
Chapter 101: Picnic Time, Part 1

Start of: Tomorrow's Borrowed Trouble

Meskwaki (Fox) River 62 B.C.

He followed the bends of the river cautiously. The sun was beginning to set to his left but remained visible above the valley's crest. The smells in the air indicated he was nearing people. When he got closer to their camp, he listened and heard them speaking in muted sounds. He knew he had to take a chance as hunger was driving him towards the fire and the meat being prepared on it. He crept ever slower forward. He had no idea whether or not these people would see him as an unwanted guest.

Suddenly a pair of hands were on him. His first reaction was to turn and attack his assailant, but when he spun around, he saw a young woman. She spoke to him in soothing tones and began to pet him with long strokes from his head to his tail.

* * * *

Manassas, Virginia, July 21, 1861
