
Mysterious cave

It has been a week since I experienced the first ever pokemon horde. The strength of the nidoking really suprised me.

If it weren't for the league confiscating the pokemon I would have caught it. My family may hold power but it is not enough to go against a nation.

The reid family will have to slowly build connections around the world. To be able to hold to power to speak in this new age.

Through the creation of pokeballs we hold a little bit of face in this world. But once we bring even more technology we can hold a great amount of influence.

In fact a few days the poke center plan was put into act. The pokemon centers will now be built across the world.

The land would be provided by the government but I would have to pay the price for each pokemon center.

The reid family spent a total of 100 billion to establish pokemon centers across the world. The world was once again shocked at the ability of being able to heal your pokemon.

The reid family became a house hold name across the world.

Even making the news once again.

Breaking news

News reporter:I'm sure you have all heard this new shocking information.

But if you haven't you came to the right place!!

The reid family who is responsible for the creation of the pokeball have now made this new outstanding breakthrough in technology.

What is this new technology you may ask? It is a machine which can heal your pokemon back to full health in a matter of minutes.

So if any of your pokemon are injured make sure to visit the reid family pokemon centers. This has the chance to save your Pokémon's life.

As you know in the recent past two month with the arrival of pokeballs. Many trainer pokemon have experienced deaths due to the pokeball simply not being enough to save them.

With that will conclude the news make sure you all tune in later on.

I also picked up a hobby in the past week I have been exploring different areas to find anything out of the ordinary.

The reason for my sudden fascination is to find any clues if their happens to be legendary pokemon on this earth. Or any other thing that may be out of the ordinary.

My efforts have payed off cause I recently found a cave. Which have been receiving strange reports from people living in the surrounding area.

I took a private plane to arrive at the area. The total time it took to arrive was around 2 hours.

Getting to the town I questioned the villagers about the cave getting many diffrent responses.

Villager 1:I've heard that the cave redirects anyone that enters through the use of mind control.

Villager 2:I heard the pokemon has a very powerful psychic strength.

Villager 3:The pokemon has a ability to put people to sleep.

Through use of information from the village I determined this was mostly a psychic pokemon.

And by the sound of it the pokemon was very powerful with psychic energy. I won't rule out the chance of it being a legendary.

I must explore this matter at hand before any one else has the chance to. If the government manages to anger one of the powerful legendary this can mean the destruction of the world.

With that in mind I began making my way to the cave with the instructions the villagers left to me.

After around a 10 minute walk I arrived to the cave. Walking forward I began to fill a great amount of psychic pressure coming from with inside.

Coming up with an idea I released Riolu and beldum. I released Riolu for protection reasons.

The reason I released beldum was to potentially be able to absorb the psychic energy in the surrounding area.

I know ever since I caught beldum it was close to evolving. But it just needs some sort of push to fully maximize its potential.

This powerful psychic energy could be just what beldum needs to maximize its potential.

We maxed out way inside the cave seeing many other psychic pokemon on the inside. Such as abra ralts and many more.

Calling my parents I decided to make a call to buy this town and the cave. With this many psychic pokemon I would be able to provide the reid family with strong pokemon.

We contacted the lawayer and the accusation of the land will be completed by tomorrow.

With that done I made my way deeper in the cave where the psychic energy began to become more and more abundant.

I could feel that beldum power was rising even more and more as we continued to walk through.

After almost a few more minutes of walking we arrived to a narrow entrance. Bracing myself I made my way through.

After walking through I was disappointed that it didn't happen to be a legendary pokemon. But it was still a powerful pokemon no the less.

Taking out my phone I scanned the pokemon.

Slowking, Water/Psychic type, height:2.0m, Weight: 175.3lbs

Aptitude: 8-star

Status:Lvl 100

Ability:aura sphere,Hyperbeam, ice punch,Fire punch,Psychic,Surf,Rain dance,Heal pulse,Whirlpool,Psyshock,Icebeam,Flamethrower,Hydropump

Comprehensive battle strength:Quasi-Grandmaster

I was shocked at slowking stats it's not something that I or anyone on this earth could handle at this moment. This slowking probably had enough strength to wipe out a state by itself.

If word gets out about this pokemon a small scale war would break out to acquire it.

Before I could continue with my thinking a old voice which reminded me of a grandma entered my head.

Slowking:Don't worry young one I don't want to cause any harm to your human race. My only goal is to protect my current home I reside in and my fellow pokemon here.

I was suprised at the fact that slowking entered my mind.

"Slowking are you the reason for the psychic disturbance when anyone comes to this area."

Slowking: Yes I actually am child. As I told you my goal is to protect my home and these pokemon residing in this cave.

The people that tried to entered this cave held negative thoughts so I hypnotized them to leave this area and forget this location.

But I sensed something different with you so I allowed you to enter this area.

"What do you mean by sensing something different with me."

Slowking:Exactly as I said child I sense that you will harbor a power different from other human beings. Your destiny interest me.
