
[Bonus chapter] 31) He’s Beautiful


When I woke up I was engulfed in Edwards arms as he snored softly. The heat he emitted warmed me up better than the comforter that covered us. I snuggled myself deeper into his chest. Being in his arms like this felt so very protective. It was the first time in a long time I felt truly shielded from the world and the terrible memories that haunted me. It amazed me how willing I was to please him and how willing I was to go out of my comfort zones for him. 

The memories of what we did during the night flooded into my mind. My face immediately turned scarlet as I remembered the sounds he made. I wondered if anyone heard him last night since we were both a bit loud, but I hoped maybe the sound of the waves might have canceled everything out. We were probably already in Greece since it did not feel like the yacht was moving. My stomach flipped when I thought of interacting with the guys after what Edward and I did during the night. Hopefully none of them heard us. 

"It's too early for you to be thinking so hard," I heard Edwards voice rumble above me. 

"Leave me human," I whined and buried my face in his chest away from his sight. 

"You're adorable," he chuckled and ran his hand down my back. 

"Don't ridicule me. I'm a man we are not adorable," I rolled my eyes even though he could not see my face. 

"You're so feisty today. I preferred it when your lips were wrapped around my d..." 

"Shh!" I quickly sat up and covered his mouth, "don't you think you've made enough noise already. Weren't you sleeping?"

Edward laughed softly and removed my hands from his mouth. He placed a gentle kiss at the back of my palm. The man was going to make me permanently flustered if he continued like this. "I was, but you wouldn't stop moving about."

"Well I'm going to my room to take a shower. You may carry on sleeping if you wish," I said as I stood up wearing nothing, but my skin. I had completely forgotten we both had fallen asleep naked last. After a quick search I found my tights and pulled them on. 

When I looked back I found Edward staring at me with pure lust in his eyes. "Want me to join you?" 

"Mr. Coleman I might have sucked your dick, but I am not cheap," I grinned and pretended to flip my imaginary long hair over my shoulder sassily. 

"Well give me a kiss before you leave," the man was a parasite. After putting up quite a debate I crawled onto the bed and gave him a short and curt kiss. "Thank you love."

"Don't call me that," I yelled as I left his room. His chuckles were the last thing I heard as I closed the door. 

Everything was going well and beautiful till I noticed a figure approaching Edwards room. I had nowhere to hide and it was too late for me. "Vasili?" Arsenio asked as he took in my appearance. There were obvious hickeys on my chest and neck. Plus the fact I was only in my tights which were riding very low on my hips and had two or three hickeys around my v line looked incredibly suspicious. When I thought things could not get any worse Edwards door opened and he walked out with a small blanket around his waist. His neck and chest looked just as abused as mine plus our hair was a complete mess. 

"Vasili you forgot your phone," he said not looking up yet since he had his own phone in his hand and was staring at it. When he noticed I did not respond he looked up, his eyes immediately enlarged when he saw Arsenio who looked back at us with his jaw practically touching the ground. 

Arsenio pointed at us as he gasped, "Sasha was right!" 

"You shut your mouth," Edward hissed. 

"Why didn't I see it! I thought he was crazy! It all makes sense now! I don't blame you Ed, Vasili is gorgeous, but woah! You're gay! I would have never known you were gay!" He seemed to be having a panic attack of his own whilst I just stood there frozen in time not knowing what to do. 

Suddenly the doors opened of the bedrooms, Leonardo, Pablo and Sashas heads popped out. "Who's gay?" Leonardo asked, but as soon as his eyes landed on us he immediately made sense of it. 

"You owe me one hundred euros!" Sasha clapped. 

"You put a bet on this?" Edward asked just as flabbergasted as I was. 

"Of course. The love between you two was obvious. It burned hotter than a thousand suns," Sasha rolled his eyes as Arsenio angrily handed him money. 

Marco came walking down the hall chewing on a muffin. "Oh shit," he whispered. 

