
Pondering for the Future

It took Ernest five days to teach Louis Nicholas about modern warfare. Medieval warfare is the current military doctrine of this world, with the knowledge he had in another world, he was able to fluidly and easily explain everything there is need to know, so that when a war sparked, Nicholas would know what to do.

At first, he was befuddled now at his five days, he was now as knowledgeable as him when it comes to modern warfare.

In the governmental office, Ernest and Louis were having a discussion about the main weapons of the army, the M1 Garand.

"It only has eight rounds, can we improve that?" Nicholas asked as he looked at the schematics of the M1 Garand.

"Why?" Ernest asked.

"Well the soldiers here charge in droves and the eight-round bullets of this semi-automatic rifle won't stop their unstoppable onslaught. Not to mention, the Protection Squadron doesn't have any experience of modern warfare other than killing those who opposed you during the purge."

"Hmm." Ernest contemplated what he had just stated. It's true that an M1 Garand won't stop a thousand men charging in front of them and when that happens, the Protection Squadron who lacked experience would probably shiver and shake and fear and won't be able to do their job protecting the city.

But it doesn't mean M1 Garand is ineffective, a weapon that can shoot a target from one hundred meters would instill fear and bewilderment in the enemy. However, he still has to consider Louis Nicholas' suggestion.

With that, Ernest thought of a weapon that would change the primary weapons of the Protection Squadron. At first, he considered its manufacturing method, or how hard it is to be replicated by the dwarves, now with the steel mill that allowed him to gain a variety of processing machines, leveling up the primary weapon of the Protection Squadron would now be easy.

It's a relief that the M1 Garand wasn't mass-produced by the dwarves, or else it would be a waste of materials.

Modern weaponry can now be produced. Assault rifles, sniper rifles, and heavy machine guns. Ernest opened his overpowered and cheat the system to add something to his cart.

With a balance of only 64,965 tyrant points, Ernest selected a firearm that fits his budget.

For the heavy machine gun, Ernest selected M2 Browning. It cost 15,000 tyrant points. This machine gun can be used in the city walls for primary defense when the age of the winter demons started and the civil war ignited.

For assault rifles, Ernest selected Heckler and Koch G36. It cost 12,000 tyrant points. This will change the primary weapons of the Protection Squadron who are using an M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle.

For snipers, Ernest selected a McMillan TAC-338A. It cost 13,000 tyrant points.

All in all, it cost him 40,000 tyrant points. There was no need to change the current pistol of the Protection Squadron as it was already a modern pistol.

"Okay, I'll talk to Guilhem about developing a new weapon that will fit your suggestion." Ernest indirectly accepted his suggestion.

"Thank you very much. Volksfuhrer." Louis said. "Then I shall return to the barracks to supervise and train the troops."

Louis performed the UNSP salute. Ernest did the same. Seeing him leaving the office Ernest thought that his new Protection Squadron uniform suited him very well. German uniforms really are badass and cool!

Next order of business, Ernest called Sophia inside his office and discussed something.

Sophia saluted first before speaking.

"Volksfuhrer, we've procured different kinds of ingots in the steel mill that will be used to supply the construction project, however, it seems that they've hit the wall as the horse-drawn carriage won't be able to transport it due to its weight."

It was expected, the system had reminded him of that. He needs a vehicle that can transport the supplies.

But he doesn't have any tyrant points at this moment as he used them to develop the weapons of the Protection Squadron. Ernest covered his head with his hand, realizing his mistake. This is what happens when one invests in the military, not in the industry.

"I'll be discussing that to Guilhem as we don't have any raw materials needed to build a vehicle."


Sophia remembered Ernest saying that when they were horse riding.

"Yes, we need rubber and oil. And as to the rest of the materials to build, we can procure it. So I've been researching where to get those materials."

Ernest rose to his feet and walked towards the bookshelves and grabbed one book. An encyclopedia of trees the minister of food and agriculture gave him. It was their treasured knowledge passed on by their ancestors. It was their tradition to write everything about trees and plants.

