
Exploration 1

"Hey! Stop that!" Ferris tried to block with her hands when Ryu shook his head for the hundredth time.

They were in the bathroom with only his trousers on. Ryu was sitting on the small wooden stool while Ferris was standing behind him, washing his hair.

"Look what you did. I'm soaking wet." Ferris puffed her cheeks and glared at him.

Ryu glanced over at her. Then he resumed and cupped bubbles and blew them in the air.

The feeling of her clothes sticking to her skin irritated Ferris to no end. She decided to go naked instead. At the noises of clothes being removed and at the sudden stop of the wonderful feeling of her hands on his hair, Ryu looked over at Ferris.

Ryu saw naked women, and it became his everyday life in the colosseum. He never once gave it thought since they were all just bones and flesh once emboweled.

But when Ferris disrobed, revealing ugly scars and muddy skin, his attention was piqued. His irises turned to slit, for her appearance was changing before him.

From her rough, muddy skin, it became glossy white that he even saw his reflection on her thigh. The scars and stitched dissolving like there wasn't any. The burned skin and bandages all disappeared while her hair spurted out in cascading waves, the darkest night, and settled straight on her waist. Her scrawny limbs were filled out in proportion as her height increased. Her breasts bounced, plump and round and incredibly soft. Her hips enlarge and made way for her round perky butt.

In all of Ryu's life, he never saw someone as beautiful as the woman in front of him.

Ryu blinked, a low growl rumbled in his chest as his eyes turned to slit, unrecognition warped his face in menace as his muscles tensed.

Ferris didn't move. She stood just inches in front of Ryu as he leaned and sniffed her.

Ryu leaned forward until Ferris felt his breath. He sniffed her thigh, to his waist, and back.

Ferris sucked a breath, and her hand shot to her mouth to resist a moan when Ryu's nose grazed her belly, down to her abdomen, to the black curls on her pelvis, and finally rested to her sex.

Ryu's nostrils flared. As he thought, the muddy, stinging, burnt scent was gone. He pressed his nose against Ferris's clit, and she flinched at the sensation. Goosebumps railed her skin.

The smell was strong here. Ryu thought and closed his eyes, savoring her scent.

The scent of clear sky and horizon.

Ryu straightened his back and looked at Ferris with his head tilting to the side.

Ferris was a hot sticky mess when Ryu was done sniffing her. Her face was flushed, and her breathing blurred her beautiful face. But upon the sight of Ryu, who wasn't the least affected at all, she coughed and regained her bearing.

"Surprise? This is my actual appearance," she said with a crooked smile, hiding the shattering of her pride behind a cheerful voice.

Ryu tilted his head to the other side with a question mark popping over his head.

Ferris folded her arms under her enormous breasts and her plump flesh melted atop her arms. Pinkish tips stood erect.

"With an appearance like this. What do you think my life will be?" Ferris grabbed a bottle of liquid with different scented herbs. "It's better to hide under an ugly mask rather than being hunted by all sorts of beings' day in and out."

Ferris poured the liquid onto Ryu's hair and massaged his head. Ryu's eyes shut closed, savoring the warm, pleasant feeling of her hands.

"I had to use a spell to change my appearance. Though it consumed my mana to keep it up, it's worth it since it saved me countless times."

It was not an ordinary spell that could easily break since it was an actual body she used –– a dead burnt body of a child that perfectly housed her soul.

After finishing rinsing his hair, Ryu shook his head to get the water off him.

Ferris chuckled and pulled Ryu to his feet. Even with Ferris's original height, she still couldn't contend with Ryu's six-foot height, so she had to strain her neck to look over at him.

"You are the only person I told my secret. Promise me that you won't ever tell anyone. Or else, I won't feed you anymore."

Ryu blinked as he looked down at her scarlet eyes. He didn't care about appearance. But with Ferris beauty, a beauty that could cause a calamity . . .

Ryu thought about the women in the colosseum, and his mood plummeted. He didn't want Ferris to undergo that experience, and he nodded. The only appearance that mattered to him was Cecily's anyways.

He then cupped some bubbles and blew it –– end of the topic.

Ferris didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Well, I somehow expected it.

Though she expected it, Ferris felt disappointed. She was a woman, what's more, a demon whose allure could entice event the rigid Angels. And a man not reacting to her was –– disheartening, to say the least.

Ferris blinked when something poked her sex. She looked down, and her lips curved in a smirk.

That's more like it.

Ryu was indeed not interested in her, but the same couldn't be said about the little Ryu down there. It must be his human side whose reacting. Beastfolks were extremely loyal and devoted to their mate. They wouldn't even feel a tingle if it was not their other half. But Ryu was not purely a beast. He was also human. So the urge and other physical attributed unique to the beastmen were not fully applied to him.

"Alright, time to wash your body. Remove your trousers and leave nothing behind," Ferris instructed, gaze never leaving Ryu's bulge with her mischievous eyes.

Ryu removed his trousers together with his loincloth. His cock bent down and jutted upward to his stomach when he pulled his clothes off and kicked them to the side.

It was not the first time that Ferris saw a naked man, but it was the first time Ferris saw a cock with a vividly plump tip and ample girt.

Ferris's inner demons wanted to come out and devour the boy. Her core spurted juices, and she was forced to rub her thigh.

Ryu's nostrils flared, inhaling that sweet scent filling the room. It was different from the usual sky and horizon. It was mixed with something sweet like the fruits he had eaten yesterday night. The thought made his mouth salivate with hunger as his cock throbbed in anticipation.

Ryu didn't know what he was feeling, so he just tilted his head to the side, looking at Ferris, who was feasting on his body.

Oddly, Ryu felt a sense of pride, and his chest rumbled in approval.
