
Chapter 8: Ren the Teacher

"Blegh, spit! I think I am getting sick again," I said, annoyed, ruining the lovey-dovey vibe.


"Do you want to get bitten?" I said, glaring at Leah.

"No, thank you," Leah muttered, looking away.

"Thought so, so shut it," I said, seeing her shake her head.

"Your quite rude today, you know that." The demon king said, sounding quite annoyed.

"And? How would you feel suddenly being in a child's body again? Happy? I don't think so." I said, frustrated.

"You do have a point there." The demon king said, shrugging.

"So, how are we going to fix this?" I said, gesturing to my child-like body.

"Only time will tell." The demon king said, shrugging.

"Hey, I am not waiting another 10 years before I finish growing," I said, annoyed.

"No, don't worry. I don't think it will take that long. Maybe only a couple of months and you will be back to your original size." Leah said, shaking her head.

"I hope you are right. Anyway, what will you guys do with me now that I am awake again?" I asked, not showing any nervousness at all.

"Uuuh, don't know, probably introduce you to the family?" Leah said, tilting her head.

"Hmm, just that?"

"Train you, I guess?" The demon king added.

"Training?" I asked questioningly.

"Yeah, your speed can use some work."

"You know my speed is my pride, and you just made it sound like it's shit."

"Uh, I know about 17 people. That is a lot faster than you." The demon king said calmly.

"I already dislike you, and you just made it that I hate you," I said, not sounding very seriously.

"Yes, and we can use the opportunity of you growing up to strengthen your muscles." He added, ignoring me.

"Strengthen her muscle? I broke my hand on her head, you know." Lina complained, remembering her broken hand.

"Ah, yes, I know you came crying to me." The demon king said, smirking at her blushing face.

"Yo, can the lovey-dovey shit not happen right now. I miss liny enough already. I don't need this as well." I said, annoyed at all three of them.

"Ren dear, didn't I tell you," Leah said with a saddened face annoying me even more.

"Don't finish that," I said, glaring at Leah.

"Sorry, too early," Leah mumbled almost inaudibly.

"Anyways, I am starving when dinner," I said, rubbing my stomach.

Knock knock.

"Your majesty, dinner is ready to serve. I will let the princesses and princes know as well." A female maid said from behind the door.

"Now, I guess," I mumbled, smiling at the timing.

"We are on our way, thank you," Leah said, getting up from the couch.

"Ah, Ren, please behave yourself in front of the other kids and family members." The demon king said, looking at me worriedly.

"I will try being civil with them," I said, shrugging.

"Sigh, there is no hope." He said, shaking his head.

"Yes, there is none," I said, jumping off the couch only to trip on my clothes and make my face plant on the floor.

"You need clothes, though," Lina said, looking down at me.

"No shit," I said, looking up at her.

"Leah, I think Karls's clothes will fit her fine," Lina said, looking at Leah.

"true. I will go get some clothes."

"Jeans, please and a loose t-shirt if you can," I said just when she was leaving.

"You are quite picky," Lina said, making me glare at her.

"Haah, I am a child. What can you do," I said smugly while smirking at her.

"That you are, yes. Now come, let's get to your room so you can change." Lina said, stretching out her hand.

"Just making it clear. I am only holding your hand so that I don't fall." I said, grumbling and holding her hand.

"Haha, see you at dinner, dear," Lina said, looking back at Uwe, grabbing my hand firmly, and smiling.

"Yes, of course, don't take too long, though." The demon ling said, waking out of the room.

"Grrr, can we just get on with it," I said, annoyed.

'Now that I think about it, I never took a good look at Leah and Lina.' I thought. Looking up at Lina, I took a good look for the first time.

She looked like a 10-star model, and I wasn't exaggerating. Even by human standers, she was gorgeous. She had a small stature, not passing the 1,6 m mark. A small face with biggish yellow eyes. Her body was also a 10 out of 10. It was just her boobs were on the smaller side. If it weren't for the small scales on her neck and the 2 little horn pocking out of her white hair, I would have thought she was human.

"You know your quite the beautiful woman, Lina," I said. Only after I said, it did I realize what I said. "Oops."

