
Yet another scandal

Only two days passed before the business community of Florelia was in turmoil once again. Alan Porter had again caused people to be outraged and stunned by his behaviour when they read the post he had published about stealing KANI from Alex's grandfather and his apology to Eliott, Ethan and Alex for the scandal he created. 

Alan Porter's behaviour was the new topic of conversation for everyone involved in the country's business cycle, as well as Alex and Aria's fans and any passersby interested in gossip.

Some were shocked, others had already known, and the others, who already knew how shameless and vicious Alan could be, simply watched the case from a distance.

Eliott was enjoying the show. He was sure Alan would go for it. The man had too much pride to admit that he was defeated, and Eliott knew that he would never have let him close his company in his life. 
