
Unexpected Turn

In the excitement between the visitors and the elves, no one had paid much attention to the surface of the water.

Only Polymedes had seen the many little tubes along the surface of the water growing ever nearer. But he had been gagged until it was too late.

For onto the shore rushed dozens of lizards spitting breathing tubes from their mouths. On their feet contraptions like fish fins were attached at the ankles.

The creatures surrounded the elves who were surrounding the humans, satyr and wolf, creating a strange double ring.

The elves re-drew their weapons and turned their backs on the people, ready to face the new threat. Cutting Polymedes free, Alaron thrust a weapon into his hand.

Shoulder to shoulder the people and magical creatures faced the reptilian abominations ready to fight and protect themselves. Even Dania received a sword from Mairwen in hopes she could defend herself.

The outer ring drew tight, creeping closer like a noose around the heroes' necks. "Stop right there!" Nath ordered, sweat forming on his golden brow. Ready to defend her leader, Lilith flexed her capable hands around the hilt of her blade.

But the lizards did in fact stop. Or at least they did not attack right away. They seemed to be...waiting.

Nath took advantage of the lull. Pulling a message ball from his side, he pressed a button and tossed it in the air. Emitting a strange red light, the ball took off at lightning speed and headed back toward the gate to pass through.

'Never seen that before,' Alaron tried not to focus on the distress signal. He needed to pay attention to the problem at hand. 'Why are they hesitating?'

Every muscle in each of the lizards' muscular limbs was taut with anticipation. Fortunately they all seemed under control so until something changed, none of them was at risk of going feral.

Which meant the interaction between the two groups would require a delicate touch. The elves, though formidable, were not accustomed to fighting such an insidious enemy. Even a scratch from the lizards had the potential to paralyze the golden-skinned warriors.

Although elven armor was extraordinarily strong, it was not invincible.

"Don't move!" One of the lizards hissed angrily at Nath.

"We already said that, you copy lizards," Lilith countered. "You are the ones trespassing onto our shore."

A shrill sound made the humans want to cover their ears. In unison, the lizards sounded a warning to the elves.

"Don't trifle with us, magic user. You will regret it." The same lizard who had spoken before held up his claws. He did not need a sword to do damage.

"Is that a challenge?" Nath raised an eyebrow. His even tone suggested he was not afraid.

"A promise." The lizard responded.

"Well, what are you waiting for then?" Lilith could stand the tension no longer.

The lizard flashed a fierce grin. "Him."

As the last bit of fog dissipated on the lake, a strange vision came into view. It was a vessel so low in the water that it was barely visible, and Alaron quickly realized it was actually floating below the surface. Only a round, man-sized tube jutting out from the top of the ship broke the surface to create a wake.

"How in the world?!" Alaron was aghast.

"An underboat?!" Renat spoke at the same time. He glanced at Dania. "Taran made an underboat?!"

Dania's brow furrowed. "It seems so."

Both the scientists had heard rumors of underwater boats. Indeed the idea had been floated around much longer than either Dania or Renat had been alive, but few really thought the idea was realistic without some sort of magic to hold it together. It seemed they were wrong.

"You didn't know?" Mairwen asked, temporarily distracted by the incoming vessel.

"Taran barely lets me leave the building except with him and even then I can only go a couple of places. Yesterday was the most I have seen of the camp by far." Dania answered.

"That boat is trouble. Can you get us out of here? You know, jump over these guys with some wind magic and get up the barrier?" Alaron whispered to Nath.

Nath answered in a tiny gust of wind. "We can get all of you out except the wolf. He is too heavy for even me to lift over these creatures. But going up the barrier right here is nearly impossible. The wall is too steep."

Alaron hazarded a glance to the barrier. Nath was right, it was a sheer drop from the top without many handholds to speak of. There was no way they could scale it with any speed, even if they could get Renat out of the circle of abominations.

For there was no way Alaron was going to leave Renat behind.

"Are you sure you don't want to fight?" Lilith's voice wafted on the air. Of course she had heard. Probably the abominations had also.

The Guardian gritted his teeth. "I would prefer this end without bloodshed," he answered loudly.

The lizards chuckled. They did not feel the same.

But just as Alaron had concocted a half-cocked scheme to break the line of abominations, a fresh set of lizards slithered up on the shore and cut off any hope of exit. Unless they wanted to fight, they were trapped.

"Things are about to get ugly, Mairwen," Dania whispered to her friend, "so before I forget to tell you, you must know that in your brother's cloak I placed…"

The brunette's voice was overpowered by a resounding roar. The cylinder protruding from the underboat now had a large wolf barking orders down to those manning the oars submerged under the water.

As the watercraft beached upon the shore, the yellow-furred wolf hopped out and splashed into the shallow waves. He eyed those on the shore with a sardonic grin.

But his amusement was nothing compared to the man who rose out of the underboat behind him. The handsome nobleman smiled assuredly as he surveyed his subjects and captives.

Then he lazily climbed out of the boat's portal and sauntered to shore. Taran had arrived.

"My apologies for being late. My army was a little too excited to cross, and I needed to make sure my boat was watertight. It would not do to take my love back in a boat that leaked." Taran bowed.

"Dania isn't your love," Mairwen spat, stepping in front of the brunette to block his view of her.

The elves could feel the hostility between the confident man and the princess. Nath scowled.

"Go back where you can from, stranger. You are not welcome on our shore." The elf straightened his back. His sword hung in the air ready to cut down the man at the slightest provocation.

If not for the army of bloodthirsty abominations under his command, the deed would have already been done by the Guardian. Alas, the situation was too volatile for such risky moves.

"My battle is not with you, magic wielder, at least not right now. Leave me to claim what is mine and I will leave your shores as peacefully as I came." Taran's polite words held disdain behind them.

The nobleman may have wanted to wipe out magical folk, but it would not be at this day and time. And since they had now seen his contraption up close, much of the element of surprise in the future was lost.

All because of four humans, a wolf, and a half-goat.

"What exactly have you come to claim?" Lilith tilted up her chin defiantly. If she knew what the object was, perhaps she could toss it into the ocean and make the disgusting creatures chase after it while they escaped. Her plans were thwarted.

For Taran raised a finger and pointed into their midst. "I am here to claim my future bride, Dania. These people here have some misguided notion and have kidnapped her from me. I am lost without my love and will do anything to get her back. The safety of our family is at stake. I have some news in that regard once we get home."

The nobleman smiled sincerely, but there was a lack of warmth in his eyes. Instead, they held a vicious threat.

"Jokes on you, Taran," Alaron rolled his eyes. "She already knows her sister is free of your power."

"I suppose I have you to thank for removing the hedge of protection around her…" Taran answered evenly. "But it was not her sister about whom I speak."

Dania gasped. "Jameson?"

Taran nodded.

"Wait. All of this madness is just for this woman?" Polymedes glanced at the lady with the ever changing eyes.

Dania nodded, grief in her grey eyes. Suddenly they changed to green as sharp cold steel brushed against her neck.

Polymedes gripped the female scientist around her waist with his free arm and held her against his chest.

His mouth twisted slightly into a lopsided grin. "Enough with all this banter. Now that we know what we are all after, let's negotiate."
