*Paul's Pov*
I was Running through the Forest as fast as i could. "I have to get Talonflame to the Pokemon Center now!" I soon reached the entrance Of the City.
???: Oh hey Paul youre already back?wait why are youre clothes so dirty?
Paul: i dont have time right now i have to hurry!
???: Ehm ok?
When i Reached The Pokemon Center I pushed the doors open quickly.
All the People in the Center were now looking at me.
Nurse Joy: Paul what is it what did you do this time!?
Paul: Doesnt matter right now you have to heal my Talonflame Quick! otherwise it will die!
Nurse Joy: Alright Alright give me your Pokeball you know while were at it gimme all of them.
Paul: Yes here u go
I handed over All my Pokeballs and was Told to wait in the waiting room Till all of them are healed.
After about 45 min Nurse Joy entered the Room but with only 3 out of 4 Balls.
Nurse Joy: Paul im sorry to say this but Talonflame will have to stay here longer its wound is too big. To be healed with the Machine.
She sat down beside me gave me my Pokemon back then Looked me in the Eyes and said.
Nurse Joy: Now Tell me what the fuck happened!? Talonflame's wound is so deep no Pokemon that walks in these woods could have done this. So Who/What did that to Talonflame?
Paul: Its complicated i Was just walking through the woods like almost everyday and then out of nowhere i saw something descending from above the Treetops it looked like nothing i have seen before so i got my Pokedex And tried to Scan Pokemon but it said that there were no Recordings for this Pokemon. Of course Like any other Trainer i wanted to battle and catch it But it Was just too strong for me.
Nurse Joy: Im not saying im not believing you but you do know how Unbelievable that sounds right?
Paul: Yes but im telling the Truth!
Nurse Joy: Well i guess you do because there is nothing in this area that can do so much damage. Well for now why Dont you go Back home and come Back Tomorrow? Then we will know more about Talonflame's Situation.
Paul: Ok....
I Left the Pokemon Center and started walking In the direction my Home was But i just couldnt stop thinking about that thing i encountered. What is it and why is it here?
I Arrived at home opened the door took of my shoes and entered the Living Room my mom and dad were sitting on the Couch watching TV.
Dad: Paul why are you already Home? its been like only 2h? and Oh wow youre clothes are dirty wait is that a scratch wound on your knee?
Paul: Some stuff happened long Story.
Mom: Its Alright go Take a Shower and when your done Tell us everything that Happened.
I went upstairs got New clothes took a shower.
I sat down on the armchair next to the Couch.
Dad: No what happened
I explained everything the Exact same way as i did to Nurse Joy.
Dad: I Believe
Paul: You do?
Dad: Of course i dont think you would lie to me. The Pokedex has an Inbuilt did you take a Picture?
Paul: No i didnt know
Mom: Paul i only see 3 Pokeballs on you where is the 4th?
Paul: Oh.....Well it got severly Injured during the Fight.
Dad: Define Severe
Paul: If i had arrived at the Pokemon Center only 5 minutes later it would have probably not made it.
Silence filled the Room.
Dad: So its still at the Center?
*Jacks Pov*
Fuck that fight Was tiring and what was up with that Talonflame?? Why would it attack its own Trainer? Anyways i flew up to a branch laid down and closed my eyes.
When i opened them again i Was high up in the sky floating? "what!?" I looked down and could see the Forest.
???: Its been some time