
Chapter 25 - Ransom

That hurt like a son of a bitch. Thankfully that shit was done. I could finally breathe. Where was Kiema? Hopefully I hadn't hurt her when I grabbed her. I'd have to check on her.

I stumbled to my hands and knees. How the hell had I ended up on the floor?

Shaking my head to clear it, it dawned on me that something wasn't right.

I called out, but what came from my mouth wasn't words.

What the fuck?

"Ransom?" Dr. Atlas called through my brain. "Something just went haywire with the circuitry here on our end. Your implant is going crazy."

"What the fuck?" At least I still had a mental voice.

"That's what I'm trying to understand, Ransom. Report your situation."

"Kiema and I were working on her magic and my healing. Something happened. I just woke up on the floor. When I tried to talk to her, I swear I sounded like a huge cat."

"We don't care about your sex games, Ransom. Unless you're going to share some pictures of Kiema," Asher butted in.
