fear of being discovered, was gradually erased when one day, he appeared.

Rudel, the mysterious and frivolous foreign student.

Rudel came from the Kingdom, a third-rate country. Branded by many countries as a black mark in business.

That boy, the same age as her, was very rude, showed a trait of superiority in front of others, looked obscenely at the bust of voluptuous women, but, above all, disrespected authority.

Such a person was bad company.

But at the same time, that boy was what she was always looking for.

Whenever he said something, he followed through.

If she was in danger, he would run to her rescue.

He was a very reliable existence.

He even stood up to the great nobles and ended up winning.

For Lucy, despite knowing him for months.

Rudel was a reliable existence.

One, of which she wanted to be by his side.

Lucy reached the stairs, coming down quickly, making her ponytails and breasts jump with joy as her face.

(Please! Little sapling, just this once. I want you to make my wish come true).

(If the mark appeared on him... it means that Rudel and I are─)

When she reached the first floor, she went around to meet him.

"Rudel, look─!"

But in doing so, he found an unpleasant surprise.

"Geez, you should have told us that as soon as we arrived and not on the way."

Rudel had arrived with two girls at his side.

One of them, on the left side, was a girl with an elegant appearance like her dress. She was beautiful, more so than Sara, she entwined her arms with him, their hands were clasped with each other very tightly.

Despite she was scolding him, that scolding was a very affectionate one like her gaze.

While the girl on the other end.

"It's true, Rudel-san! We were really worried about you, gosh!"

She was puffing out her cheeks like a balloon. She was another beautiful girl, but unlike the serious girl, this girl had a much softer aura, she was behaving in a very spoiled and pampered manner.

Her arms went completely around Rudel's arm.

While he...

"I'm so sorry girls, we were in trouble here and I forgot to write to you. I promise it won't happen again."

(... Huh?)

Seeing him surrounded by two beautiful, unknown girls, Lucy was petrified.

Rudel's face.

(... Why?)

It was what scared Lucy the most.

He was smiling, it was a totally different smile from the one he normally made.

This smile was affectionate, the one he was showing her was a gentle smile, but this smile showed his feelings.

Then, his eyes focused on the girls' hands.

Their ring fingers, rather.

There were two silver rings with a heart-shaped diamond on them.

A memory from weeks ago came to Lucy's mind.

One day when she was taking a walk in Schwert, she noticed Rudel with a ring just like it.

When she went over to ask him what it was.

He told her.

"In my birthplace, this is called an engagement ring. It's a way of showing your girl that you want something serious with her."

Lucy was embarrassed and apologized, she thought that ring was going to be for her hand.

She didn't ask about it again as she expected him to come and ask her one day.

But, what she saw just now... it was horrible enough to tear her apart.

Lucy's heart shattered, she could feel a dagger slowly and painfully piercing her.

Her face was beginning to disfigure from the pain as tears wanted to flow down.

(... I see, so all this time... the only one who was living a fantasy was me...)

As her mouth opened and closed, Alisa noticed her presence.

Then Airi and Rudel, he spoke to her in a way, that only tore her apart more.

"Hey Lucy, are you still here, aren't you going home today?"

(... He doesn't even care if they see me...)

Still having the stab in her heart, Lucy forced herself to smile.

She spoke to them in her usual friendly tone while inwardly feeling ashamed.

"I was just taking this little guy out to get some sun."

She approached with her eyes closed towards them, she closed them because they started to turn red and she didn't want them to see her.

Rudel, in a polite tone said to her.

"Lucy, let me introduce you to my fiancées."

Lucy's fist clenched so tightly, she began to gather magical power.

"I'm Alisa, nice to meet you. I heard you had trouble before with a boy, you were very brave during it."

Alisa was smiling at her in a very calm way. But Airi, she was looking at Lucy with a strange expression, her blue irises were black for a moment, but then they returned to their usual blue color.

"Nice to meet you, Lucy-san, I'm Airi, one of Rudel-san's girlfriends!"

Airi's tone was gentle, but the way she expressed that she was one of his women made her feel very miserable inside.

Deep down, she could feel a dark feeling growing, but she still forced herself to smile.

"Geez, Rudel-kun, why didn't you tell me you had cute fiancées? They'll think there's something weird having a girl living with you."

She approached Rudel, and in a very brusque, but gentle manner.

She handed him the sapling.

Rudel's stomach was hit with as much force as Lucy could bear.

"Now that there's nothing left to do, I'm leaving, goodbye~"

Lucy waved goodbye as she walked out with a big smile on her face.

As she carried several steps outside the mansion.

"... Aah..."

"... Aaah. Aaaaah..."


Lucy burst into tears as if she were a baby again.

She ran.

She ran so hard, so that the pain in her heart, the pain of her first love, would be erased.


Tears were streaming down her cheeks.





Lucy's legs ran so fast, she unknowingly ran all the way home.

Diana was there, ignored her, and ran to her room.

Diana knocked on the door to find out what was wrong.

But, there was no answer.

"Sister? Something happened! Sister, answer me!"

Lucy was crying buried in her sheets.

Rudel's face kept popping into her mind.

Now, the game could go on as it was meant to go on.

We begin the "drama" of this volume, also the parody on how irritating romantic comedies are.

Link to the illustration you want to see and didn't know: https://mega.nz/file/n1BSTBqB#zrP8OcjJf12eDHUP0QVbJTF65fKapDPhwxrikKuQAAM

Siegburncreators' thoughts