
Part 3: Chapter 64: Seeing the children

1 September 2019, Chula Vista, San Diego.


"Dad!" Long, slender arms encircled him. He hugged her fiercely, feeling the bump of his growing grandchild pressed into him. Her blond tresses ticklish, she chuckled and kissed him soundly on a cheek before she stepped away.


"Dad!" He greeted him with the same appreciative tone. His son's hard body had grown and by the looks of things, he matured into a handsome young man.

"How are you two?" Mark took his duffle bag from him and proceed to the exit. He followed them to the parked SUV.

"We are good, Dad," Jillian replied and brushed over her stomach. The T-shirt she chose shifted and revealed a pierced belly button. Her low-cut denim showed even more skin.

Mark's faded denim and black T-shirt stretched over bulky arms. At the same height as him women stared after him. One winked at him and Mark smiled. Even he got a wink or two from younger women and Curt pressed his sunglasses deeper onto his nose.
