

Yu Yan satisfied with her answer and let Long Yuyin asked her. Long Yuyin is the youngest among them all and the rowdiest among them all. She have to much pride inside her body. He pride came from her Dragonseal Family. After Xiao Yan teach her about the state of calm like water, she became more behave but only around their little family and friends.

"Can you protect him when he is weak and powerless. Can you promise to only love him and him alone? Last and the most important question is can you became my fighting partner and practice with me?" asked Long Yuyin. Xiao Yan just smile looking at her temperament. "She will always be a battle junkie that aim for the peak of martial arts.

"Yes I will love him and him alone. I will protect him even when he is powerless or weak. I will also train with you if that what you want but I can't promise that I can practice with you." said Yan Ai. Long Yuyin satisfied with her answer and look at the other. They all nodded their head and look at Xiao Yan. Yan Xin then said "We give you permission to married her. All her answer are good enough to be accepted inside our little family."

Xiao Yan smile a little, but Yan Ai smile as if a sunflower blossom. Her smile shine brightly like a morning dew on a flower reflecting sunlight. She tear up a bit because of the overflowing happiness. "They really accept me. They all love him and doesn't want to monopolize him. They are all a good people. That's why Xiao Yan married them." thought Yan Ai inside her head.

"Then we will have a wedding in the next 2 month and I need to introduce my family to you too. Well they are inside Tiny World and we need to go to them tomorrow. They will be surprise because they will gain another daughter." said Xiao Yan to Yan Ai. She nodded and blushed a little because of nervous. She will meet her mother and father-in-law.

Then she thought "aren't people birth outside from Tiny World can't go in?" She asked Xiao Yan and Xiao Yan just smile. She look at the other and they also just smile. They want to see her face when they teleport to Glory City tomorrow morning. They all have their own time and Xiao Yan just cultivate. Yan Ai sat beside Xiao Yan cultivate too.

It was time for dinner they wake up from cultivation state. They all sit around the table and have a dinner before went inside the massive bedroom. This is the first time Yan Ai will spend the night with other man beside her father. "This will be my routine after I marry him. So I need to be calm." said Yan Ai inside her heart. The other just look at her and know what her thought.

They also already go through the same thing she feels. They all also feel nervous the first time they sleep with him (not sexually). Even though they doesn't do any other thing beside sleeping, it still embarrassing for them. They went to her and hug her to make her calm down while Xiao Yan just smile looking at them. Well how can he not smiling when he saw 7 girls hugging each other.

Xiao Yan still young, of course he gonna have some perverted thought. Xiao Yan then call them all to the bed and sleep together. They all sleep together and the girls let Yan Ai to sleep beside Xiao Yan for the first time. The all already have their turn to sleep right beside him. They just smile looking at the fidgeting Yan Ai. They all thought their newest sister are too cute.
