
Chapter 16

A smugness took hold of Titus and only got stronger the more Logan bristled.

The cocky wolf had thought himself the favored one with Adara. About time he realized that Adara might want something more than a primal beast who sometimes wore civilized clothes.

I am a man of culture. Experience. Manners and wealth.

He could offer Adara much more than Logan.

And no, he didn't care to examine why he felt so strongly about Adara. From the moment he'd first heard her crying out, he'd found himself drawn. The more he knew of her, the more his fascination grew.

This despite the fact that she'd changed since that first encounter. When they initially met, she'd been fragile and broken. Titus's instinct, which went against his vampiric nature, was to protect.

Which he'd failed at. The necromancer had captured Adara and hurt her, leaving Titus with only one choice - save her by binding them.
