
Chapter 6

As Hiro saw his fist draw closer to Vi's face, he instantly felt the difference in perception. He was no slacker, even in his previous life, he still had a decent knowledge of hand-to-hand combat. He had 'good punch' as referred to by others who knew him. But this was different, this felt powerful, more precisely, scarily precise, like laser target. Just like the power he had felt during the robbery. Hiro felt weird.

His mind was still not used to how his body was moving, the unfamiliar muscle movement, the stretch, and the speed, all unfamiliar, unknown. It felt like his body was moving on automatic like it was performing some kind of predetermined maneuver. His hands had stopped shaking, there was no hesitation. Even during the robbery, he was not this unhesitant to cause pain, to put others in agony. NO! these punches were of an experienced fighter. They used as little energy as possible and used little power to deal a devastating blow.

The punch created shockwaves. The air picked up around his hand like he was the one guiding it. Like a tornado, air twisted around it and struck Vi's face along with his fist.


Much to Hiro's frustration, it did not put even a scratch on Vi's face. However before he could register, his legs had made a powerful jump and launched him upwards. He felt his right leg's muscle tense and automatically twisted his torso clockwise, generating a spin and his right leg simultaneously. His toes aligned parallel to his kick, aligning his heel to the direction of the strike, and struck Vi's chin.

This time, however, VI was sent careening sideways. Hiro took a moment to admire the power, getting lost in his thoughts. He didn't want to kick Vi. Even then his body felt the need to move. It didn't need vision or thoughts. His body had been honed to such an extent, that he just moved on instinct. He was in horrifying awe.

Vi, who had been kicked in the air moments before, immediately corrected his body and nimbly landed on his feet. Again no damage. Just a grin had sparked on his face.

"Not bad kid. But that still needs some work...", said Vi as he didn't even seem affected by the blow.

"Good! It seems like you have already unlocked it. Well... saves me the time to teach you the basics"

"Enough you two! Now is the time to start training seriously!" shouted Infi. Infi knew why the boy had acted that way. The previous owner of that power was an extremely capable one. Even the body was enough to give people a challenge. Its skills were already honed to the extreme...It seemed those instincts were taking over the boy, controlling his movements for their survival, against Vi. It must have somehow sensed Vi's power.

Not that it was a bad thing. Vi would neutralize it the second before it tried anything fishy. And this phenomenon of intermixing genes would only further enhance Hiro by integrating into him completely. It was a win in every situation.

Vi for the second time miraculously acted embarrassed. But it was quickly overtaken by a serious demeanor again, "Don't be confused Hiro, anybody would appreciate you saving people's lives but a lot more is at stake here. We need to see if you are truly ready. Your training had started the moment you stepped here. I could really start beating the lessons into your head... but where is the fun in that?DOn't you want to know how it feels...to truly understand and wield the power you have been given?"

Hiro had a very terrible foreboding but went along with it.

"You bet I am!!!"

Vi flicked his fingers and all of them were teleported to a secluded area.

Hiro took a moment to observe the sheer beauty that surrounded him. The whole area had been made of white 'stone', smoother and whiter than the best of marvels. The room was in the shape huge auditorium, enough to embarrass a Roman coliseum. He could see neither roof nor the end of the room nor the room, only gaze at the gargantuan pillars that supported it. The pillars themselves were nothing to scoff at. They had been ornately carved, each detail on their surface clearly visible even from a distance. They were laden with jewelry. Gold, platinum, and diamonds only increased their beauty. A beautiful fresh scent wafted across the room, making him feel as if he was standing in the open, in a grass field. The floor was unblemished, like a mirror, smooth without a single speck or deformity. Hiro was sure he would be able to see his face if he tried to.

<Infi POV>

I watched as Vi started teaching Hiro seriously. Origin One was supposed God of the multiverse and it had to be properly tested if Hiro held those powers. I had wanted to carry out the test but Vi had urged me to let him do it. Though I like serious Vi far more than annoying Vi, I can only hope he doesn't get overboard. I spread my consciousness along the area and adopt an alert state in case something happens. You couldn't really tell if something did.

