
A Magical Evening

Aurora thrilled at the touch of Sir Iorwerth. Something about him was electrifying. She couldn't look away. As they began to dance, Aurora struggled to make conversation. Sir Iorwerth took the lead.

"I don't think I caught your name," he said.

"It's because I didn't give it." The Empress decided giving no name was safer than lying. She was pleased to see her answer amused her dance partner.

"I love a good mystery. You are more intriguing every moment, my lady." Iorwerth held her tighter. "Is this your first dance?"

"It is in a manner of speaking." Aurora answered vaguely. His touch on her back made her feel warm, giving her a sense of euphoria. Is this what love felt like? She blushed heavily.

"I am honored you have chosen to spend your time with me. Dancing with you just feels natural."

"I agree. It's quite enjoyable."

"I think you've ruined me for dancing with anyone else, my lady. Please allow me another turn about the room."

The Empress realized that the song had ended. She pulled away from her partner. Immediately she felt cool, and the happy feeling she was experiencing lessened. 'What is happening to me?' Aurora wondered. She craved the feeling from just moments before. His touch was intoxicating. "Perhaps just one more dance, Sir Iorwerth."


From the balcony, Devrim and Anna looked on the scene. The curtain was now pulled wide, giving them an unobstructed view of the dancers below. Unfortunately, Devrim was not pleased with what he saw.

"That's four dances with him in a row," Devrim muttered as he watched Aurora.

"She does seem taken with him," Anna, who was watching in the chair beside him, agreed.

"She should try her luck with someone else," he went on grumbling. Anna noticed that her companion's hands were gripping the chair so tightly that his knuckles were white.

"I know you are concerned," Anna comforted him, "but the Empress will meet the right one for her… Unless you think she's already met him." Anna searched the boy's face for his reaction. He glanced sidelong at her and sighed.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Only to people with eyes," Anna laughed gently. "Why don't you tell her how you feel?"

"It doesn't matter. She has to find someone fit to marry her. I don't deserve her."

Anna nodded. "That's how losers talk," she said mildly. "Do you want to be a loser?"

"No… but I'm a nobody. Why would she ever pick me?" Devrim asked.

"If there is one person who can marry anyone she likes, it is the Empress. Perhaps a nobody with no hidden agenda is exactly who she needs."

"You are very wise, Anna. Thank you."

Anna stared at him expectantly. "Well? What are you waiting for? Go tell her!"

Devrim's eyes widened. "Now? I'll be recognized! She'll never forgive me if I reveal her identity."

"I have an idea," Anna told him. "How do you feel about costumes?"


Aurora had lost count of how many times she had danced with Sir Iorwerth. Every time she pulled away from him, a coolness came over her and she felt clear-headed. But when she took his hand, the world disappeared and a feeling of happiness took over. Finally they had to stop for a drink.

Aurora took a sip from her glass of water. "Tell me about yourself, Sir Iorwerth."

"There isn't much to tell. I have a mother, father and younger sister. I came to the ball hoping to have a good time, and I never would have imagined meeting someone so easy to fall in love with." Iorwerth gazed deep into her eyes.

'His words are sweet like sugar. They sound good, but have no substance.' Aurora's body felt cool again; this time she noticed the necklace under her dress was vibrating softly. She understood that something was not right. "Thank you for your attention, Sir Iorwerth. I think it is time I found a new partner." Aurora stepped away from the charming man. There was a flash of frustration across his face, but he quickly regained his calm.

"Of course, I've been very rude," he smiled. "But please, just one more dance." His fingers brushed against hers and again the warm sensation flooded her body. Aurora panicked and tried to fight the wave of emotion. She looked into the man's eyes. They were glowing a strange shade of green. Everything around the Empress faded from view. Against her will, she put out her hand.

"Yes, one more dance." Aurora's voice sounded foreign to her. She struggled inwardly to regain control of her body. The warm euphoric feeling pressed into all her senses, enticing her to give in. But a small piece of her consciousness fought back, and she could feel the golden necklace helping to keep her sane.

"Tell me what you want more than anything?" Sir Iorwerth coaxed her.

"To be loved," Aurora heard herself say.

"I love you," Sir Iorwerth told her, his eyes glowing again.

"You love me," Aurora repeated, and she almost believed it. His pull was too strong. Sooner or later, the Empress knew she would give in. Her resolve weakened. She felt the last bit of herself slipping away. She was sleepy.

"May I cut in?" a voice broke through her delirium. It was a strong, beautiful, tenor sound. Aurora pulled back from the sway of Sir Iorwerth and turned her gaze to whom had spoken. The man before her was dressed simply in a light green satin shirt and pants, with a white cape. On his head, he wore an intricate mask of gold that covered the top part of his face. Many of the women in the room pulled out fans to whisper about the man in green. Each had a guess about who the stranger could be. The Empress stared at the newcomer's soft grey eyes. Aurora didn't have to guess who he was. She would know those eyes anywhere.

The man in green smiled genuinely and held out his hand, "Would you like to dance?"
