As Shallot and Yunaly continue to hug, Bulma and Launch are crying hysterically and Yamcha is trying to hide the fact that he's crying to.
Shallot then just looks at Yunaly for a moment.
"I can't believe you're alive. And Raditz, and Vegeta are alive too? That's great."
Yunaly chuckles.
"Yes, they're on a different planet. With- Nappa."
Shallot groans.
"Nappa survived? Really?" Shallot says.
"Yeah, when Planet Vegeta was destroyed, he was on a mission with the three of us. After what happened to your sister on the last mission- we thought you needed a break. In hindsight it would have probably been better for you to come."
Shallot sighs.
"Yeah. Did any other Saiyan's survive?" Shallot asks.
"Just one. Raditz's little brother, Kakarot."
"I see. What about Broly?"
Yunaly shakes her head with sadness. Shallot closes his eyes, getting his hopes up for a moment.
"Shallot. Why haven't you sold this planet yet?"
Shallot stays silent for a moment.
"I don't do that anymore. This planet- these people- their under my protection."
Yunaly is surprised, but then smiles.
"You haven't changed. I know you always hated what we do, maybe on some level I do too. But Frieza won't just let us stop conquering planets for him."
Shallot is confused by this.
"Wait- Frieza?" Shallot says.
"Yeah, just because Planet Vegeta was destroyed, doesn't mean we stop working for him, Shallot."
Shallot doesn't say anything for a moment.
"Yunaly- what do you think happened to Planet Vegeta?"
Yunaly looks at Shallot in confusion.
"We were told that it collided with a meteor. You know that, you were there, right?"
Shallot stays silent for a moment, as everyone else realizes that she doesn't know the truth. Shallot then turns around and looks at Roshi, as the old master nods.
"Let's give these two some privacy."
As all of them leave, Shallot tells Yunaly the truth behind their planets destruction. Anger flares in Yunaly, as her ki starts to light up.
"Woah, I guess she's not taking it well." Krillin says.
Shallot just looks at Yunaly, allowing her to get her anger all out.
"That bastard! After everything we did in his name! In his father's name! He threw us away like garbage!"
"Yes. Raditz's father, Bardock, tried to warn us all but- no one listened."
Yunaly slowly calms down, still angry about the situation.
"I guess I shouldn't be surprised, considering who we're talking about." Yunaly says.
"I've been training all these years to gain the strength to kill him. I was going to leave Earth to find him, but looks like that part will be easy with you and the others."
Yunaly looks at Shallot in shock.
"Wait, are you actually planning on facing Frieza?"
Shallot nods.
"He eradicated our entire race. I'm going to make him wish he was never born."
Yunaly looks at Shallot for a moment, then smiles.
"Well, at least you've gotten a little more tougher than you were on Planet Vegeta." She says putting her fist against his chest.
Shallot smirks.
"Yeah, watching your Planet go up in flames will do that to you."
"Well, you're not alone in this. Once Vegeta and the others hear about this, I'm sure they'll want to take down Frieza."
Shallot smiles.
"We can worry about that later. You hungry?" Shallot asks.
Yunaly smiles and nods, as the young man invites her inside Kame house. Later, the two Saiyan's eat an entire table of food, while the others watch in awe.
"Wow, I guess Saiyan's have pretty big appetites." Bulma says.
Shallot and Yunaly then sit back with satisfied stomachs.
"This planet might be full of weaklings, but their meals aren't half bad." Yunaly says.
All the earthlings look at Yunaly, offended by her comment, as Shallot laughs awkwardly. Yamcha and Krillin both get into her face.
"Maybe we should show you how strong we earthlings are." Krillin says.
"Yeah." Yamcha adds.
Yunaly smirks and cracks her knuckles.
"Ready when you are, boys. Should we take this outside?" Yunaly says.
Both Krillin and Yamcha back down, laughing nervously.
"How bout we just let you off with a warning this time." Yamcha says.
Yunaly smiles as Shallot, Bulma, Roshi, and Oolong all laugh.
Later the two Saiyan's sit on the beach together. He tells her everything that has happened to him ever since he's landed on earth, from meeting Bulma, to the dragon balls, to the red ribbon army, to meeting earth's God, and training with Piccolo for the past year.
"I see. Sounds like you've been busy."
Shallot chuckles.
"Yeah. I hope you understand why I couldn't bring back our people with the dragon balls."
Yunaly sighs, looking up at the stars.
"I guess I do. No doubt most of them would try to conquer this planet, especially because of those dragon balls."
Yunaly thinks about something.
"Maybe we shouldn't tell the others about Earth. Right now their all on Planet Arlia. I can intercept them there, fill them in without a few details. This planet and everyone on it will be safe, and you can meet us on a different planet where we can plan our move against Frieza."
Shallot nods, agreeing to this plan.
"I don't believe I like that plan very much." A familiar voice says over Yunaly's scouter.
Both Shallot and Yunaly are shocked.
"Is that..." Shallot starts to say.
"Vegeta." Yunaly finishes.
"Yes, hope you don't mind Yunaly but we've been listening into your little conversation. Glad to know that sentimental fool Shallot actually survived Planet Vegeta's destruction. But what really interests me is those Dragon balls. I hope you don't mind us borrowing them to wish for immortality and selling off that planet for a good profit." Vegeta says.
a nervous sweat drips from Yunalys forehead as Shallot has a serious look on his face. The Saiyan then takes the scouter from her.
"I might have a problem with that." Shallot says.
Vegeta chuckles.
"Well there's a familiar voice."
"I can't let you make that wish, Prince."
Vegeta then laughs hysterically.
"Let me? Oh Shallot, perhaps you've forgotten who I am, so allow me to refresh your memory. I am Vegeta, Prince of all the Saiyan's, including you. I am superior to you in every way, you should be offering me those dragon balls and hoping I allow you to live, unlike that planet."
Shallot clenches his fists and smirks.
"You know- all these years, and I forgot how much of a egotistical bastard you are."
Vegeta smile fades when he hears this, surprised by the tone Shallot took with him.
"I may be glad you guys are alive, but things have changed. I have changed. This planet is under my protection."
"That's a shame. You'd really stand for those Earthlings, and against your own people?" Vegeta asks.
"Like I said, I have changed."
Vegeta smirks.
"Very well. I guess we'll see you in three months time."
The scouter then goes off line. Shallot sighs, removing the scouter, as the both he and Yunaly look at each other with concern.
"I guess we have another fight on our hands, before Frieza." Shallot says.
Meanwhile, Vegeta stands with the Saiyan's Nappa and Raditz.
"Are we really going to go against our own kind? You heard Shallot, we should be going after that bastard Frieza." Raditz says.
"Use your head, fool. None of us have enough power to take on Frieza. We need that immortality wish if we want to take him down." Vegeta says.
"Plus after we kill Frieza, this universe will belong to the Saiyan's." Nappa says with an evil grin.
Raditz sighs.
"Fine. What Planet are these- dragon balls on anyway?" Raditz asks.
"A planet called Earth. Not far from where we are now."
The Prince then looks over at a Saiyan, with a scar on his forehead, that looks exactly like Bardock, sleeping under a tree.
"Hey clown! We're leaving!" Vegeta yells.
Kakarot opens his eyes and sighs.
"What now?" He says, annoyed.