
Entry 32 - My brother is you (Kai)

As the eldest in the family, I made it my job to take care of my younger siblings. I can remember my mom holding Kara and Kyrell in her arms and telling me that I should protect them while they were young, I guess that lasted a lot longer than she thought.

When the twins came, I found myself wanting to make sure they get the best life, seeing them smile meant a lot to me. As a big brother, I was excited, I would tell my friends about them and scold anyone who disturbed them when they were napping. I was such a doting brother that I got teased about it, but I didn't care, so long as they were happy, I was happy.

When Kana came along it was a completely different story, I grew out of my wonder of having little siblings and instead focused on myself, leaving the pampering to mostly Kyrell. Though I would still occasionally help my sister out, I was more or less her bodyguard or playmate than the pampering big brother I was to the twins. It doesn't irritate her, she prefers Kyrell after all.

For me, it was perfect, we were happy and would barely argue, well… in a good day at least, me and Kana bicker like dogs and the twins only watch in amusement. Still happens.

But even through all that joy, my only brother still got dragged down and it's all because of our other family members. Slowly, I started to lose the little, smiling boy who held my hand when we walked around the neighbourhood, that same boy who cried for me when he fell over and his sister didn't know what to do, that boy who would celebrate tons of things with me, it's all gone.

The last I saw of Kyrell was the day he left for Aelin, and I'd be lying if I said I was cool during the sendoff. Because I wasn't. I was really trying my best to hold back, but truthfully, I was on the verge of crying my eyes out. But I held back, if I did that then he would only feel worse than he already was for leaving.

It took a couple of years, but I was glad to see him doing well for himself. I was so excited I burst through the door and got myself kicked all the way to Timbuktu, but hey, if that's the price to see my brother I don't mind.

Though now that we're here, it looks like we have to return to those lonely days once again since that scum Goyoku found some conniving way to buy off the property!

It's worse that Kyrell hid this from us and that he only told us a month before our mother's birthday, we don't want to break the news to her on that day, but I feel as though we're gonna have to since after Goyoku takes the place over, Kyrell will have nowhere to go. Not only that but there's the added bonus that the day of the takeover lands on our mother's birthday, now that's a mark of an asshole.

I talked to grandmother and grandfather about it, and they've been trying to find a way to make sure Goyoku's plan doesn't pass through. But it's been difficult, whatever Goyoku did he did it so well that there's literally no legal way of stopping him. By the end of the month, Kyrell will have nothing, no home, no money and no job.

It's back to square one.

Kana did propose that she could take Kyrell to England, it's a good idea, but probably not the perfect solution since someone else will just track him there and once again make his life a living hell.

I really don't get why they still go after him when he's been out of their hair for years. Why are they so fixated on trying to make his life so damn hard! He hasn't tarnished the damn Sano name, and there's barely anyone in the world who knows him! So why?! Why waste so much effort on torturing someone who doesn't even fight back?!

Just thinking about them is making me lose my cool and I'm sure everyone is starting to get annoyed at me for constantly being in such a sour state. But can they blame me? How would one not get annoyed if their brother is getting bullied by some stupid, spoiled, shitty brats!

But then again I'm no better for just constantly losing my cool rather than help Kyrell with his own battle.

I know he's planning something and whatever that is, it's big. He won't share anything to anyone and time is running out. At this point, I can only watch as things play out and act accordingly afterwards.

Kyrell… just know, your big brother has your back.

2 weeks till the end.

Apologies for being late, I forgot that today was publishing day, I've been a busy body these last week, so it slipped my mind. Anywho seeing as time is running out, I decided to pretty much give closing statements just so I don't clog up the notes.

Now then, I guess the first thing that popped into my mind is just the sheer surprise I have at how popular this story got. Since this pretty much started out as a simple slice-of-life story, with just a bit of drama, but mostly it was supposed to be randomness. Didn't exactly go that way, but I'm definitely grateful for the outcome.

Ok that's enough of that over with, next week is the last entry and after that the last Conversations. So I hope you all enjoyed this entry and I'll see you all next week.

Monochrome_Librarycreators' thoughts