
Please Don't Murder Me

4 Hours ago-

We walk into the room and everyone's eyes are on us.

I see Diana tense in the corner of my eye.

I was gonna ask why before I felt a pain in my chest.

I look down too see a purple cloak not doing much to hide a woman's sexy figure with her right arm inside my chest.

I see in her right eye there's hate and scorn while in her left eye there's love and worry.

'So its Raven huh.'

I look over my shoulder to see my heart in the girls hand still beating as if it still doesn't realize that its no longer in a body.

I look back to see her eyes that were once having very different emotions both forming in to one emotion. Confusion.

"What did you do to me?" She asks while looking down.

"RAVEN WHAT THE HELL??" I hear Robin ask as he regains his composure and runs over here with Bboy, Cy and Star in tow.

The other people from the other groups come over as well.

We both fall onto our knees.

She looks back up at me with eyes now full of love brings her left hand to my cheeks and says "I'm sorry." before she crushes my heart in her hand and kisses me.

Robin and his group reaches us and the first thing he sees is Raven kissing me with her hand threw my chest.

He doesn't know what to do but before he can do anything I fall to the side. Disconnecting from the kiss and Raven's arm falling out of me.

Her arms go limp as tears start to fall from her eyes.

"im sorry. im sorry. im sorry. im sorry." She starts to say on repeat.

Star goes to her knees and put my head on her thighs.

I look over to see how Diana is doing and seeing her expression I become scared.

She's standing in the same spot while looking between Raven and me with dull eyes yet the pure malice and killing intent she's shedding might actually kill someone.


The room is completely silent and no one is moving afraid to piss off whatever awakened in Diana.


(2 and a half hours)

I raise my right hand and use two fingers to point to the sky.

"2 and a half hours and I'll be fine... Diana please don't." I say,

My hand falls back down and my eyes shut.


2 and a half hours later in a extremely quiet room-

I woke up and the first thing I noticed is my head feels exceptionally comfortable. The second thing I noticed is a red head with her nose flared smelling me.

I sit up to get slammed back down from a hug from someone.

"I'M SO GLAD YOUR OK!!!!" Screams Diana.

As she hugs me she begins to crush my skull with her arms with her tits smothering my face.

'I'm pretty sure if I didn't go threw what I did already my skull would be broken already.'

I franticly flail my arms tapping Diana.

"MMMM M MMM MM!!" I try to scream but it just comes out muffled.

Finally letting go of me but is sitting on my lap now. I look at her and see tears is her eyes while she stares down at me.

"How do you feel?" She asks.

"Well for a person that got his heart ripped out I feel great. My new heart works around 2x better than the last one and I learned that even with my heart ripped out I wont die." I say.

Everyone in the room looks at me weirdly.

"What?" I ask.

I look around the room surveying all the teens around my age.


'There are a few different people from a few different comics and tv shows.'

'Terra, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Superboy, Miss Martian, Artemis and finally Raven who is tied up in a corner crying. What a cast of people.'

"Hey?" I say.

I feel something weird going on in my head and I feel my reactive evolution working for some reason.

(Roger be careful of what you think for a couple minutes Miss Martian is reading your mind and your reactive evolution will take a while to be able to block her out)

I look at the women in the room and think of doing lewd things with all of them while making sure that I think of Miss Martian the most.

*Cough* *Cough*

"Are you ok?" Asks Terra to Miss M who just started coughing wildly.

Her green face turning red she says "Yeah I'm fine I just have a cold."

Still feeling the disturbance in my mind I start to think solely of her giving me a blowjob.

Her face turns redder but she keeps up the mind reading.

As a last resort I start thinking of all the women in DC that I can having a orgy with me. Genderbending male hero's and villain's too.

Finally unable to keep it up she stops reading my mind and covers her heavily blushing face.

'How can someone be so indecent???' She thinks.


'There has to be some type of line you shouldn't cross right? Female Batman?!?!? Female Superman?!?!? Even Martian Manhunter!!??? AND THE JOKER COME ON!!!!! I can't believe I'm gonna have to work with someone like this.' She thinks.

'Did I?'

(Yes you did)


(Due to your reactive evolution whenever external dangers attack you, you will evolve to handle them. There are side effects that may occur due to your evolution and your brain had to evolve so it couldn't be read breaking the limits of the human brain and becoming something more. Giving you the basic abilities of any telepath but strong enough to counter Miss Martians powers. None of these side effects will be harmful as that would defeat the purpose of evolving to keep you safe)

'Soooo basically if I'm effected by anything supernatural I may be able to gain said supernatural powers.'

(That's about right yeah)

'So I'm op?'

(Not yet but you definitely will be in the future)


(That's it? That will be a really useful boon why are you so nonchalant about it?)

'I'm not nonchalant Its just I can't really just suddenly break out into a dance can I?'

I cut off my mind reading powers for now.

"Hey Diana can you get off of me?" I ask.

"No." She says simply before smothering me in her boobs again this time not crushing my skull.

Star who was just sitting there awkwardly since I woke up leaves to go talk with robin and there group.

Due to my weird yet icebreaking performance after I woke up everyone starts to talk with each other again not minding the almost murder that happened not to long ago.

'Maybe I should check Diana's mind'

I look into her mind.


I immediately cut it off.

'What I saw I there..... Should never be scene by anyone'

'I really need to conquer her soon.'

(What will you do about Raven?)

'Huh? That's a problem for future me.'

(That's really irresponsible and dangerous.)

'I'll just do it after whatever we're doing here is done.'

'But I wonder why Terra's here. Isn't she kinda like a villain or something?'

I start to read her mind.

'God acting like a goody two shoes hero is so boring but...' She looks in my direction and licks her lips.

'I want to at least get one taste of him before I leave.' She starts thinking of multiple different situations of her taking advantage of me.

I cut off the mind-reading.

'So that's how it is.'

I start to get hard and Diana notices. Before she can say anything the door to the room opens revealing Superman, Batman, and Martian Manhunter much to her displeasure.

I feel the same thing happening with my mind again but way stronger making my reactive evolution work on overdrive. Using the powers I had just gotten I empty my mind of all unnecessary thoughts or at least to my best ability and pay full attention to them.

I see him look at me from the corner of his eyes and I look back and just smile innocently.

"Hello there I know that you may be wondering why we gathered you here today." Says Clark.

"Since we are dealing with more important things we can't fight the everyday crimes like robbery's and muggings so we decided to make a team of people to take care of them. That's where you guys come in. You will be in 3 teams of 4 going around doing surveillance and patrols around city's from now (4pm) until 12 in the morning every day." Says Bruce.

A lot of them don't want to do it but no one speaks up.

I raise my hand.

Bruce looks at me a bit weirdly due to Diana sitting on my lap.

"Go ahead Roger." He says.

Diana stops smothering me so I can speak.

"Why am I here?" I ask.

"To be in the team." He says.

"Why? You know basically nothing about me and you want me to go around being a hero?"

Bruce looks at MM and he just smirks.

"No we don't." He says to the shock of everyone in the room.

"As soon as I started to use my powers you cleared your mind completely so that I couldn't see anything. But I think we can still trust you because you are afraid of something and while you may not trust us you still need us as protection." He says while smiling in my direction.

I narrow my eyes.

'I underestimated you' I think making him smile wider.

Before he stops I flood my thoughts with everything that I made Miss M see but 10x worst.

His face becomes unreadable and he cuts off his mind reading before looking at be like I'm crazy.

'That's what you get you cocky bitch.'

I hope you liked the chapter.

The patrol will be next chapter.

As I said I am being forced to go to a summer program now so I may not be able to update as frequently.

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