
Return & Hurry

Edward pondered briefly, "I can think of two ways: the first is to use the Mana Grid."

The Mana Grid grants the Empire unlimited energy, which in turn equals unlimited resources. The mana from the grid can be turned into any ore, alloy, or resources needed for the floating city through Transfiguration or Transmutation.

Certain enchantments require to be fused with certain magical ores or potions to remain permanent. Otherwise, their effect will disappear after a few hours, weeks, months, or years.

However, a tremendous amount of mana can be used instead of these resources. And the Mana Grid can provide such an intense need for energy.

"Unfortunately, we only recently accessed the grid and have little to no control."

By using the knowledge he needed from the Akashic Records, Edward managed to shut off the Milky Way Section of the Mana Grid, thus stopping people from accessing the Universe Net.

However, he has not concluded his research on the grid and how to properly use all this energy.

"If we have a little more time, this plan could work," added Hermione. "However, the situation is changing at every moment. So, the sooner we fix the city, the better. The ideal situation would be to create a fourth one."

"Even if we use Time Dilation, it will take a few weeks to fix," added Edward.

"What about your second plan?"

"Forceful plunder of World Source."

Hermione squinted her eyes as she instantly became serious; she understood what these words meant.

"We calculated the coordinates of a few planes during your absence, and one was Tier 9. We can use it."

"Very well."

Edward wanted to take time to introduce Tsunade to his family and slowly get her acclimated to the Empire. Unfortunately, the war suddenly escalated in the short period he was gone. So, he no longer had the option to use the gentle method.

Under his order, Morgana sent a beam that caught the destroyed floating city and stored it in one of the pocket dimensions in Hermione's floating city. Then, they returned home.

As soon as he landed, he received a communication from Olivier.

"What's the situation?" asked Edward. Hermione did not have time to inform him, and she wanted Olivier to do it since she better understood the current war.

"Guzznad had reinforcement from the Abyss Plane," explained Olivier, with her usual commanding tone. "These abyss demons are ruthless, feel no pain, are extremely powerful, and there are too many of them. We have suffered a lot of casualties in the past 3 days alone."

Edward frowned as he looked at a hologram before him. The statistics showed that the casualties for the past 3 days were thrice that of the past 6 months of this war.

"These demons are so fierce?"

"Yes. They have a high magic resistance. If our system were not capable of using multiple types of energy, the situation would have been even worse."

"Do they have any weaknesses?"

"Light or positive type magic," replied Olivier. "However, Guzznad's people took this into account and blessed them with Anti-Light Magic Spells."

"What's your counter to this situation? Do you want to mobilize the Clone Legions?"

"Not yet," replied Olivier; her eyes turned red for a moment; a ruthless light flashed in her eyes. "We will fire with fire."

"You also want to use abyss demons as troops?" asked Hermione, who was next to Edward and listening to the conversation.

"Yes. From the information gathered, troops are the least valuable thing in the Abyss Plane. As long as we conquer one of the layers and become Lord, we can control countless demons to fight Guzznad."

Edward groaned after hearing her plan, "In general, this tactic is a great one. However, there is an issue after considering the overall implications."

Olivier frowned as she knew what he meant. The Gods of this universe do not allow the existence of any foreign plane to enter or exist in the Cosmic God Plane.

And they have reasons for this caution. The Cosmic God Plane is one of the few–if not the only–plane with a multiverse, thus capable of giving birth to Tier 11 Entities. So, countless foreign planes are eyeing this place.

So, if they knew the Arcane Empire had opened a gate to the Abyss Plane, the situation would have become more dangerous than it already is.

"The Gods are already our enemy," argued Olivier. "So, it's not an issue if they know about our action."

"It's not the same," countered Hermione. "They can use this excuse to gather other Gods to gang up on us. Moreover, they will now have the moral ground for a war against us."

Olivier's frown deepened as she knew the importance of having the moral high ground. The Gods can convince the neutral factions of the universe to ally with their sides.

"No need to hurry too much," added Edward with a sneer in his eyes. "The people paying attention to the Milky Way will never use this excuse–at least, not until they have no choice.

"These Gods are selfish, so after seeing the uniqueness of the Empire, they will not share with others. So, they will hide the information from the other factions."

Benefit is above everything. So, since they believe they can control the Empire by themselves, they won't say anything.

"However, we also need to be cautious," continued Edward with dangerous lights in his eyes. "After the war, I will cast a galaxy-wide spell to erase information about the Abyss Plane from the mind of everyone who knows."

"That's a good way," nodded Olivier before continuing with her plan. "If we want to conquer an Abyss Layer, we must kill a Duke (Tier 9). So, we need your floating city. Hermione, you also need to return to your post to ensure no problem."

"My city is in terrible shape currently," explained Edward before explaining to her the current situation."

"I'm glad you're alright," she said, glancing up and down at him. "However, we need to deal with this situation as soon as possible."

"I'm on it," said Edward. "Morgana, connect me to my city and send me the Time Staff."

"Aye, aye, Sir."

A few seconds later, Edward felt he had a connection to a vast quantity of mana. He suddenly felt he could do anything with all this mana–he had regained control over his Tier 10 Floating City.

"The sensation is truly more pleasurable than any drug," he muttered under his breath. Then, a portal appeared before him as a staff floating before him.

Without hesitation, he held it as he mobilized his Willpower. He assessed the [Space-Time Authority] of this world.

'Huh? The resistance was not as strong as I anticipated.'

The process of controlling the rules of this universe involved confronting Cronai for control with his Willpower. However, the resistance he encountered was barely higher than his experience in the Naruto Universe.

And given how this universe is drastically more powerful than Harry Potter, it was odd.

'Could Cronai be helping me? But why?'

Edward shook his head and did not continue thinking about it; this was not the time for such a thing.

[Law Spell: Time Clone]

Edward summoned a perfectly intact version of the Tier 9 Floating City from the space-time continuum and summoned it as a clone and replacement for the current one.

"How long will it last?" asked Hermione.

"7 days," replied Edward.

"It should be enough, right?"

"Yes. Who is going to the Abyss?" continued Edward.

"Only Hermione and Dumbledore are currently available. And since she's closer, let her go," added Olivier.

"Very well. Give me the coordinates to the Tier 9 Plane you discovered."

Edward received the coordinate while Hermione headed off. Meanwhile, while Edward was preparing, Olivier took this moment to talk to the quiet Tsunade.

"I'm sorry our first meeting was like this. However, the situation is a little chaotic."

"I understand."

"The name is Olivier Armstrong."

"Tsunade Senju."

"Once everything calms down, we will have more time to get to know each other."

Olivier ended the conversation as Edward finished.

"Let's go."

"You're taking me with you?"

"Yes. It's time you see some of the horrors of this world. You should prepare."
