
Mutated Monsters

Meanwhile, Seraphina was also using her items to keep the monsters occupied. However, she couldn't do much when the mutated creature used Kelly as a shield.

To make things difficult, the creature was fast and shrieking, attracting a horde of zombies into their way. If she didn't end that creature soon, she was afraid they'd be overwhelmed by the zombies in a matter of minutes.

"Tsk." Seraphina clicked her tongue. This was getting annoying. She wasted enough items already, but still, the creature remained standing, taunting her with its ugly face and limbs. 

"I think it's time to use some rare items." A wand appeared on Seraphina's hand. It was the Wand of the Coral King carved from driftwood and covered in petrified barnacles.

The wand allowed her to conjure the water element even without mana for at least five minutes. 

"Die already!" 
