


The beast's roar stunned everyone. They didn't expect it to go berserk at the first sign of hostility. Everyone dropped to their knees from the effect of its roar, and their shock turned into dismay when it disappeared within the first gust of sands.

However, before they could think of where it went, a loud flapped of wings rippled the sky and with it an eerie cry.

Tiamat has arrived!


Ryu and the others were traversing the desert in calculated steps. Every beast they saw they avoided, and every notable place they could hide, they took notes while finding the exit.

Their progress was slow, but so far, they hadn't met any trouble.

Then Ryu's eyes shone when he spotted the mammoth grazing at a patch of grass on a small land. While they were spread out searching for the exit, Ryu approached the mammoth, being careful not to alert it.