With the detailed description, Ernest was able to find what he was looking for. A tree that produces sap. A tree similar to Hevea brasiliensis but has a better yield of sap. It's called Asvicious Tree.

It is located 250 kilometers southeast of the City of Eighbury. The problem is that it was in another city called Lavacea.

"Sophia, I want you to establish trade with the city called Lavacea in exchange for their white viscous liquid sap of the Asvicious Tree. It'll be important for natural resources to create the carriage we needed to create new transportation."

"The sap of the Asvicious Tree?"

"That tree is the main source of rubber. Just get it done." Ernest said.

"Understood, I will do my best to get what the UNSP needs." Sophia saluted and left the governmental affairs office.

Now that he is alone, Ernest grabbed a book and a pen and write something on it.

Now that he has a main source of rubber, it's time to find the main source of oil. This world has existed for billions of years, naturally, there would be organic fossil fuels located underground in this world, the problem is where to find them.

He knew that petroleum is located beneath the ocean floor and underground reservoirs. Seems like he'll have to use the powers of the beastman to locate an oil reservoir with their heightened senses.

But even if they find a main source of oil, he'll need a facility to refine it. And that's where the oil refinery comes in.

The convenient thing about buying a facility in the system is that it already has the equipment! Instead of buying individual machines, it's all included in the facility. For example, a fractional distillation machine to separate crude oil to a specific kind of fuel is already built-in, the only challenge the workers will face is how to operate complicated machinery. That's where the seminar comes in.

However, as much as he is excited to buy one, he doesn't have sufficient tyrant points to purchase it. He'll have to complete the "Build a Squad" mission and finish the next for an influx of tyrant points.

Closing the book as he finished drafting out his next steps, Ernest put the book in the drawer located under his table and rose to his feet. He decided to go out and breathe in the fresh air of the new world.

Outside, Ernest can now see the development of the city, the roads are under paving process, forming the concrete road with a paver and roller. He imagined the cars running on the roads and its noisy horn.

Since everyone is doing everything they can to develop and transform the city, the construction of the city is progressing faster than he anticipated. On the side of the streets, there is even a concrete pole for the transmission line. The city is rapidly developing at a fast rate. After the winter, the city will be powered by electricity, the roads will be run with vehicles, the nights will be bright, the houses will be lit, waters will flow in their house, their poop will flow in the drainage system, and new appliances, et cetera.

It's possible to renovate and refurbish in less than a year since Eighbury is just a small city, but when he soon seized power, developing a medieval country into a full-pledge modern country would take years.

Walking along the gutter and nodding to the citizens that are respectfully giving their respect, Ernest's mood was on cloud nine. Back from Earth, this was not a norm for an average person. It'll only happen if one were to hold a significant position and people around will frolic around and give their respect. He is the lord of the city, after all, such praise and greetings are to be expected.

Walking for about five minutes, Ernest heard a strange noise coming from the alley. This attracted his attention and decided to investigate.

Arriving at the alley, he saw five figures concealed on a black robe. Inspecting deeper Ernest saw a young child being cornered by what seemed to be thugs.

"You dirty demi-humans are the plague of this country!"

"Yeah all demi-humans are trash and you're no exception!"

"There is no place for you here! Get out of our city."

Hearing that, Ernest realized something strange. This city was a utopia for all races. The Protection Squadron who reports directly to him hasn't encountered this type of scenario. Are they really from this city? He asked himself.

"Oi oi oi, gentleman. What is happening here?" Ernest showed himself to the five thugs, his hands placed onto the holster, ready to pull it out just in case it gets ugly. "I can't let you bully one of my people. Especially children."

Hello guys! Sorry for the late chapter as I left home earlier to enroll in a college university. I'll be a first year chemical engineering student soon and the first sem will start by the end of the month. Yay! Though it might affect the stability of updates but I'll try my best to upload atleast one chapter per day starting next month. I'll try and force myself to do a mass release before the school starts so that it can reach one hundred chapters before the school semester. Once again thank you to all the readers supporting and reading my book.

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