
The Savant Race

Edward and Luna walked out of the floating city, observing their surroundings. This place was obviously a strange world: There were nine suns in the sky, and upon closer observation, Edward was pretty sure they were living creatures.

The two took a moment to take samples of the floral and fauna, marveling at the wonder of this strange realm.

"So, do you have any clue?" asked Edward. Sadly, Luna shook her head, "This place contained too much information."

"What do you mean?"

"Every time I try to divine something, it's like swimming in an ocean, and each drop is a vast quantity of information."

"So, it's impossible to find a single target?"


"Would it help with Morgana's help?"

"It's useless." Luna has her own Tower Spirit or Artificial Intelligence. Although it was not on par with Morgana, it was still of the highest caliber. However, even with its help, she could not process all the information in the environment.

"This place is both hell and heaven for Diviners. Divination Magic will enter a new era if we can find a way to navigate all this information."

Edward nodded before deciding to walk in one direction to see if they could encounter life and civilization. As they continued forward, they soon encountered an enormous creature.

"Is that a yeti?" asked Luna. The creature resembled a yeti with its monkey-like appearance. But there were still many differences: it was at least three times the size of a normal Yeti, standing at about 15 meters tall. It had extremely long legs, taking about 12 meters of its entire body. Lastly, its skin seemed to be made of rock, looking more like the combination of a Yeti and an earth elemental creature.

Edward noticed the creature was Tier 3, but he did not attack or contact it. Instead, he read the latter's memories.

"What did you find?" asked Luna.

"His intelligence is similar to an animal. All his memories are of hunting, sleeping, reproducing, and defecating," replied Edward. "Oh, his poop seems valuable."

"Why did you say that?"

"In his memories, he always sees humanoid creatures fighting for it," replied Edward as he organized the information he gathered. He condensed everything into a basic but usable area map based on the creature's hunting habitats.

He raised his hand to condense a holographic map. "According to deduction, we have a higher chance of fighting intelligent life if we travel here," pointed in the north-east direction.

Luna looked at the map and said, "I suddenly had a thought: Is it safe to teleport in this place?"

"That's a good question," uttered Edward, who controlled a small purple rock a few meters from to fly in his hand. He cast a teleportation spell on the rock, which appeared in the distance.

"It does not appear to be any problem, but the rock is an inanimate object, so we don't know what will happen to us for sure," commented Edward.

"In that case, let's fly."

The two flew to their destination, but they soon discovered another anomaly–their flying speed was drastically reduced for their tier. Furthermore, the speed at which their mana was draining was also abnormal.

"This place seemed to have many rules and restrictions," commented Edward.

"Indeed, along with many mysteries," nodded Luna.

They continued their journey, and they soon found a group that was resting. They looked like a caravan transporting something as they had a strange creature that acted as a vehicle.

The group saw many humanoid creatures with different color skins, scales, and horns, but there were also a few humans.

"What's wrong?" asked Luna after seeing the frown on his face.

"I can't read these people's minds."


"I can understand what they're saying through soul communication, but after entering their mind, I cannot find any memories. Even worse, I cannot enter past the first layer of their Soul Dimension."

"Is that so? You had no problem reading that strange beast's memories. Could it be the rules of this place to protect intelligent lifeforms?" analyzed Luna.

"Let's test your conjecture," said Edward as he used Legilimency to read the transportation creature of this caravan. As expected, he had no problem reading its mind and memories.

"Your conjecture might be correct."

The sampling size was too small to finalize things. After all, there is the possibility this group is special, and not all people in the Quantum Realm have this ability.

"What should we do next? Do you think we should secretly follow them?" asked Edward.

"No, follow my lead," said Luna. She cast a spell to change her appearance, making her hair disheveled and leaving a few burning marks on her clothes and body.

Then, the invisible spell on them disappeared, and she fell from the sky before the group. The team immediately became on guard, taking out their weapons, including guns and swords.

"Where is this place? Did I succeed?" said Luna as she looked around. After seeing people around her, she also stood up while guarding against them.

"Who are you people? And where is this?"


"Unknown language? Let's try another form of communication. Wait, why is my power weakening?" She frowned, showing confusion, worry, and a slight fear. However, all these emotions quickly turned into calmness. She then used her soul to communicate directly through the mind.

"Who are you people? And where is this place?"

The group was surprised; they could now understand this weird human woman who had fallen out of the sky. However, no one answered her as they looked at a man who was almost three meters tall with red skin and a large sword in his hand.

"Are you their leader?" asked Luna

"You can say that."

"Do you know where this place is?"

The leader did not immediately answer, "Why did you fall from the air?"

"I was in my lab doing an experiment, trying to prove the existence of the Quantum Realm. But things went out of control, and before I knew it, I was here."

The leader momentarily paused, "Good news for you, you've succeeded."

"Are you saying this is the Quantum Realm?"

"That's one of its most common names, but yes."

"Really? Is this why my power is reducing? Are the rules of this place different from the material world? What's the explanation for such a phenomenon?"

"You must be a mage," said the leader.

"Oh, sorry, I got carried away. Does this place have mages?"

"Yes, although rare, they do exist. Scientists from the upper world are more common than mages, but many still exist."

"I see," nodded Luna. "By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jessica Cana, and I am a Spiritual Mage."

"The name's Krovik."

"Sir Krovik, if you don't mind, could you tell me about this place," said Luna. "I can pay for your knowledge."

Krovik's eyes lit up after hearing this. He nodded to her before looking at his men and giving them a signal. Everyone dispersed, but Luna could see they were still on guard. Regardless, Krovik began to introduce this place to her.

'That was easier than I anticipated,' thought Edward a few minutes later. According to Kravik's narration, this place is controlled by three major factions: the Sun God Religion/Cult, the Tartarian Empire, and the Enlightened City.

His focus was on the last one–the Enlightened City. According to the leader, that place is controlled by a race known as the Savant. In other words, Edward finally found them.

He exhaled deeply.
