
Chapter 68

They finally reached the village of Stonebridge without incident, and to Breanna's annoyance of course there wasn't a bridge for leagues around. Where in the Realm did people arrive at the names for these villages? Seriously, it had to have been a man, a woman would have called it something proper like "Another Stupid Empty Village In The Middle of Nowhere".

A scuffle behind made her turn, and if she could have grinned in fox form she would have, for Terrence seemed to be arguing with Devon. It seemed their unicorn refused to step foot into the village - a fact emphasized by his big head swinging frantically back and forth in a no gesture. Terrence, with a snort, got off his mount.

"Fine, then have it your way," he grumbled. "We'll be back in a bit."

A short bit. Breanna doubted they'd find help in this eerie place.
