
Incoming while Outgoing

"The carriage is ready, Your Majesties," Nurlan announced to Aurora and Devrim. The two royals were laying in Devrim's bed with the woman's head laying against her husband's chest. Both had slept poorly the night before knowing that they would be parted.

"Now that it is here, I wish I could put this off another day…" the Empress snuggled deeper into her husband's embrace.

Devrim stroked her uninjured cheek with his thumb. "Me too." He kissed the top of her head. "I would try to convince you to stay longer, but I want you to heal. And I do not think the elven royals would take too kindly to being stood up after working so hard to set up the meeting."

"Five more minutes," the fiery-haired woman begged like a child.

"We will be out in a moment," Devrim assured the general, dismissing him.

Nurlan bowed and exited the bedchamber.

"You're no fun," Aurora pouted. To her surprise, the man gathered her up, leaned forward and locked her lips in his. Cradling her head, Devrim caressed her hair with his hand, making the woman's ears burn. Gently, he wrapped the other arm around to tickle her spine. The Empress suppressed a giggle as she enjoyed the attention. "I take it back. You are very fun indeed," the fiery haired woman said, taking a quick breath. She deepened the kiss allowing the thoughts of her husband to flood her senses.

Just when it seemed like things were going to take a more romantic turn, Devrim's hand ran lightly over Aurora's injured thigh. She winced and bit his lip. He pulled back his head, checking his mouth for blood. "And that is why you need to go, my love. You need to heal and be safe. Anna! Please bring Her Majesty her clothes for travel."

The Empress's eyes narrowed. "You did that on purpose! I take it back again. You are not fun." She gently pushed against his chest, but in the end Aurora knew she had no leg to stand on. Well, she had one leg to stand on, but saying that would only prove Devrim's point. She sighed.

With a half-smile, the man kissed his wife's nose. "We will be together soon. You know that. Now as much as I hate to say it, let's get you dressed."

Helping Aurora to her feet, Anna (joined by Bella and Candela) and Devrim attended the beautiful ruler. Even with a veil over her face, the Emperor could still make out the profile of her delicate features. He committed them to memory once again, wishing it were unnecessary. At last Aurora was ready.

With the rolling chair, the group, which soon included Nurlan, made their way down to the front gate. The Council, along with many of the servants, awaited them by two beautiful carriages. The doctor stood nearby attentively with his medical and personal bags in hand.

With a wave of her hand, Aurora dismissed her ladies-in-waiting. "Glory to the Empress," they curtsied and hurried off to complete their tasks. With Nurlan pushing her down the line, each of the Council bowed to the Empress and gave their warm wishes.

"I am happy you are well enough for a small journey around the city, It will bring the people great hope to see you and Prince Colvyr," Ezer said loudly enough for all the servants to hear. The rest of the Council nodded.

While the Council and the doctor believed that Aurora was going to Duchess Ashleigh's manor in Oblivion, the rest of the castle that knew about the excursion thought that it was just an afternoon ride to bolster public opinion. The rumors flying around suggested that anything from assassins, to a pack of rabid wolves, to one particularly interesting theory involving flying monkeys had attacked the palace.

Colvyr was brought out in a wheeled chair of his own. Ever since seeing his mother wheeled around, he liked the idea and a ride in the tiny chair was added to his means of transportation.

"There's my boy! Are you ready for a short ride?" Aurora cooed.

Devrim kissed the child and his wife. "I wish you a safe ride. I will see you soon."

Aurora blushed slightly as Devrim helped her into the carriage. His touch always excited something in her. "Thank you, my love."

Colvyr was handed into the woman's lap and the doctor went in after both of them. Nurlan mounted a horse to ride alongside the first carriage. In the second buggy, Zan climbed up into the cab after bidding the members of the Council farewell.

"May you find success on your diplomatic mission," Metehan bid him as he crossed his arm across his chest.

