
Chapter 41 : Chance's Game


The God of Chance twiddled his thumbs and sighed heavily.


I'm so bloody bored.

Going out of my mind . . .

Ripping out what few strands of hair I have left . . .

Would pay anything for something new . . .


And he wasn't the only one.

His numerous brothers and sisters, also gods with immortal lifespans, were bored out of their eternal minds too. Well, all that is except for the goddess of love - she always seemed to have fun, the annoying brat. Apparently meddling in the romantic lives of humans was a never ending source of amusement.

However, Chance dealt in probability, coincidences, one in a million shots, of which there were tragically few now. But at least he wasn't as screwed as his poor brother, Ares, the god of war who hadn't enjoyed a good, full scale battle in over a century. The last troll uprising he'd tried to incite had been quickly quashed, to his chagrin.
