
34) Disappeared


Edward had encouraged me to back to the Yacht whilst they did a few final tests on him before discharging him. He claimed it was the safest place for me right now and I highly disagreed. Being by his side felt safer than being around the guys right now. They were not necessarily hostile, but there was slight tension in the air that I was not comfortable with. 

Currently Leonardo, Arsenio, Sasha and Pablo were at a hotel with their partners since they all flew down from France immediately after Edward was taken to the hospital. Marco was still with Edward and John who had arrived this morning. Last night was probably one of the strangest I had in a long time. Since Edward was in the hospital, it left me alone on the gigantic yacht and Pablo had come to check on me before he left. Even though he was still light hearted and kind I could tell something was off by the way he looked at me. It was like he knew something I did not. 

At first I thought it had something to do with Edward, but I knew they would inform me if something serious had happened. Therefore I had no idea what happened. Maybe it was the fact Edward was running towards me before the shot was fired or maybe the way I reacted afterwards. As soon as I saw Edward collapse onto the ground I ran towards him as if my life depended on it. I was the first one to reach him and I immediately cradled him in my arms. Maybe everyone was upset that I reacted like that in public. I could be ruining Edwards image if the media knew he was with a man or something. I did not know how those things worked. 

It would make sense. Even though they seemed accepting of us one could never know. Edward had said he would arrive in an hour or two since he did not want to spend another day in the hospital. After he arrived we would leave for London today or tomorrow depending on how he felt. I sat by the deck overlooking the port. The amount of security that surrounded the place was more than what the president was expected to have. Heavy armed men walked up and down the port and the surrounding rooftops were also heavily guarded. 

Police vehicles were also present and I understood why. If the fifth richest man was killed in Greece it would be detrimental to their tourism and overall image. I did not know what else to do so I read a book and waited. After two hours a convoy of black Range Rovers drove down the road. Immediately I knew it was Edward and excitedly I dropped the book on the couch and ran down to the lower deck. I quickly jumped off the yacht and just as I did Edward climbed out of one of the cars. 

Even though he looked just a tad bit pale he was breathe taking. The warm Greek sun hit his skin perfectly making him glow. His plump pink lips were beautifully glossy and his messy hair made him look younger. He was no longer dressed in the outdated hospital gown, but now in denim straight jeans, a white long sleeve shirt and combat boots. When he saw me he smiled and gave me a subtle wink. My cheeks flushed as I looked away afraid all the people surrounding us would notice. I wanted to so desperately run to him and wrap my arms around him, but following him was John and Marco. 

It felt like I had visibly shrunken into my imaginary shell as soon as Marcos eyes settled on me. 

"You okay?" Edward asked as he stood in front of me. He sneakily held my hand for a few seconds before letting go. 

"Yeah," my voice was small which definitely caught his attention. He looked behind me and noticed Marcos glare. His face immediately went hard as he gently lead me back onto the yacht and away from prying eyes. 

"Come on. Let's quickly go to my room." He told Marco and John to wait for him in his office. When we finally got to the bedroom he closed the door behind us and forced me to sit down on the couch. He knelt in front of me and held my hand, "what's wrong? I can tell there's something bothering you."

"It's nothing," I sighed. I was too afraid to tell him what had been on my mind. The doctor had given us strict orders to keep him away from stressful situations and I was afraid something like this would trigger him again. 

"Vasili I am not weak. I'm not going to pass out or anything okay. If there's something seriously bothering you, you need to tell me so I can help. Is it Marco?" 

I searched his eyes concerned, but he was the definition of calm. Hesitantly I bit my lip before nodding. "He has been giving me weird looks and I just don't know what it is. Maybe I was not suppose to react that way at the winery. It could have ruined your image or something."

"The fact that my best friend ran to me when I passed out. To the world they'd just see an extremely concerned friend. There's nothing to ruin," he smiled and kissed the back on my hand. "Do you want me to talk to him?"

"No. I can handle it myself if it comes to that. You just need to rest," I gently pressed my lips against his, not only for him, but also for me. He always calmed me down. 

"Okay. Let me go talk to them and find out what happened. You can go pack your bag so long."

"Are we leaving today?" I tilted my head as we both stood up. 

"Yes I decided it would be safer for us to be in London then here right now."

"Do you want me to pack your bag?"

He chuckled slightly before answering me, "everything that is here normally stays here. I don't really travel with bags."

Oh. I forgot he was crazy rich. It explained why his closet here was filled with clothes and his penthouse. Made me feel like an idiot for a moment. "I'll pack my bag then," I laughed nervously. He gave me one last smile before he left for his office. 

After two hours and what seemed to be a very stressful conversation for Edward with Marco and John we were on Amandas private jet; Edwards would take too long to reach Greece, on our way to London. I had no idea what had happened, but I heard Edward and Marco go at it back at the yacht. I could barely understand what they were saying since Edward generally had a thick British accent and Marco had a thick Italian accent. At one point it seemed to be a mix of Italian and English. Just as we left Marco passed us silently and gave me the most bone chilling glare I had ever experienced. 

Who the hell was he to look at me like I was beneath him? I wanted to do desperately slap the shit out of him, but Edward calmly held my thigh in efforts to calm me down. He himself looked genuinely pissed off and whenever I asked what had happened he explained that he would tell me later. John seemed to be a neutral party between the two as he quickly dissolved the anger between them. Yet the tension in the air was beyond thick. 

The flight did not take long and half way Edward decided to take a short nap since the medication they had given him was knocking him out. I kept myself busy by watching a movie and soon we were back in London. It was unsaid between Edward and I, but it was obvious I would not be spending the night at my apartment. I figured Edward just wanted to spend some time with me after these last two eventful days. 

When we arrived at Edwards penthouse I was surprised to find my Porsche missing. "Edward?"

"Mmm," he responded as we walked past his cars on our way to the elevator. 

"Where's my car?" My car normally stuck out like a sore thumb since it was a bright yellow. Edwards cars were normally, black, white, blue or grey since he did not like anything too exciting. Said the man with nearly six super cars and six other luxurious cars. 

It seemed it had only dawned upon him that my car had mysteriously disappeared as his face turned red. I knew he was hiding something from me as soon as he scratched the back of his head and held my hand. He blinked repetitively before giving me a shy smile, "I thought I could surprise you."

"With what?" I frowned and crossed my arms. 

His eyes darted around his parking and he settled on a new black Lamborghini Sian hybrid I had never noticed before. "I got you a new car," just from the way he had said it I could hear the pain in his voice as he led me to the new car. 

"I call bullshit. Where's my car Ed?" I demanded and pulled my hand away from his. 

He fake gasped and covered his mouth, "you don't believe me! I got this specially for you. It's brand new hasn't even been released yet to the public."

"Edward there's no way I'd believe that you'd buy a half a million pond car for me when we just got close a week ago. I may be a dancer, but I am no idiot sir."

"Vasili," he chuckled and tried to reach out for me again. 

"No Vasili touchy shit till I find out where my car disappeared to! I won't tolerate any lies Edward!" I angrily stomped away from him and went to the elevator. I went up to his penthouse without him since I could not even phantom where my car had disappeared too. Did billionaires just make their partners cars disappear if they did not like them? I knew he hated the colour but come on! This was ridiculous!
