
Shen Xiu a Slave

Shen Xiu who heard that her name was chosen to be alive and be slave to Xiao Yan was shocked. She was ready to die to repent for her Family sin and her own sin. She then look at Xiao Yan way and saw a genuine kind smile on his face. She then heard the reason why was she was chosen to be alive. She deep inside her heart doesn't want to die but the only way she know to repent for the sin of Sacred Family was by being dead.

Xiao Yan then called for people to take her to him, while he is talking to Friday. "Friday is there anyways that I can make Shen Xiu a slave while making her can't harm people and she can only retaliate if she was attacked." <Host can buy a scroll to make a personal slave of your but she can't fight unless she was attacked and can only retaliated but can't kill or make it she can fight and killed but only on your permission.>

Xiao Yan who heard this buy the Slave Scroll instantly and ask her "do you want to live and repent for your Family wrongdoing or be death to repent for your Family wrongdoing. I will promised you that I won't mistreated you and you only need to listen to my command. You can also fight back if you are attacked but you can't kill them if not on my command."

Shen Xiu who heard that he won't mistreated her and she can also retaliated if she was attacked and only need to listen to only him was shocked because she thought that she gonna have to do work like a true slave and do every single command of City Lord. Shen Xiu then accepted to be Xiao Yan slave and write her own name on the Slave Scroll using her own blood. She then felt a chain was locked on her soul and know that she can't betray and do something bad to Xiao Yan even though she doesn't want to do it herself.

Xiao Yan then said "Xiu'er come stand beside me and let me heal you up." Shen Xiu was once again shocked with how she was called and how nice he treat her. All her wound and old scars was cured by Xiao Yan. She felt thankful with how good Xiao Yan treat her and thought "it might not be too bad to be his slave. He treat me so nicely and he also a genius to boot."

After finish healing and making Shen Xiu to stand beside him, Xiao Yan then look at half of Sacred Family who is in complot with Dark Guild with cold eyes. With his Sharingan still open, he look alike Hades looking to take them to hell to give them punishment for doing bad things while alive. Xiao Yan then command " beheaded from the lowest people who know, then last is Shen Hong."

Everyone look at Ye Zong, while Ye Zong just nodded because he doesn't want to feel how Tsukuyomi torture felt. Then they all beheaded 1 by 1 till it was Shen Hong time. Everyone not even have a shred a pity on their eyes because Sacred Family try to make all of the die when Beast Tide come again. Shen Hong who saw 1 by 1 people who help him was beheaded felt scared for his life and tried to escape but fail every single time. Shen Hong life came to the end and Xiao Yan close Shen Xiu eyes with his own hand because he doesn't want Shen Xiu to see her own brother beheaded.

While people who doesn't know about it and only doing what they was instructed, was freed and they all left to be a guard at other Family Compound or become a merchant.