"No matter what happens Hiro, you have to emerge victoriously. The stakes are too high to even consider the option of failure. Now let's talk about your power. Your power is the amalgam of each of the heroes that have ever lived. You are the bearer of their hope and will to do good and purge evil. When you access any power, be it their knowledge, cunningness, physical strength, their willpower, you will experience a myriad of their emotions, their precious memories, and know about the things they hold dear. You could potentially experience a complete change in your mentality and yet you may remain the same person you are.

From here on, your soul is not truly yours. It is bound to others and comprised of others. And most importantly it is fixated on the betterment of the world. You couldn't even quit if you wanted to. Your soul will take the shape of your person, and become your very weapon for retaliation and your greatest shield. It will become your power and prowess."

"But it also will become your greatest shield"

"I think you will learn things better if you experience them... Pick the characters that come to your mind when you think about your greatest duty, your greatest regret, your greatest desire. And imagine, even for a single moment being the same person."

Infi watched as a look of deep thought spread across Hiro's serious facial features.

<Hiro POV>

Hiro closed his eyes. The act allowed him to calm down. All the talk about impending doom had kept him on the edge. It didn't take him long to imagine one of his favorite characters. He had liked him ever since his childhood, admiring his bravery, his jokes, and power. Hiro began to focus his mind. He tried to converge his mind into the image of the character he was trying to imagine and kept his mind as calm as possible. He instinctually felt his mind become devoid of all thoughts and worries. At the same instant he did so, Hiro felt he felt the very molecules inside his body were changing(not that he could sense the change happening) and experienced a strange pull. It was like his body was being shaped into the living image of the person he was imagining. Light began to emit from his body and he was bathed in green light.

Seeing the change happening Infi sighed in relief as there was a high chance that Hiro's mind and body would not be able to handle the strain caused by his change and he would disintegrate into oblivion. Forever lonely and untraceable. Now that he had successfully performed the integration, they could proceed with their plans.

Hiro felt whispers speaking some strange language but decide to ignore the anomaly. He was far too busy dealing with everything that was happening inside his mind. He felt his mind being flooded with many memories and he felt the familiar feeling of love, sadness, depression, and pain at the same time. He began to see the familiar town he had seen multiple times in his childhood. The same sunny weather he would have expected and many different types of people moving across each other. Suddenly the memory transitioned and he came to see a man or perhaps a boy lying across a sofa in a house. This youth had brown hair and big emerald eyes like himself. He was wearing a green jacket with a number 10 in a white circle embroidered on the left side. He also had a large smile on his face as Hiro saw some french fries and the same kind of beverage spewed on the table near his side. The youth seemed to be carrying the familiar watch on his wrist. It had a strange design and had an hourglass symbol in green and black where its dial should have been.

The memory transitioned again. This time it showed him the different adventures the boy had been on, and all the things he did in his life. He felt he had been part of the boy's journey and adventures. He cried when the boy cried, laughed when he laughed, and endured much pain with him. He got heartbroken when the boy's loved one left him and became beyond angry when a creature harmed the boy's grandfather.

Hiro seemed to accept the boy's actions like it was his own. Even though not a second had passed in the real world, for Hiro, it felt like years. Then suddenly, the small boy, now all grown up seemed to look towards him. As if giving Hiro permission, the boy smiled at the empty space from where Hiro had been watching him. Hiro felt the familiar pull again and his mind blanked again.

The green glow receded.

Infi and Vi who had been watching these developments smiled as they saw Hiro reemerge. He had the same face but every other thing had changed. He now was wearing the same clothes as the boy and had the same eyes as him. He had the watch and looked entirely different.

Hiro had tried to imagine the image as clearly as possible and was satisfied with the results. He was not Hiro now, but he was also not Ben 10! He was something different. Now he was the same superhero he had liked ever since his childhood. He had dreamed to be able to use Omnitrix at least once in his life. Well even if he was practically dead but his dream had come true.

"So guys? How do I look? I look good right?" asked Hiro.

"Yeah. Yeah. You look good." answered Vi exasperated and tired. "You certainly look handsome Hiro-Kun" complemented Infi.

Hearing Infi's compliment, Hiro began to laugh awkwardly while rubbing the back of his head, clearly embarrassed by the compliment.

"So is it Ben 10 from Bellwood? Well, you certainly have his looks", Vi commented. Infi was amused when Hiro's face became beet red at Vi's comment and couldn't help but ask, "I didn't take you to be a fan of cartoons Vi. Did you really watch Ben 10?"

