
Chapter 232 - Had It Coming

"Don't go there, it's dangerous! Those people look like gangsters!" Ryley hissed, warning Alex with a worried face. 

His height allowed him to see past the towering guards Clyde ordered to secure the area, and though the unexpected fight clearly painted his face in dread, the blond's brown eyes widened in surprise when he saw the figure Clyde pacified. 

Ryley didn't know why Gabriel was there but he knew that he only had one job right now— he must not let Alex saw him talking to Clyde. "We better wait inside. Let the authority deal with them later," he said as he pulled the small doctor back into the bar.

As the crowd began to disperse, Gabriel exhaled a deep breath to cool off his fuming head. His chest puffed as he replied to the shorter guy with a proud smile. "They won't bother you and your son again."
