
Buzz D

One more years passsed

Hoseki had graduated from Tsunade teaching. Given his own skill, Tsunade passed his as a qualified elite amongst the Konoha's medical ninjas.

Through out the years, Hoseki had helped the medical ninja to high importance for the village. With his new methods of combination of fuinjutsu into medical scene, the improvement had been double and the village had passed Tsunade proposal about a slot of medical ninja every new teams.

On the same year, many new ninja had graduated from ninja academy. Seeing those new graduate students, Hoseki understood that the situation was becoming worse between Konoha and other villages. Those new genins had been graduated to be trained for the upcoming war.

Even his frequency of doing missions was increased by the village. Every new Genin had started being pushed to do mission at the border. The bar of missions had been downgraded to make those new genins to take the mission.

Meanwhile,at chunin exam, Guy and Asuma had passed as new chunins along some of their seniors.

Eventually, Guy had learnt the Eight gate from his father. Seeing Guy's improvement, Hoseki encourage him more by learning the same technique from Duy.

At first, Duy refused to teach him as he afraid to harm Hoseki by doing so. However, after some persuasion, Duy finally agreed to do so under one condition.

Learning, the Eight Gate, Hoseki finally understood how ridiculous this technique requirements for every gate. No wonder, the users were emphasised to have a strong body as the pressure to do it was really insane.

As prepared Hoseki was, he was still shocked by the pressure he had to take when he opened his first gate. While the gate supplied him more strength and chakra, the pressuring to his body was increased as if it asked him to close the gate as soon as possible. The higher the gate, Hoseki felt more pressure on his body. Eventually the users needed to be trained to take more pressure and burden to control and manage his body while opening them. While he had a good foundation to his body, it didn't take long time for Hoseki to master the first gate.

Kakashi on the other hand was trained by Minato alongside his team member. They would only spar once or twice a month.

* *

Sitting in his room, Hoseki looked toward the D rank Iguana on the table. A few days ago, when he used the iguana to 'help' him on his experiments, this iguana finally responded to him for the first time.

Usually, all other E rank iguana wouldn't respond to him whether they got blasted or poison or any other experiment that they 'helped' him with. Whether they lost a leg or any part of the body, they will sit as if nothing happened as they will recover tomorrow. Even after Hoseki plugged out their head, they will get new head the next day. The only respond he would get when he was using his seal to give them orders. Other than that, whatever he did, they wouldn't respond as if nothing had happened

But not this one and only 'D rank Iguana'. It had been trying to runaway from him right after his first session with him. Just like the other Iguana, it is also an immortal being and cannot die but it had response toward Hoseki action beyond his seal.

Hoseki found out it will send responses to him everytime Hoseki made it 'helped' him. However its responses were like a broken radio frequency to Hoseki. He understood nothing that it had been saying and it annoyed him as it didn't stopped for days. No matter what he said or did, this Iguana was buzzing nonstop. To make it worse, his fuinjutsu seal didn't work when he order it to stop.

Hoseki immediately named it as Buzz D and sent it to Pluto to gain some peace. After a few days he summon it back and it's started buzzing again.

Hoseki looked at the Buzz D description.

*Buzz D (D rank immortal beast) (Sage)

- An iguana that had been granted immortality

- Lazy and hard sleeper

- Zero Offensiveness

- Zero evasiveness

- First class camouflage

Note: Through out a disaster this creatures had evolved and gained sentient. It had become sage amongst iguana.

"A sage beast? It is sage amongst those lazy beast? For what though? Aren't they just refuse to learn anything? Hmmm.."

"Oi sage beast. Can't you speak or something?" Hoseki asked Buzz D.

"Ztttztzttztzttztzzzttt" as usual, Buzz D would only buzz.

"Sigh. What should I do with you? Even the seal wasn't work on you." Without any solution, Hoseki decided to send it back into Pluto to stop hearing its noises.

Suddenly Draco appeared after Buzz D was sent away.

"Hoseki. Can't you just teach it your language? Maybe it has no knowledge about your language so it can't speak to you?" Draco asked.

"Teach it? This beast didn't had any learning abi... Wait!" as if he just remember something Hoseki stopped himself.

He immediately looked again on the description and found out the 'refusal to learn' was no longer exists in its description.

While it the description exists before, it had gone after it became a sage beast.

"So, it can learn now. But the laziness is still there. Will it learn if I teach it?" And how can I teach it?" Hoseki was thinking as he sent it to Pluto.

A month went by as Hoseki started to teach Buzz D human language. But its laziness became an obstacle as Hoseki had thought.

It didn't even bother to learn when Hoseki tried to teach it. After a week of being ignored by Buzz D, Hoseki started to take drastic measures.

He summoned it three times a day and fed it explosive and made it exploded everytime it refused him. After two weeks of eating explosive, Buzz D finally surrendered.
