
Chapter 484: She isn't coming to take revenge on us, is she......

What is she up to?

Isla Winslow asked in surprise, "Can you play the piano?"

Devin Svensson scoffed, "Yes, is she also an art student? She should have learned a few nocturnes or something at school, though, does that even count as art?"

However, the next moment, Hallie Morgan's nimble fingers began to play.

Several people stood dumbfounded on the spot.

The piece Hallie Morgan played was not some common nocturne by Chopin or the like.

It was...it was...

The very one that Devin Svensson had just played!

First, Isla Winslow paused for a moment. After carefully listening, hearing the increasingly consistent melody, her face suddenly stiffened.

Timothy Winslow looked at Hallie Morgan in surprise, had she just listened and memorized it?

The piece, though not as godly as Devin Svensson claimed, was certainly not simple...

Without any skill, it would be impossible to memorize the score so quickly, let alone play it so smoothly...
