
Broken [3]

His hair may have been longer, and his body was a lot more muscular, but the man before him was indeed Ren.

Starting at Ren, Kevin did not know what to say, and his feet came to a pause.

Lowering his head, his eyes continued to look at Ren. Three years? How long was it now? He did not know…it felt like a really long time. He changed so much. 

A chill ran down Kevin's spine as their eyes met. 

He felt this inexplicable sense of terror coming from Ren. 


Kevin softly muttered, his brows furrowing together. 

'He's not in the right state of mind.'

Ren had this blank look on his face, one that seemed to be unable to properly comprehend the situation. Mounting Aaron from above, he had his hands pressed on his throat. 

A tense silence enshrouded the forest.

Kevin wasn't dumb. He knew exactly what was going on. Ren was trying to kill Aaron.