"What do you take me for a kid? I didn't watch them myself. But 'our-kid-for-a-creator' used to watch them in his free time. Trust me these things are contagious!". Hiro wasn't sure if Vi was telling the truth or he was being tsundere about it. But the latter idea freaked him out. I mean an extremely old man being a tsundere? It left a bad taste in his mouth just thinking about it.

"Now, now boys. Get to work or I will be angry." Infi commanded, trying to diffuse the awkward situation. "Yes Ma'am!" Came the unanimous reply.

Hiro wasn't surprised to hear Vi exclaim with him. Guess a woman's wrath can even threaten a billion-year-old man. Trust my advice guys, do not anger women if you can avoid it. It will only make your life easier.

Hiro checked the Omnitrix again but then realized something. He did a double take and was surprised how he hadn't noticed the small detail until now. He was getting some weird text popups whenever he would glance at the watch. It read Unimatrix and is said to hold the power of all the Omnitrixes, like the Ultimatrix, Ben 10,000 Omnitrix(From Ben 10 alien force), and Ben 10K Biomnitrix(From Ben Ten omniverse) and an additional artificial skurd interface installed in it. He really had hit the jackpot this time. Now not only was he able to go ultimate but also become ultimate Ben, become a fusion alien, and also access Skurd abilities.


Species- Slimebiote


Biological Symbiosis

DNA Absorption

DNA Copying

DNA Indexing

DNA Duplication


Power Replication

Unicellular Mimicry

Attribute Fluctuation

Machinery Expert

Space Survivability


Enhanced Flexibility

Radiation Immunity]

But the things that drew Hiro's attention to Skurd's abilities were DNA Duplication, Unicellular Mimicry, Attribute fluctuation, Power replication, and many more similar ones. Now Hiro could manifest the powers of different aliens separately onto himself or onto other aliens. He could also combine them.

As he was celebrating in his mind, Vi called out, "So give it try now." Hiro nodded and pressed his index and middle finger on the dial. The Omnitrix symbol slipped off and set itself on the white-green bands of Unimatrix. Hiro was welcomed by his own synthesized voice, <"Unimatrix Recalibrated. Enter Access Code">

Hiro immediately spoke up, "Hiro Narukami. Couple Omnitrix Command Code: 000 - Engage Coupling - 010".

<"Coupling Engaged. Recognizing User">


<"User Recognised. All playlists ready for use">

A green circle came forth. It displayed many alien faces. He decided to go with the first alien that would pop up and boy did his Unimatrix have good tastes. Hiro was quickly transformed into a being made entirely of fire as green light shined again. He was a Pyronite and screamed his name as he felt himself transform. Funnily there was no lag in transformation. It seemed the cartoons did exaggerate the transformation sequence.

"HEATBLAST!!!" Hiro felt the transformation was rather quick but was surprised when his own computerized voice greeted him.

<"Unimatrix has been set to instant transformation to reduce the time lag. User can access the original transformation feature in the settings"> Hiro smiled after hearing this and immediately began firing fireballs to test his powers. He had no face now as it was entirely made of blazing fire and had three-digited feet instead of five. The fire quickly increased the surrounding temperature by several thousand degrees and even burned a hole in the white void. In short, Hiro was satisfied. However, that might not have been true for some other inhabitants and as a result, he was immediately met with a loud bonk on the head. A scary voice called out to him, "It seems this version of Hiro-Kun is a bit naughty. I will have to punish you properly..." Infi smiled sadistically and Hiro felt chills run down his spine.

Though the bump created by the rather painful bonk was almost cartoonish swollen, Hiro kneeled, anime styled, complete in only his underwear ...and apologized severely. Hiro hadn't felt any form of love since his childhood so different forms of visuals and music were his only best friends. He had deeply indulged himself in them to forget his own loneliness and doing this had taught him many things in the real life. Anime and various shows were not really as bad as the society proclaimed them to be. One can learn many things from them. But while that was true, you simply couldn't go without human love and interaction. After interacting with Vi and Infi, he almost felt like they were his real family. So as even though they scolded him, he knew it was for his own good and he could see, clearly, that they cared about him...
