

Ansel walked through the circus town, taking in all that had happened in such a short time. She was completely confused and emotional. It was all too much for her.

Zia was nearly killed by accident, yet she was healing as though her injuries were negligible. A shattered arm and nearly being sliced in half was no easy injuries. How was this possible. Ansel's head hurt from trying to piece everything together. She continued walking briskly in deep thought.

"Hey, Ansel." A familiar voice spoke.

"Orion, how are you?" Ansel asked. "I am well, but how is Zia? It is unheard of what happened to her. The word is, she is not going to make it." He said with a furrowed brow. "Is that true?" He asked.

This was the most Ansel had ever heard Orion speak. He was genuinely concerned for Zia.

"Thank you for your concern, Orion. Zia is actually healing extremely well, Orion. I am surprised at her progress. The doctor feels it is a miracle. He thought she wouldn't be able to heal because of the severity of her wounds but she is making tremendous strides.

We have just been keeping things quiet until we know more." She said.

Orion's eyes lit up at Ansel's update. He always cared for Zia. She was so young when he met her. She was bright, happy, and full of life regardless of what situation presented itself to her. He admired her strength and determination. He did not want anything to happen to such a beautiful person. She didn't deserve the pain. He thought.

"It is good to know she is doing better. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help her. Give her my best wishes when you see her." He said, with his hand over his heart.

"I will deliver the message. I am sure she will appreciate it." Ansel said.

"Oh before I continue on my way, I must also warn you. The darkness has been invading the boundaries further. If Damien doesn't take care of this soon, we will all be in danger." He said, deeply concerned.

"I am aware of the breach. I never know when Damien is going to take things seriously. I do believe he went to see about getting our borders more protection though. All I can do is hope at this point." She said, sounding defeated as she lowered her eyes to the ground.

"Well, we will figure it out. I will take Gemini to patrol at night when everyone is asleep. We may not be able to stop it but at least we can warn others if anything happens. Let me know if you find out anything more." He said.

"I will," Ansel replied with a half-smile.

Orion tipped his hat to Ansel and walked away. Ansel blushed a little at his handsome face and gentleness. She wondered why some beautiful woman hadn't made him a husband yet.

Ansel couldn't be concerned with all of that right now though. She quickly regained her focus and continued her way to find something for Zia to eat.

"Worry consumed her suddenly. What would they do if they had no protection at their borders? There was nowhere to go. They would have to cross the forest and make it to the town in order to have any kind of protection if it was at all possible.

Everyone could not go to the church either. Between the church and the darkness, no one knew what would be worse.

Ansel's head continued to throb as she felt a sharp, stabbing pain in her chest. She stood frozen still as she waited for the pain to subside. Her head feel light like she would faint. She began breathing deeply and walked towards the nearest place she could rest.

A wooden chair posted near a tent was the best bet right now. Ansel made her way to the chair and sat down. Inside the tent was an old man selling cigars and spirits. He was much older than Ansel, but he moved like he was younger.

"Ansel, Are you ok madam?" He asked nervously. Ansel looked up at him and couldn't say a word. "Stay there! You don't look so good. I will go and get Aeson. Don't Move!" He instructed as he hurried off to find the circus doctor. Ansel followed his instructions and did not move. She would fall if she tried to.

A few moments later, Aeson appeared with his medical bag in hand. He reached for Ansel's forehead and checked for a fever.

"Hey Ansel, how are you feeling?" He asked calmly. Ansel simply looked at him and nodded her head to gesture that she wasn't well.

"Ok, I am going to check your vitals." He said. Ansel nodded for, yes. Aeson pulled his stethoscope out of his bag and placed it on Ansel's heart. He listened keenly.

After a few seconds, he listened to her lungs and other organs as he moved the stethoscope around her upper body.

Aeson reached into his back and retrieved a thermometer and a blood pressure monitor. He checked Ansel's temperature, then attached the monitor to her arm to read her pressure. When he had collected all the information he needed, he placed his tools back in his bag.

"Your heartrate is elevated, and your pressure is high. Have you had high pressure before?" He asked. "I am not sure. I don't remember the last time I even went to the doctor. Ansel replied softly, finally feeling slightly better.

"Well then, it seems like you have had an anxiety attack. It could have been triggered by stress with all that has been happening. Please rest and try not to allow yourself to be too stressed. You cannot help anyone if you are not taking care of yourself." He said gently with his hand on her shoulder.

"I know Aeson. It has been a lot." She replied. "Well, you must rest now and monitor yourself. If it happens again, I need to know." He said firmly.

"I am not able to rest until I find something for Zia to eat. She hasn't eaten since the accident." Ansel said, concerned. "Don't worry. I will walk you back to your rest area and go take food to Zia." Aeson said.

"Are you sure that is not too much to ask?" Ansel questioned Aeson.

"Ansel, you didn't ask. I offered. It is ok. We are in this together. Anything for Zia." He said with a smile, as he packed up his bag. He stood up and helped Ansel stand up as well, guiding her along the way to her rest station with his arm fixed under hers for support.
