
Chapter 41

It took a moment after he looked over at Victoria when he saw what she was yelling about, she crouched down over Es who was now laid out on the boat floor unconscious. The barrier was gone now but fortunately so was the beastie underneath for a moment.

"ES! can you hear me!? We need you!" Victoria shouted as she shook her friend to no avail. Joe's hearing came back around this time, Victoria left Es lay still then looked around the boats.

"Keep rowing you fools!" She was intense, Sasha had pushed one of the guards out of the way and took command of the rowing.

"With me now!" Sasha shouted to the guards who looked to her. "Heave-Ho!" On the other boat Bryce had joined in with the "Heave!" part. The boats were moving along again, the tugboats were nowhere near them and the island was only about a mile or so out. Maybe they were going to make it? Joe had hope for the first time in a long time.