"Thank you," Zan appreciated the dunesman's blessing. "I will send word as soon as I find anything useful. Though my hope is that you will find the answers to our mysteries long before I ever make it to my destination. Farewell."

After shutting the door, Devrim leaned in the carriage window and gave his wife one last kiss. Not wanting to be ignored, Colvyr grabbed his father's face and placed a wet, open mouthed raspberry on the man's cheek.

"I love you too, son," Devrim answered gently as he pulled a handkerchief out to wipe his cheek. "I love you both."

Aurora winked at her husband. "Drive on!" she called. The lurch of the horses and coach caused the Emperor to leap clear of the carriage step.

"Always keeping me on my toes, I see," Devrim called after the moving vehicle.

Aurora peeked out the window and looked at him innocently. "You wouldn't have it any other way."

"No," he whispered to himself with a tired grin. "No I wouldn't."

The Chief called for the driver to move, and along with Nurlan and a four other Guards on horseback, the procession entered the streets of Valiant.

At first people were surprised to see the Empress out and about. She and Colvyr waved to the crowd. Shocked whispers and shouts of exclamation rang out among the townspeople.

"You were obviously not expected to be in good health, Your Majesty," the doctor noted.

"I was not expected at all. It always gives people a shock when someone important shows up unannounced. Just wait..." Aurora's placid face gained a small wrinkle in her brow. She knew how people reacted to her presence.

Sure enough, the news passed quickly and soon the streets were teeming with people struggling to see the veiled ruler. It became difficult to move the carriage forward, and the attending soldiers had to force the crowd back with their horses. More soldiers from the street began to force the civilians into a line along either side. Yet the crowd still pressed in.

All at once the carriage stopped. A small amount of panic welled up in the Empress's stomach. 'Halts in progress are a normal part of travel,' Aurora reminded herself. She knew very well that this might happen, yet she hoped that the pause was only temporary. Thanks to her reluctance to get ready that morning, the group did not have much time to spare. They needed to get moving as soon as possible.

Then Nurlan's scream pierced the din of the crowd. "Watch out!"

Reflexively, Aurora shielded Colvyr and dropped to the floorboard of the carriage. The doctor, whose reflexes were not as quick, was hit across the face with an object that then landed across the Empress's back. Blood streaked the doctor's face where the thorns had pierced him.

He removed the bouquet of roses from the Empress's back and helped her and the prince back into their seats.

"Don't they know throwing thorned flowers is dangerous?!" the doctor cried out as he dabbed his face with a cloth.

"Just be happy flowers were all that were launched our way, Doctor. An arrow would have had a much keener effect on your countenance." Aurora answered evenly.

The physician's eyes opened wide as he realized the truth in her words. He was suddenly very grateful for the thorny bouquet.

"Glory to the Empress," the chant started quietly and grew to deafening levels. The barrage of flowers continued, and by the time the carriage broke free, there was a small carpet of delicate blooms covering the floor and roof of the carriage.

When the coach was moving at a steady pace once more, the Empress heaved a deep breath and relaxed. She continued waving to her adoring subjects with her good arm and even allowed herself a genuine smile. The change in demeanor was not lost on the Doctor.

As if reading his thoughts, Aurora answered him. "This will be a great boon to the economy of Valiant. I expect a thank you note from the florists to arrive at the palace before the afternoon is out."

The doctor nodded. "It is too bad you will not be there to see it."

"Indeed," Aurora agreed.

Her mind wandered to another lover of flowers as the Empress wondered how her lovely daughter was doing. The princess often surrounded herself with flowers. 'She would be loving this view,' Aurora mused. 'I wish she were here to see it.' Pulling her from her thoughts, a blur of motion drew the fiery-haired woman's attention.

Near the gate, a horse reared within the crowd, nearly throwing its rider. With concern, Aurora watched as the horsewoman steadied herself, the hood covering her head flying swiftly from her head. The two women's eyes locked.

Aurora was staring at Mairwen.