"Hmm, I know you are into girls and all, but I am married," Lina said, stopping walking and looking down at me.

"... it's not like that. This is the first time I actually look at you, you know. And I still have someone I love." I said, looking at her seriously.

"Oh, that's true. Sorry, guess I was reading too much into it."

"Yeah, but seeing your reaction, I bet there are a lot of people still trying to win you over," I said, a bit baffled that something like that was still happening.

"Sigh, yeah, it's so annoying."

"Even though you are married and have kids already. Why don't you just cut off their dicks?" I said without any hesitation.

"...your evil," Lina said, looking at me weirdly.

"No, I am just possessive."

"Possessive? Don't tell me you did it to guys that like your girl?"

"I might have done it to some of them. But I wasn't that bad she did the same if not worse to the guys that asked me out."

"What can be worse than getting your genitals cut off."

"Liny power is disintreigation. She can undo it, too," I said with a heavy face.

"... that..."

"Yeah, after I taught her how to do that, she became a proper monster."

"You taught her?"

"Yeah, it took a few months, though," I said thoughtfully.

"That's interesting, so are you like a good teacher?"

"Hmm, I don't know. Do you know someone by the name of Liny Ronels?"

"Hmm, I have heard of her. She whipped out a few elite squads during the war, but that's all I know. I never really search into her."

"Okay, what about Josh Daniels?"

"A that mad swordsman. He was a tower on his own, I have heard."

"Huh, okay, last one Selena or better known as the saintess," I said just by saying her name and title. I could feel the atmosphere change with Lina.

"Now that name I know a lot about. And she is a cheat, I tell you, a total cheat." Lina said, annoyed, pumping her fist.

"Haha, that she is, that she is," I said, laughing and nodding in agreement.

The reason why she is called a saintess is that she has SSS-ranking healing powers. And thanks to me, she can do it in a rage of 500 m around her to perfection.

"That woman is the worse. If anyone is in 500 m of her, they are basically immortal. No matter what we did, we could never kill her. We did once get her alone, but apparently. She disappeared in front of everyone." Lina said with venom.

"Haha, I remember that. About 13 people surrounded her. She was so in a panic when that happened. She might have an awesome healing ability, but she has two very big flaws on her that make her easy to deal with." I said, laughing.

"She does?"

'Well, yes, she can't use it on herself, and she cants use it properly when moving. Not that I am ever going to tell anyone about that. I don't think even the government knew about the first one.' I thought, smiling at Lina.

"Ah not going to tel huh. Not that I blame you. Anyways why did you ask if I knew about them."

"Well, all three of them were trained by me."

"... so not only are you someone that killed thousands of our soldiers but also one that made three other people able to do that same."

"Yeah, pretty much, I guess. Although Selena and liny would have gotten to that level anyways in time. I just pushed them faster." I said, shrugging.

"Is that so, so is any of them actually stronger than you?"

"No, Selena, I could kill even if she had backup. The reason I know about her flaws is. Josh, I could do with my eyes closed, and Liny, I will only be able to draw against her." I explained seriously.

"Hmm, the first one makes sense, but the second one. Is he really that weak?"

"No weak per see, just dumb," I said, a bit hesitant.

"Elaborate, please."

"He works on instinct alone, and it is easy to fool someone's instincts."

"Not always, though."

"True, not always like The demon king. I won't be able to do that at all. He has too much experience for that anyways."

"True true Now, for the last one, why only draw? Is it because it's your lover?"

"No, I am being serious. There is no way I could kill her and survive the aftermath."

"Hmm, is that so."

"Yeah, we did a dual once, trying to kill each other. Selena was there to make sure we didn't actually die. We fought for 3 days but still couldn't get a victor out." I said, shrugging.

"After three days, how did your body look?"

"Huh, that's a weird question? I lost my right arm with a lot of blood loss, and she lost her left leg and left arm as well."

"So, in a way, you won?"

"No, if I lose one of my legs, I am pretty much useless. Thank god that my body is stronger than normal. You don't know how many people have tried to cut my legs off." I said, shaking my head.

"Oh, you guys are here finally." Leah suddenly said.
