
Gravity chamber

(Sorry for the late chapter everybody! School has restarted and I had to get myself ready for it but I'm so happy that this is my final year. regarding the chapter schedule, I honestly don't know if I will be able to update during the week due to school work but I'll try to get a least 2 or more chapters during the weekend. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but ill try my best to update as frequent as I can)


It was early in the morning as the sun slowly started to rise up in the distance. the wind was flowing as the birds began to sing and fly around

off in the distance and top of a house, there was a person who appeared to be a kid sitting down in a meditative position. all the birds flying around soonly landed on him. sitting on his shoulders and legs, He was radiating a sense of calmness and serenity that called the birds over

And that person was Shin

It's been two weeks since he fought the androids and the destruction of Hosu city and during that time, nothing much has happened. He had to stay in the hospital for a while but due to help from the doctors and his fast healing factor he only had to stay there for a week During the first week, he mostly spent the majority with Momo and the rest with Goku and friends

Most of the time he spent with Momo was mostly talking with each other for hours with no end and other romantic things that couples usually do. One day when Momo came for her usual visit, she deeply apologized for the accusations and how she went off on him

Shin was just confused about it and told her it was completely alright. He wouldn't lie and say that it didn't hurt him but he knew that she was in her feelings and couden't think rationally and decided to forgive her. he said in return all he wanted was a special evening with just the two of them. She happily accepted and he started making reservations for a special high-end restaurant In Parris

When he had alone time he would indulge himself in image training and would constantly fight the androids. Ever since the real fight with 17/18, he felt extremely more powerful than he ever had before. Shin realized that it was due to the massive Zenki he received when he was so close to death's door. Honestly, If Ultra Instinct didn't activate at the last second he would probably be talking to King Yemma right about now. He spent many hours fighting both of them multiple times and getting used to his new strength. He became so strong that he wouldn't need to use Omen and would only need X19 to defeat them now

Besides that, during the week Principal Nezu and Korin with Yajirobe came to visit him. Even Heroes like All Might, Eraserhead, and Miruko tagged along with them. All Might and Aizawa came to thank him for saving Deku, Iida, and Todoroki while Miruko just came to check up on him

After all of that, Principal Nezu told him that they wanted to hear about his perspective during the incident and wanted to tell them what he knows. He agreed and started recapping everything from his perspective. starting from the beginning when he was patrolling the city with Miruko. The Nomu's and androids that were scattered around the city. How the Hero killer was there and how they attacked the city to personally draw him out. ending with his battle between 17/18

After that nothing happened for the rest of the week

Shin opened his eyes and silver flashed. Shin had been in a meditative state for one reason

Ultra instinct Omen

Ever since he had activated Omen during the fight with the androids he felt different. His senses felt sharper and his actions felt more instinctive. Since then he stopped his training and spent that time sharpening his mind with meditation. He recalled the time when he activated Omen and felt he was on the cusp of tapping into it

Even if he achieved it he knew it would take years of mastering it and even if he taped into omen again, the drawbacks would be too heavy but it didn't matter to him. It was his next step of power and one day he will master it and make it his own. besides, it felt like it was calling to him. like the same beastly power he felt back in the chamber but this time, it felt more divine

he pulled out his finger and little blue bird landed on it

Shin smiled "Oh hello birdie! I'm gonna call you Toriyama!"

Shin continued " I never would have believed that I had Ultra instinct yet here I am feeling so close to reaching it. All I need is a little push to push me beyond the edge. just a little more time and I feel I can activate it again"


Toriyama and the rest of the birds flew away as Shin's cell phone ranged. Shin just chuckled at the birds and picked his phone from his pocket and answered it

"Hello, Son Shin here!"

Then he heard a young women's voice " Son Shin it's me! Bulma!"

Shin smiled "Bulma how have you been? what can I do for you?"

"I'm calling to tell you that your gravity chamber is ready! we just recently completed it yesterday and you came come and get any time you want "

Shin became ecstatic when he heard that "really!? that's great! we'll head over there in an hour! thank you!" he then hanged up and went back inside to get ready


After getting ready, he used his instant transmission to teleport himself and Goku in front of the school. He was wearing a brown leather jacket with some jeans while Goku was wearing a black hoodie and also some jeans. they both just ignored all the shocked looks and began to walk inside

both of them started walking towards the support course and while disregarding the classes that were still going on. they were supposed to be in class today but Shin asked principal Nezu for an extra week for himself and Goku so Shin could focus on his meditation and Goku could train before they went back. Nezu just allowed it due to what Shin did back in the city. They paced normally as the both of them walked forward

As he went his way making his way, he walked past class 1 A and decided to look inside through the windows. it seemed everything was going normally as everybody was talking among themselves. Bakugo was yelling at Denki and Kirishima, Deku was talking to Iida and Ochako and for some reason, Todoroki, Momo, and Mina were talking with the rest of the girls, and Krillin was talking with the Z group

Both of them smiled at the sight and continued making theirs towards the support course. After a few minutes of walking, they found themselves in front of the support course door.

loud noises could be from the other side as Goku opened the door. as they entered the room they saw lots of students all around tinkering and experimenting with different things

"Freeman you fool! stop you'll cause a residence cascade!"

"Pull the lever, Kronk!"

then a hole appeared below her


"Oh ya it's all coming together!"

Shin and goku continued walking until they were blocked by a blue hair woman "it seemed you two made it!"

she was wearing a full mechanic outfit and had a pair of goggles on her. she pulled them up to reveal her blue eyes "come on let me show it to you"

they both nodded and started following her. after a few minutes of walking through multiple rooms, they walked into a massive room that was filled with other things

right in the middle, there was a massive round rod that had the capsule corp logo inscribed

Shin tilled his head "is that it?"

"Yep" Bulma nodded

"That's your very own gravity chamber!"
