
Finding out about the past.

(For LordValmar with the fancy art talent for giving us a new cover, check it out in the chapter comments <3)

Oliver had done... Work, with those three, with the three of them, all be it in horrifying condition, were alive. One had tried to crawl away, bad choice as it only made Oliver release more anger than he intended.

The kid however got minor charges since he confessed to everything and went through a few proper weeks of community service and other things.

Himiko was now being taught how to protect herself, her bites all be it vicious. Wouldn't do much against many people unless she learned to tear pieces out of them, which is a great idea.

Oliver was getting off track, back to him. He got a lead on who his family 'Was.'

He knew they were bounty hunters, which lined up with his goals suspiciously well so he assumed it was a gift from god... Kek

Actually, pretty Skyrim sounding since they were called the 'Black Hand.' It was actually when he was fiddling with the card, and he held it a certain way that caught the light in his office that he noticed it. He asked Barry about it and he noticed the man's face darken considerably, demanding Oliver he says where he found that name out. After seeing the card Barry watched him a moment before he shooed people out of his cafe and locked the door, flipping the sign to closed as he went to take a seat, Oliver joining him.

"Alright, look kid... The Black hand was a serious deal back before quirks officially appeared, and even now only those who actually had activity in the underground have heard the name. They were exactly what you're wanting to make, the people who hunted the worst of the worst. But, even before quirks became a large thing, they had abilities... When martial arts was more than just a 'Competitive Sport.''

Barry stood up, leaving the cafe, only to come back a few moments later, tossing a booklet down onto the table. ''I was only able to get one in my entire time of being an underground agent. But they had hundreds of these techniques, people say there is a place where all their past is stored, only a place where an heir to the Black Hand could find. Something about, only he would 'Understand.''

Oliver took the booklet and examined it, a movement technique? Did he end up in a cultivation world on accident? After opening it he began to read it, after a while he understood the basics. Apparently, his transformation quirk wasn't a transformation quirk, it was a 'Body manipulation' type quirk. It allowed him to modify, and manipulate, control, and alter his body down to possibly the DNA level. This movement technique is basically, in stupid terms.

'Strengthen the leg muscles and their movement, kicking with enough force could speed up movement for short bursts, tightening muscles and making them smaller, but much tighter muscles cause much stronger releases.'

So... Something similar to shave, pink muscle, and leg manipulation?

Oliver closed the booklet before standing. ''You mind if I keep this Barry?''

Barry chuckled as he shook his head. ''Kid, if you're who I think you are, you are the only one who could learn it.''

Oliver grinned but shrugged, after thanking Barry and allowing him to open his shop again Oliver went back to the bar, being greeted by everyone he waved a hand, but instead of going to his office. People saw him head downstairs, which only meant one thing. Oliver wanted to train in something.

Going to the open area he got into a pair of training shorts, the rest of his clothing being properly put away into a locker. He crouched down and laid the book out in front of him. His ability to 'Manipulate.' his body still didn't explain why he could change clothes, but when you have Morgan Freeman on your side, who's to judge?

He focused on reading it, before he closed his eyes and focused on his body, mainly his legs. Securing his stance he got into a position like he was in a dash. Hands pressing against the ground and his legs focused as he began to try and manipulate his legs like it was mentioned.

Basically, he needed to improve the quality of his muscles, while also making them tighter, stroker. Until they felt like metal when pressed against, increasing the explosive power, and speed they could produce.

He definitely felt something, and he could somewhat instinctively feel if he was doing something wrong and it wouldn't take too long for him to focus on making it better, correcting his mistakes as he went. He stayed in this position, a few of the curious king members watching him in interest.

The room suddenly chilled, an instinct suddenly fueling through everyone as they felt a change, there was no visible change from the boss, but he seemed far deadlier. For some reason, it felt like, despite the large area between them and him, they were in his reach. Within his grasp to be used like toys, the way a shinigami feels. No matter how you hide, no matter how fast you run. It felt like a knife was to their throats.

That was until suddenly, the mat he had been standing on got ripped up as he seemed to disappear from where he was standing to re appear flopping onto the mat a good thirty feet away. When the mat that got ripped up landed, the ground beneath showed two prints into the concrete below.

Oliver was in a lot of pain, his knees were currently throbbing, below his knee's felt fine, it seemed it definitely worked, but it seemed he needed to definitely work on fortifying the rest of his body with this manipulation. He attempted to move his leg but pain shot through it. Grunting out in pain before he spoke. ''Someone get Ko, I need healing."

No one understood exactly 'Why' he needed healing, but none of them missed the opportunity to get the fuck out of there.

