
More Than Enough Personality For The Both Of Them

After a somewhat exhausting weekend of hero work (the villains were running rampant more than usual on Sunday), Keith did not feel like he was on his A game to start his new job. He had to make the best of it though. 

He dragged himself out of bed and made sure he had plenty of time to get himself to work. They might open at 11 AM but, in addition to deliveries, he was also in charge of kitchen prep. 

He had already taken care of all of his onboarding paperwork so he would be good to go once he got there. Since he had such a long history of food delivery jobs, they didn't bother supervising him. They simply showed him how their specific type of electronic pin pad worked and he was off. 

Keith was relieved because he really didn't want anyone else encroaching on his limited time with Joss. She was the only person in his life who regularly sought him out and that meant more to him than he was willing to admit. 
