
Chapter 05: My Lura

(Big thanks to Lanceilion for pointing out that Shikotsumyaku allowed Kimimaro to completely control his bones, not just for weaponry. It gave me some ideas for abilities for our MC to be capable of)

The words Tiger said to me were still fresh in my head, even when they said afterwards that a nurse was going to come in and ask me some questions.

I awakened my Lura. While it is true that it doesn't sound too rare, seeing as 80% of people in the world, according to Pixie Bob at least, awaken their Lura, or "Quirks" as they refer to it as, it's important to note that whenever a member of our tribe awakened their Lura, there will be signs that happen a few days before they do. For example, if someone is going to awaken a fire based Lura, a few days before it happens, some things related to fire will happen with them. Some examples are a sudden interest in fire, a "talk" with fire, or sudden heat resistance. But mine had no signs. The closest thing I had to a sign was the sudden strange command from my brain to "activate it". Not only that, I never heard any stories from other tribe members who awakened their Lura telling anything about their Lura being related to bones. There were Lura related to things people tend to associate with the body, like muscle augmentation or physical enhancement, but it was never about bones.

While I was lost in my thoughts, a nurse came into the room. She was small, and looked to be quite old. Part of Pixie Bob's lessons also told me about some Heroes, and I learnt about this woman from her. Her Hero name is Recovery Girl. Her allows her to speed up someone's healing factor by incredible amounts, but it still takes stamina from the person's body to heal the body, so you can't lose both of your arms and go up to Recovery Girl to get her to heal you, because, unless your body has extremely larger than regular amounts of stamina, the drain of energy would kill you.

Recovery Girl: Hello there, sonny. I must say, when these four came rushing into UA yelling for me to help, I was shocked. I was sure they could have just taken you to a hospital, but then I saw your body. There were over 30 gaping, bleeding holes all over your body, most of your muscles were torn and hanging out of the holes, and there was so much blood that even though you were brought in 6 hours ago, there's still just as much blood on the floors as there were when you were brought in. In all honesty, I am baffled how you're still alive. Everyone else would have been dead before you would have been brought here. Do you know anything as to why you're relatively fine?

Me: To make a long story short, where I come from, me and my kin have extreme levels of resilience. That's all I'm going to say for now though. No disrespect, but a lot has happened in a very short time frame. Me awakening my Lura is just one of them.

Recovery Girl: Lura?

Tiger: That's what he and his people call Quirks.

Recovery Girl: Ah, I see. Interesting. I won't pry, as you said, a lot has happened to you in a short timeframe. It makes sense you would be overwhelmed. I'll leave the room for a bit, so you can get your head together before I come in again to ask you some questions.

She left the room for a bit, leaving me with the Pussycats and my rampaging thoughts. It took me 15 minutes and some calming words from the Pussycats to calm me down enough to a point where I could answer questions without breaking down. Recovery Girl came into the room 5 minutes after that.

Recovery Girl: First question. Do you feel anything right now that you didn't before you awakened your "Lura", as you call it?

Me: I feel like...pardon me for the vague description, but I feel like a walking armoury. Like I am a walking weapon, ready to cut or hammer anything at a moment's notice. I also feel, for lack of a better word, murderous. Like I want a fight with someone, preferably a battle to the death.

Recovery Girl: My, that's quite a big problem. You see, Quirks affect people's personalities, and it seems these new feelings and cravings you are having is your Quirk's effect on your personality. Any other feelings in your mind?

Me: There is one other feeling. I have a craving for foods or liquids that would strengthen my bones.

Recovery Girl: That's most likely your Quirk telling you what would make it stronger passively. Makes a lot of sense, seeing as your Quirk essentially weaponizes your bones. Question 2: Do you feel any changes to your physical or mental capabilities? Do you feel stronger, weaker, smarter, stuff like that?

Me: Physically, I feel like I can recover from mortal wounds faster than normal. Mentally, I feel less stable than normal. it's not too bad, but it's noticeable.

Recovery Girl: Well, for the mental effect, we can safely assume that's related again to your Quirk affecting your personality. For the physical change, that could most likely be why your skin seemed to magically stitch itself back together before the surgeons could try to. However, it seems this regeneration only went for your skin and muscles, which is likely why you can still move without having to worry about shredded muscles. Question 3, this is the final one. What would you like to name your Quirk?
