
A New Threat

"Not good!" Even Rosa didn't know what to do against that massive fissure. Will spells even work against that thing?

What would she do? Threw rocks at it so it would close? With its size, her mana would run out even before she could ever hope to cover half of it.

Then Rosa had an idea. She was looking at it the wrong way. If she couldn't stop the hole, she just had to stop the boat from being swallowed until the fissure ceased.

Rosa snapped her hand, and her staff appeared. Chanting a spell, she gathered her concentration, and huge rocks formed in front of the boat. It would anchor the ship so it wouldn't be drag into the hole.

Boulders and mud formed a rocky wall, stopping the ship from the strong currents and all the passengers sighed in relief.

Rosa's lips rose in a smug smile. That should do it. Now they just had to wait for the hole to be filled with water, and they could resume their journey.

