
Ocean - Back Home And So Lonely




I had actually made it home right before my parents. That meant for the time between now and when they got home, I would be alone. I was used to being alone. I was alone from time to time at Makai's as well, so it wasn't that bad.

Still, even if I was alone, I knew that he was coming home to me soon enough. I knew that my parents were coming home soon, and that they would be happy to see me, but it just wouldn't be the same.

While I waited, I put my stuff away. We had put all of it inside Makai's car this morning, and he helped me to carry it in, but he didn't stay. I knew that if he had stayed at all, I wouldn't want him to leave. So it had actually been me that encouraged him to go home right after we had gotten here. I couldn't trust myself with him here.
