
Universe Era

"How long since your race arrived on this plane?" asked Edward.

"It was a long time ago," replied Queen Katura. "Our records say it was during the High Elves Rebellion."

This was a new term for Edward. He had of the High Elves, an ancient race that is considered a higher bloodline than regular elves. Even the concept of High Magic–magic that the gods are not immune to–is named after them. He knew they used to be on par with the dragons at one time but had declined for some reason.

"I've never heard of the High Elves Rebellion," admitted Edward.

"I'll show you our records." Queen Katura was generous and allowed Edward access to their race's ancient records, which goes back billions of years. Unfortunately, not everything was preserved since the Starskin race had to migrate from another galaxy.

However, many modern scholars of their race have used historical techniques to theorize the missing parts of their race's history. As such, Edward had a pretty decent understanding of certain major events that occurred in the Cosmic Faith Plane.

After the sudden disappearance of the Magus Race, two groups rose to become the ruler of the universe: the dragons and the High Elves. After many years of fighting, the High Elves proved their dominance, and the dragon race had to enter a state of seclusion to prevent their race from possible extermination.

The High Elves ruled the universe. As one of the few races who can reach Tier 10 without faith, it was rather easy for them to do so. During their reign, the concept of Faith God was not even prominent.

Yet, it also became the reason for their downfall. Most creatures in the universe could not reach higher Tiers because of their bloodline limitation and Soul Limit. However, they soon learned that this was no longer a problem as long as they became Gods and absorbed faith.

And as more creatures became gods and reached higher Tiers, the High Elves felt their status threatened, and they began a war to exterminate all gods and ban the practice of faith.

Unfortunately, they were extremely racist and xenophobic, even discriminating against their own kind, 'the lowly elves.' As such, myriad races and creatures banded together to defeat them in a war called the High Elves Rebellion.

In the end, the High Elves also had to hide to survive. Then, the Faith Gods reigned supreme on this plane. They changed the plane name from the one the Elves previously used, Galad.

'Magus Plane, Galad Plane, and Cosmic God Plane…Hehe,' thought Edward before analyzing the information he had just absorbed. He created an outline of the universe's history:

Genesis Era→ Birth of the universe. It could be the result of the Big Bang or a magical phenomenon. No living creatures lived there. Supposedly.

The Elder God Era→ The Elder Gods are the first creatures born in this universe. They were a powerful race born with the power to control [Authority]. Edward theorized that their existence was because Cronai–the Planar Will–needed a way to stabilize the universe. So, she shared her control over [Authority] to lessen the burden on her herself.

The Magus Era→ Edward does not know whether other races appeared in this era or near the end of the previous era. Anyway, this race of pure mana named Magus became mad scientists. They destroyed the Elder Gods, conquered the universe, and spread throughout other planes.

Edward believes that the Magus Race conquered the entire Astral Realm. And the reason for their disappearance is that they achieved Tier 12 as a civilization and entered the Void, traveling the Omniverse. The proof for this theory is the gap he discovered in Rowena's timeline that allowed him to master Ominversal Travel.

High Elves Age→Edward called this period an age instead of an era because of its shortness and lack of impact. That period is what he just learned about the dragons, High Elves, and the rebellion.

The Faith God Era→ The current era. It is ruled by a parasitic species that must rely on faith to retain its powers.

"Well, the last part is a little bias, but it's alright," commented Edward as he looked at the things he wrote. "I have a lot of work to do if I want to enter the Arcane Era and become a Tier 12 Civilization one day."

He placed everything away before finally noticing someone next to him. He looked at the Queen, who had her mouth wide open.

"Did you hear what I said?" He knew she could not read his writing since it was in an unknown language on which he liked to write notes. But she must have heard him.

"Well, pretend they are the rumbling of a madly ambitious man." Edward stretched his body before walking out. Meanwhile, Queen Katura did not know how to react: the man said these words in such a casual manner that somehow made his words more convincing.

'Tier 12 Civilization? The Magus race was the most powerful civilization, and they were only Tier 11.' A look of horror suddenly appeared on the Queen's face.

'Magus. Disappearance. Tier 12. Could it be?' She looked in the direction of Edward's departure and wanted to rush and ask. However, she knew these kinds of secrets could not be so easily revealed.

'Creating a new a new Era with my own hands? Establishing a civilization on par with the Magus' A brilliant light flashed in Katura's eyes as ambitions filled her heart; she was not satisfied with their race taking back their plane. After all, they were only a Tier 9 Civilization.

'Did he do it on purpose to secretly tell me his ambitions and get him on his side?'

Queen Katura gave Edward too much credit. He became too comfortable with her because of her warm temperament, so he was careless and revealed these words. Well, it appeared things went in his favor.

In the following days, the negotiations finally ended. The two sides chose a day to announce the merger. Edward then handed the queen access to the Empire's Library and Online Schooling so she could transfer to the Arcane Rune System.

Then, he rushed home to see Hermione since she had returned from her expedition after the group contacted her.

"How did it go?" asked Edward. Everyone looked at her.

"Terrible," Hermione replied. "The moment I landed, countless chains that contained the power of [Authority] suppressed the Floating City. No matter what I tried, I could not take a single step outside.

"Even the Void Canon did little damage before the attack was exiled to an unknown place. The golems legions were annihilated. It was a disaster."

"The suppression was so bad?" asked Olivier.

"It was, to the point it became an anomaly. Why is the Universe Will of that plane so powerful?"

"Although we expected this, I did not think it would be this bad," commented Fleur.

"Expected?" The group then showed her the Guideline.

"That explains a lot," said Hermione before sighing. "So, we need to confront the Planar Will and buy time. Meanwhile, use Reincarnation Magic and have someone infiltrate the world before establishing a Sacrificing Ceremony."

"Until we develop the technology to ignore Planar Will, this is the best strategy," added Olivier.

"Bessie using brute force," commented Bellatrix.

"Besides that." With the Tier 10 Floating City, they have this option with Tier 9 Planes and below.

"Invasion Guidelines and Sacrifice Ceremony: why is the culture of this universe so dark and brutal," sighed Hermione. She was not a kind-hearted person, at least not anymore. After all, she has done human experiments, killed, and conquered. However, sometimes, she felt this universe was too dark. She only went on that expedition to find a new plane to exchange ideas and cultures–not to invade.

Using force was the last resort.

"Then, let's use a different approach," said Edward, and everyone looked at him. "Let's negotiate."

"You want to peacefully negotiate a cultural exchange with the Planar Will?" asked Rowena.

"We have the technology to communicate with Planar Will. We can try a peaceful method first."
