
Chapter 243

After getting out of the pit, Jason and Drago continue on their journey to return to the yin yang empire and after three days of walking, they were able to make it into the mist forest where Jason let out a deep sigh before speaking up.

"It is truly boring venturing alone in this world, how wish Austin and Diana were here, this journey would have been a lot of fun don't you think"? Jason asked Drago who was laying on his head as he took the sunbath.

"I have to agree with you on that one for one, I won't have to sit on your head but would be with Diana while watching you and Austin battling it out with each other" replied Drago with a light chuckle. 

"Ah, I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they see that I've made a breakthrough into the core formation realm" said Jason proudly.