"Marco did you know about this?" Leonardo asked his older brother accusingly. Marco looked at Edward and I with panicked eyes not knowing what to say. "You knew!" 

"It was not my place to say anything," he argued. 

"Edward why didn't you tell us?" Pablo crossed his arms over his chest. 

"This is still relatively new okay. I wasn't sure yet," Edward defended himself as he gently took my wrist and pulled me behind him. I wanted to thank him, but was too shell shocked to say anything. 

"We are your family we wouldn't judge you. Plus we aren't stupid. You look at Vasili like you can't wait to jump his bones," Pablo shrugged. 

"And he is beautiful. Almost made me question my own sexuality," Leonardo stressed.

"You have a wife," Marco rolled his eyes as he continued to eat his muffin. 

"I know, but he is beautiful. I've never seen anyone like him before," Leonardo was probably causing my whole body to turn red. 

"Okay we get it he is beautiful. Can we just talk about this later like when I'm fully dressed and everything," Edward sighed as he opened his bedroom door and ushered me inside. 

"I thought a whale passed us yesterday! You two were doing the nasty!" Arsenio gasped and covered his ears, "my poor ears!" 

"This is over!" Edward hurriedly entered the room and shut the door behind us. I immediately threw myself on the bed and groaned. 

"This is not how I was expecting today to go," I whaled before flipping over and looking up to the ceiling. 

"I'm sorry Vas. I can go talk to them and ask them not to mention it around you if you don't feel comfortable," Edward had disappeared into his walk in closet then came out wearing shorts covering his naked lower body. He sat down next to me on the bed and delicately brushed my hair away from my face. 

"It's too late now they know. I guess we will just have to deal with it," I sighed and covered my face with my hands. 

"Hey don't be upset. At least they think you are beautiful," he smiled down at me. His freckles just made his look so cuddly and his bed hair made him look so much younger. "Plus their my family they won't mention it to a soul if you feel uncomfortable. You can trust them."

"Are you okay with them knowing?" 

"I would have preferred if we had told them ourselves, but either way I'm happy. I don't have to keep us a secret anymore," he kissed my forehead lovingly and forced me to sit up. I positioned myself between his legs so that my back pressed against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "You're already my world and I'm glad they know that."

"Stop! You're going to make me go into a sugar coma if you are any sweeter." He was literally the cheesiest person I knew, although I could not help, but swoon whenever he said something romantic. 

"Do you want me to go get some of your stuff from your bedroom then you can get ready here?"

"No you just want to see me naked. Us Russians don't cower in fear," I tried to sound confident, but the doubt in my voice was painfully obvious. 

"Yes sir. Go get ready. Breakfast is starting soon," Edward laughed and cockily patted my ass as I stood up. 

"You are walking on thin ice you Brit," I growled. The man was treating me like his personal doll. Which I was, because I loved being his little boy, but he did not need to know that. 

"If you stay any longer I'm afraid I can't be held responsible for what I'm about to do," he winked and suggestively ran his hand down my thigh. I gulped before nodding quickly and ran out the room. Luckily this time the halls were vacant because I could not handle another run in with the guys. I had experienced enough embarrassment for the day. 

After showering and deciding to dress up a little, in black torn jeans, and loose beige button up shirt with my Gucci sneakers I felt confident to conquer the world. Plus I had put some moose in my hair so it looked a bit messy which instantly made me look like the bad boy Russian I was. I unbuttoned my shirt just a tad bit to reveal my chest and neck tattoos then rolled up my sleeves as well to display the dragon tattoo on my left arm and the knight one on my right. Intimidation was my best friend. 

With the confidence I managed to scrap off the floor after this morning I walked to the dining room with my head held semi-high.

Are you not entertained! Dramatically screams in front of an arena. You asked for a bonus chapter and I made sure to deliver ;). Thank you so much for all the love and support.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Matli_Unicorncreators' thoughts